

                           Форми пасивного стану

Пасивний стан утворюється за допомогою допоміжного дієслова to be в необхідній часовій формі та форми Past Participle (третьої форми смислового дієслова). Тільки перехідні дієслова можуть утворювати форми пасивного стану.
Пасивний стан використовується практично у всіх граматичних часах, для кожного часу допоміжний to be має свою особливу форму. Пасивний стан не використовується в часах групи Perfect Continuous та у формі часу Future Continuous.
Tom brings the package.
Том приносить пакунок.
The package is brought.
Пакунок приносять. (Пакунок принесений)
Tom brought the package a day ago.
Том приніс пакунок один день тому назад.
The package was brought two days ago.
Пакунок принесли два дні тому. (Пакунок принесений два дні тому)
Tom will bring the package.
Том принесе пакунок.
The package will be brought.
Пакунок принесуть. (Пакунок буде принесений)
Tom is writing a letter now.
Том зараз пише листа.
The letter is being written right now.
Лист пишуть прямо зараз.
Tom was writing a letter at 5 p.m. yesterday.
Том писав листа вчора о 5-й годині вечора.
The letter was being written at 5 p.m. yesterday.
Лист писали вчора о 5-й годині вечора.
Tom will be writing a letter tomorrow at 5 p.m.
Том буде писати листа завтра о 5-й вечора.
не існує
Tom has already brought the package.
Том вже приніс пакунок.
The package has already been brought.
Пакунок вже принесли.
Tom had brought the package before you came.
Том приніс пакунок до того, як ти прийшов.
The package had been brought before you came.
Пакунок принесли перед тим, як ти прийшов.
Tom will have brought the package by 10 o'clock tomorrow.
Том принесе пакунок до 10-ї ранку завтра.
The package will have been brought by 10 o’clock tomorrow.
Пакунок принесуть завтра до 10-ї ранку.
Present Perfect ContinuousTom has been driving the car for 6 hours.
Tом сидить за кермом машини протягом 6 годин.
не існує
Past Perfect ContinuousI said that Tom had been driving a car for 6 hours.
Я сказав, що Том був за кермом машини протягом 6 годин.
не існує
Future Perfect Continuouswill have been living here for 1 year next month.
Наступного місяця виповниться рік, як я тут живу.
не існує
Future-in-the-PastJack said that Tom would bring the package.
Джек сказав, що Том принесе пакунок.
Jack said that the package would be brought.
Джек сказав, що пакунок принесуть.
To be going toTom is going to bring the package.
Том планує принести пакунок.
The package is going to be brought.
Пакунок планують принести.
Used toTom used to bring the package.
Звичайно Том приносив пакунок.
The package used to be brought by Tom.
Звичайно пакунок був принесений Томом.

Read about William Shakespeare’s life and answer the questions below.
W. Shakespeare was born on April 23, 1564 in Stratfordupon-Avon. His father was a glove-maker. William went to a grammar school and had a good education. There he learned
to love reading. William married when he was still a teenager. His wife, Anne Hathaway, was several years older than he was. He carved his living helping his father in the family business. William had three children when he left for London in 1587. Some people say that the reason he left his wife and children was his love to poetry and theatre. In London Shakespeare began to act and to write plays
and soon became an important member of a well-known acting company. Most of his plays were performed in the Globe Theatre, built on the bank of the River Thames. In 1613 he stopped writing and went back to live in Stratford where he died in 1616. His plays are still acted not only in England but on the stages of many theatres of the world.
• When was W. Shakespeare born?
• What is his birthplace?
• Was his father a farmer?
• Did William have a family?
• How long had he been living in London?
• Where did he die?
• Why did he become famous?


