


Великодні традиції
англійською мовою.

Easter – Великдень
Easter bread = a hot cross bun – «паска», булочка з зображенням;
Easter eggs (decorated, chocolate) – крашанки ( декоровані, шоколадні);

Basket – корзина (для пасхальних продуктів, наприклад);
Bless – освячувати, благословляти;
Willow / Palm Sunday – Вербна неділя;
Observance – обряд, ритуал, дотримання свята;
Easter Bunny – Великодній кролик;
Easter Egg Hunt – традиція пошуку крашанок;
An Easter card – великодня листівка;
Sunrise service – великодня ранкова служба;
Що ми кладемо у кошик? М'ЯСО!

cooked meatпечене м'ясо

mince або minced beefпаштет
pork pieпиріг з свининою
sausage rollковбасний рулет



        youth problems                              

   Social issues are problems that affect large groups of people and can affect how well a society functions. Teens can face social problems just like adults can. They may even be more susceptible to these challenges because their brains are still developing and their bodies are changing quickly. "Teenage problems" can affect emotional and physical health. Electronic media has changed or amplified some teenage troubles: Digital communication has changed the way teens interact with their peers and romantic interests, for example. These are the top 8 social issues teens struggle with every day.

    According to the National Institute of Mental Health, an estimated 4.1 million adolescents in the United States had at least one major depressive episode,  which also shows that depression is much more prevalent in female teens.

Spending too much time on electronic devices may be preventing young people from in-person activities with their peers, such as sports, which can help ward off depression. Depressive disorders are treatable, but it's important to seek professional help. If your teen seems withdrawn, experiences a change in sleep patterns, or starts to perform badly in school, schedule an appointment with your teen's physician or contact a mental health professional.     About 22% of teens in the U.S. experienced bullying according to the National Center for Education Statistics.  Research suggests that social media has made bullying much more public and more pervasive. It's also important to talk to a child about when and how to get help from an adult.

   In the USA Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System survey, 8% of high school students reported that they had ever had sex; These teen births accounted for less than 1% of total births. The teen birth rate has declined over the past decade as well. The decline in pregnancy doesn't necessarily mean teens are using contraceptives, however. Just over half of sexually active teens reported using a condom in their last sexual encounter. 

In fact, many teens believe marijuana is less harmful now than in years past. They do not recognize the dangers of taking a friend's prescription or popping a few pills that are not prescribed to them.

As of 2021, alcohol use and binge drinking continued to show a significant decline among teenagers. Teens don`t think about the risks of underage drinking, about the dangers, including the fact that alcohol can take a serious toll on a teenager's developing brain.

   Overweight children and teens are often targeted by bullies. Hispanic and Black children are more likely to be overweight or obese than White or Asian children. Obese kids also are at a much greater risk of lifelong health problems, such as diabetes, arthritis, cancer, and heart disease. It`s an unhealthy way of changing their appearance.

   About 5% of high school students drop out of high school each year in the United States. Some teens feel so much pressure to get into a good college that they`re burning themselves out before they graduate from high school.

   While peer pressure / Тиск однолітків has affected teens for generations, social media brings it to a whole new level. Sexting, for example, is a major cause for concern; many teens do not understand the lifelong consequences/ наслідки that sharing explicit photos can have on their lives. Keep yourself from falling victim to peer pressure. Parents should give them the skills to make healthy choices. Sometimes, kids may be afraid to seek help when they make poor choices.

   Social Media can be a great way for teens to connect with one another, but social media can be problematic for several reasons, and there are a lot of risks as well. It can even impact their mental health. And no matter what precautions you take, teens are likely to be exposed to unsavory people, unhealthy images, and sexual content online. Teenagers are going to witness some violent media at one time or another. And it's not just TV, music, and movies that depict violence. Teens need to learn how to identify what is good and what is bad about the media.

   You should know youth problems, discuss them, think and live without problems. It is important to lay a strong foundation before the window of opportunity closes.


 ЗНО Часто зустрічаються завдання з виразом «Якби я був ツ ким-то, я б зробив ☑ щось … ».

По английски це так: If I were ツким-то, I would зробив би ☑щось …

****** Часто питають про «президента»; ось приклади, почитай …

1) If I were a president, I would make all the people in

my country rich and would make high salaries.

2) If I were a president, I would build a lot of new theaters.

3) If I were a president, I would help old people.

4) If I were a president, I would travel a lot and would have lots of meetings with other presidents.

5) If I were a president, I would live in a big modern house.

6) If I were a president, I would think over new laws.

7) If I were a president, I would protect birds, animals and insects.

8) If I were a president, I would control TV channels more thoroughly.