 Зворотні займенники в англійській мові (Reflexive Pronouns)

Особисте займенникПрисвійний займенник
Number the sentences to make up a dialogue.
💜  — A comedy.
💜  — Who is your companion?
💜  — Of course, you can. We can try to get an extra ticket at the theatre door.
💜 1 — I am going out tonight. I’ve got two tickets to the Musical Theatre.
💜  — My elder sister is. She always enjoys a good laugh.
💜  — OK. Let’s meet outside the theatre near the entrance door.
💜  — Fine! I am going to join you! See you tonight at 6:30!
💜  — Oh, is it possible to join you? I haven’t been to the theatre for ages.
💜  — What’s on?
💜  — Good. Looking forward to seeing you.

"Країни Європи"

1. Ukraine 2. Russia /ˈrʌʃ.ə/ 3. Belarus /ˌbel.əˈruːs/ 4. Lithuania /ˌlɪθ.juˈeɪ.ni.ə/ 5. Latvia /ˈlæə/ 6. Estonia /esˈtəʊ.ni.ə/ 7. Finland /ˈfɪn.lənd/ 8. Sweden 9. Norway Denmark /ˈden.mɑːk/ 10. Iceland 11. Ireland 12. U.K. 13. Portugal 14. Spain 15. Andorra /ænˈdɔː.rə/ 16. France 17. Belgium /ˈbel.dʒəm/ 18. Netherlands /ˈneð.ə.ləndz/ 19. Luxembourg /ˈlʌk.səm.bɜːɡ 20. Germany /ˈdʒɜː.mə.ni/ 21. Switzerland /ˈswɪt.sə.lənd/ 22. Liechtenstein /ˈlɪk.tən.staɪn/ 23. Monaco /ˈmɒn.ə.kəʊ/ 24. Italy 25. Malta /ˈmɔːl.tə/ 26. Austria /ˈɒs.tri.ə/ 27. Czechia /ˈtʃek.i.ə/ 28. Poland 29. Slovakia /sləˈvæk.i.ə/ 30. Hungary 31. Slovenia /sləˈviː.ni.ə/ 32. Croatia /krəʊˈeɪ.ʃə/ 33. Bosnia & Herzegovina /ˌbɒəˌhɜːt.səˈɡɒv.ɪ.nə/ 34. Serbia /ˈsɜː.bi.ə/ 35. Romania /ruˈmeɪ.ni.ə/ 36. Moldova /mɒlˈdəʊ.və/ 37. Montenegro /ˌmɒn.tɪˈniː.ɡrəʊ/ 38. Macedonia mæs.əˌdəʊ.ni.ə 39. Bulgaria /bʌlˈɡeə.ri.ə/ 40. Albania /ælˈbeɪ.ni.ə/ 41. Greece 42. San Marino /ˌsæn məˈriː.nəʊ/ 43. Holy See həʊ.li ˈsiː/
Дивиться відео:

УВАГА!     Відео уроки

У зв'язку з карантином з 6 квітня стартує проект Всеукраїнська Школа Онлайн - це дистанційна освіта під час карантину. З цією метою, у понеділок, 6 квітня стартує проект Всеукраїнська Школа Онлайн. В рамках проекту 40 педагогів з Києва на час карантину стануть вчителями для всієї України - з п'ятого по одинадцятий клас за програмою Міністерства освіти. Вчитися дистанційно школярі зможуть на Facebook, YouTube і за допомогою спеціальних ранкових трансляцій на українських телеканалах.
Щоранку, о 10:00, з понеділка по п'ятницю уроки транслюватимуть українські телеканали:
  • 5-й клас - Плюсплюс і 112 Україна
  • 6-й клас - ZOOM і NewsOne
  • 7-й клас - ZIK
  • 8-й клас - Індиго і УНІАН
  • 9-й клас - Рада і UA: Культура • 10-й клас - UA: Перший
  • 11-й клас - М1
  • Також уроки можна буде подивитися на офіційних сайтах Міністерства освіти і науки України в Facebook і YouTube.
  • Good luck!♥