9) If I were a president, I would make the school year shorter and the summer holidays longer.

10) If I were a president, I would work a lot.

*****1) Якби я був президентом, я зробив би всіх людей моєї країни багатими і зробив би високі зарплати.

2) Якби я був президентом, я побудував би багато нових театрів.

3) Якби я був президентом, я б допомагав старим людям.

4) Якби я був президентом, я б багато подорожував і мав би багато зустрічей з іншими президентами.

5) Якби я був президентом, я б жив у великому сучасному будинку.

6) Якби я був президентом, я б міркував над новими законами.

7) Якби я був президентом, я захищав би птахів, тварин і комах.

8) Якби я був президентом, я б більш ретельно контролював телеканали.

9) Якби я був президентом, я би скоротив навчальний рік, а літні канікули довше.

10) Якби я був президентом, я би багато працював.


1. Якщо б я був маг, я б ………..

2. Якщо б я був дорослим, я б ………..

3. Якщо б я був відомим, я б ………..

4. Якщо б я був англієць, я б ………..

5. Якщо б я був першокласником, я б ………..

6. Якщо б я був військовим, я б ………..

7. Якщо б я був писменником, я б ………..

8. Якщо б я був кореспондентом, я б ………..

9. Якщо б я був батьком, я б ………..

10. Якщо б я був вчителем, я б ………..

Читай Conditionals: zero, first and second*


                                          Test “A Picture is a Poem without Words”

TASK 1: Arrange the replies in the dialogue in the correct order.

-          You think so?

-          You see, colours and shades on your painting may pass into one another inconspicuously, gradually. Nevertheless, the flash of this woman’s arms should be distinguished from the background but it melts into it.

-          Yes, but just look here! Add a couple of strokes and the picture shall be the focus of the exhibition.

-          Most likely. OK, I’ll try that.

-          How do you like my new painting, Liz?

-          If I were you, I’d make these lines more distinct, Pete.

-          But Lizzie, you ignore the fact that it’s not a drawing. It’s a painting!

TASK 2: Read the text. Choose and circle the correct words in italics. Then write answers to the questions.


   Impressionism is a style or movement in painting/literature originating in France in the 1860s, characterized by showing the visual impression of the moment, especially in terms of the shifting effect of light and sound/colour.

   Impressionist painters denied both the precise academic style and the emotional concerns of Romanticism, and their interest in objective representation, especially of fresco/landscape, was influenced by early photography. Impressionism met at first with respect/scorn, but soon became highly influential. Its chief painters/composers included Monet, Renoir, Pissarro, Cezanne, and Degas.

  1. 1)      When did impressionism as a painting style appear?
  2. 2)      What country did it originate in?
  3. 3)      What is impressionism characterized by?
  4. 4)      What did the impressionist painters deny?
  5. 5)      Name some of the Impressionist painters.

TASK  3: Arrange the words in the sentences in the correct order.

-          at/ Aivazovskyi/ this/ seascape/ Look/ by/ !/ do/ it/ you/ How/ find?

-          realistically/ Wonderful,/ though/ is/ depicted/ I/ the boat’s rolling/ think/ that/ too.

-          you/ “Too realistically”/ say/ ?/ undoubtedly/ the/ canvas/ strongest/ But/ that/ is/ of/ the/ point!

-          can/ tell/ You/ never/!/ high/ it/ seas/ that/ I/ It/ resembles(схоже)/ feel/ so/ much/ seasick/ I/ look/ each/ time/ at.




What world-famous painters do you know?

  • Read the text below and decide if the statements given after it are true or false.




Marc Chagall


Marc Chagall was born on July 7, 1887. In 1932 he moved to France. He lived in the United States from 1941 to 1948, and then returned to France. He died in France on March 28. 1985. He` s a French avant-garde and graphic artist.

His painting styles are Expressionism and Cubism . In his paintings, he often painted violinists because he played the violin and also in memory of his uncle, who also played. He was also famous for his paintings of Russian-Jewish villages.

I and the Village

The Violinist

Salvador Dali


Salvador Dali was born in Spain in 1904. When he was a child, he showed strange behavior and often interrupted his class in school. As he got older, he started to paint pictures that came from his dreams. His dreams and his paintings were scary and unreal.

Dali went to art school in Madrid, Spain. He got kicked out, and never finished. He even spent time in jail. However, he continued to paint, and his art style became known as Surrealism . Salvador Dali drew everyday items, but changed them in odd ways. For example, one of his paintings is of melting clocks.

Before he died at the age of 85 in 1989, Dali had created works in film, ballet, opera, fashion, jewelry, and advertising illustrations.