Interesting places in London
Things to see in London
Downing Street

Number 10 Downing Street has been the home of the British Prime Minister since 1735.
The Houses of Parliament
Its official name is the Palace of Westminster. Most of the building was built in 1840 after a fire in 1834 destroyed the old palace. At the north end of the building by Westminster Bridge is the famous clock tower, Big Ben.
The National History Museum
Situated in Kensington. One of London’s greatest museums. A huge collection of animals and plants, including a quarter of a million butterflies, a blue whale and the famous dinosaur skeletons. Cafeteria, gift shop and book shop.
Open daily 10 — 5.45.
Madame Tussaud's Museum
This famous waxworks has models of famous people from pop stars to prime ministers. Displays of battles and Chamber of Horrors. Gift shop.
Open every day 10 — 5.30, except Christmas Day.
                                                            Mini - test            True or false?
Prime Minister lives in Downing Street. = 
At the west end of the Houses of Parliament is Big Ben. =
The National History Museum is situated near the Tower. =
Madam Tussaud’s has a gift shop.=
Let`s read some facts about English-speaking countries.
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Official name: The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Abbreviation: UK
Capital: London
Population: Over 56,000,000
Area: 244, 000 square kilometers
National Flag: Union Jack
National Emblems:
□ the Red rose — England     
□ the leek — Wales
□ the thistle — Scotland
□ the shamrock — Northern Ireland
Language: English
Тhe United States of America
Official name: The United States of America
Abbreviation: USA
Capital: Washington
Population: 236,000,000
Area: 3,717,522 square kilometers
National Flag: The Stars and Stripes
National Emblems: The Bald Eagle
Language: English
Тhe Dominion of Canada
Official name: The Dominion of Canada
Capital: Ottawa
Population: 26,000,000
Area: 10,000,000 square kilometers
National Flag: The red and white flag with the Maple Leaf in the middle
National Emblems: The beaver and the Maple leaf
Language: English, French
The Commonwealth of Australia
Official name: The Commonwealth of Australia
Capital: Canberra
Population: 16.000.000
Area: about 8,000,000 square kilometers
National Flag: The small Union Jack in the left corner, the large seven-pointed star, and five small stars.
National Emblems: Golden acacia
Language: English
New Zealand
Official name: New Zealand
Capital: Wellington
Population: about 3,000,000
Area: 268,680 square kilometers
National Flag: The small Union Jack in the left corner, and four red stars with white borders
National Emblems: Kiwi
Language: English
Jumbled words
D, e, g, a, l, n, n —                                    England;

N, t, s, o, a, c, l, d —                                 Scotland;
S, w, l, a, e —                                           Wales;
L, n, r, i, a, e, d —                                     Ireland;
N, r, t, t, i, i, d, a, o —                               tradition;
L, h, i, e, t, s, t —                                      thistle                       :)

                              Міні-тест Where are the following cities? Where is the following city?

Kyiv is in ... .

A) Germany               B) Hungary           C) Ukraine
Where is Los Angeles?
A) In Italy                  B) In Spain           C) In the USA
Oslo is situated in ... .
A) Finland                 B) Norway            C) Sweden
Sydney is in ... .
A) Japan                   B) Australia             C) China
Paris is the capital of ... .
A) Portugal               B) France               C) Switzerland
Amsterdam is situated in ... .
A) The Netherlands    B) Belgium          C) Greece
Wellington is in ... .
A) Canada                  B) New Zealand     C) Denmark

                                 You have to know! :)
Why do people like to travel?

*Travelling is one of the ways to learn about different countries, people’s culture, and interesting places.
How can people travel?
*They can travel by car, by plane, by ship, by bus, on foot.
Why do people prefer to make journey in a car?
*They can stop when and there they want and enjoy nature.
Why do some people like to travel by sea?
*I think there is nothing like travelling by sea. You can listen to the radio, swim in the swimming pool, and enjoy the wind and the sea.
Why do people like to travel by plane?
* It’s the quickest means of transport and comfortable.
Why do some people like to travel by train?
*Some people think that travelling by train is the most convenient and not very expensive.
What do people do on the board the plane?
*They read books, eat, listen to the music, watch films, sleep and read newspapers and magazines.