The Sacrament of the Last Supper

The Persistence of Memory

Leonardo Da Vinci


In 1452, Leonardo Da Vinci was born in an Italian town called Vinci. He lived in a time period called the Renaissance, when everyone was interested in art. Even though Da Vinci was a great artist, he became famous because of all the other things he could do. He was a sculptor, a scientist, an inventor, an architect, a musician, and a mathematician. When he was twenty, he helped his teacher finish a painting called The Baptism of Christ. When he was thirty, he moved to Milan. That is where he painted most of his pictures. Da Vinci's paintings were done in the Realist style.

The Mona Lisa

The Last Supper

The Virgin of the Rocks

Madonna and Child

Paul Klee


Paul Klee was born in Switzerland on December 18, 1887. He loved cats. He painted the a lot. He had at least 8,926 works of art. In these works of art, he used simple lines and strong colours. He also used simple shapes to make important parts of the painting. Klee painted in many styles, but a lot of them were in the Primitive and Surrealist styles.

Fish Magic

Around the Fish

Landscape with Yellow Birds

Claude Monet


Claude Monet was born in 1840 on November 14 in Paris.  Even when he was young he was a very good artist. His pictures were so good that an art supply store let him hang his pictures in their window.

Monet's parents did not want him to become an artist because they thought he would not make a good living. That did not stop him though. When he was 20, he studied art at an inexpensive art school in Paris.

Monet often went on trips around France to paint. . This is where he painted his Impressionist  cathedral paintings that became very famous. His house also had a wonderful garden with a lily pond that had a Japanese bridge across it. These were his favourite things to paint.

Monet died in 1926.  Unlike many artists, he was famous even before he died. Now his house in Giverny is a museum that is visited by many people.

Morning Haze

Marine Near Etretat

Lily Pond

Pablo Picasso


Pablo Picasso was born in Malaga, Spain on October 5, 1881. His father, Jose Ruiz, was also an artist. Picasso painted in many styles, including Cubism and Expressionism. He also sculpted. In cubism, he tried to show the dimensions of the objects in his paintings. When he painted in the classical style, his shapes were round and soft. In cubism, his shapes were square and hard.

When Picasso painted, he had a blue period and a rose period. For about three years in his early twenties, he used mostly light blue colours in his paintings. The rose period came after the blue period. It began after he moved from Spain to France.

Because he could work in multiple styles, Picasso became very famous. He used great lines and colour in his paintings.


Three Musicians

The Three Dancers

Self Portrait: Yo Picasso

Vincent Van Gogh


Van Gogh was born in Holland in 1853. He worked at many jobs, such as at an art gallery, a bookstore, as a preacher, and at last, he became an artist. He didn't have a very happy life. He painted sad paintings with poor people in them. His paintings were always very dark until he saw some colorful Japanese paintings. Then Van Gogh started painting happier paintings. Most of his work was in the Postimpressionist style.

One day, he moved to live with his brother because he was unhappy where he lived, and he wanted to find someone to paint with. When he finally found someone, he wished he hadn't. Van Gogh and the other artist did not get along. After this, Van Gogh became so sad that he cut part of his ear off!

After these things happened, he painted one more gloomy painting. It was called Wheatfield with Crows. After he finished it, he shot himself.

The Starry Night

Wheatfield with Crows


Andy Warhol



Andy Warhol was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania in 1928. Andy was born with a natural talent for art. His mother encouraged him with his drawings. His teachers thought he had such a good talent for art that he should go to weekend art class. When his family saved enough money to send Andy to art college, he went to Carnagie Institute of Technology, where he studied design and illustration. That's where he developed his unusual art style.

When he graduated from school he went to New York City for a job. He got jobs doing magazine illustrations, decorating department store windows, greeting cards, record albums, book covers, and suns, clouds, and raindrops for television weather reports. He still was not satisfied because he was not famous.

His friend suggested him to draw everyday items. This was called Popular, or Pop Art. People liked his pictures because they were bright, attractive, and familiar. Warhol liked getting people’s ideas for new drawings.

He also tried making films.  Warhol died in 1987. By that time, he was a famous artist. His works made people think of the important, everyday things in their lives.

Campbell's Soup Can

100 Soup Cans




1. In his paintings, Marc Chagall often used geometric shapes.

2. Salvador Dali painted everyday items in strange and mysterious ways.

3. Leonardo Da Vinci painted in Abstract style.

4. Paul Klee had a few works of art.

5. Claude Monet’s favourite thing to paint was a lily pond with a Japanese bridge across it.

6. Picasso became very famous because he could work in many styles.

7. Van Gogh’s paintings were always bright and colourful.

8. The works of Andy Warhol were attractive and bright.