

Indirect Speech ESL Grammar Exercise Worksheet

Indirect Speech ESL Grammar Exercise Worksheet
A fun ESL grammar exercise worksheet for kids to study and practice indirect speech for simple present tense, will future tense and going to. 

Reported Speech Indіrect Speech Read the speech bubbles and complete the reported statements. 

I will buy a new pink dress for Julia's wedding ceremony.

1.She said that _____________________________

I am going to give a concert in a big city in England next Friday.

2.He said that _____________________________

I get up early in the morning and have breakfast with an omelette and orange juice.

3. She said that ____________________________

I don't work anymore because I am a retired man.

4. He said that _____________________________

I am very happy because my wife and I are going to have a baby soon.

5. He said that _____________________________


My little son usually goes out and plays with his friends in the playground.

6. She said that ____________________________


I don't think I will drink coke because it is dangerous for my health.

7. She said that ____________________________

I will be very happy if my husband buy me a red sports car on my birthday.

8. She said that ____________________________

I work as a fortune teller at a circus and I travel around the world.

9. She said that ____________________________

I am the sheriff of the town but I don't know how I will catch those robbers.

10. He said that ____________________________

I have to leave now because I have a lot of housework to do.

11. She said that ___________________________

My daughter is going to fly to Florida for a business meeting.

12. He said that ____________________________

Reported Speech Indіrect Speech Key

I will buy a new pink dress for Julia's wedding ceremony.

1. She said that she would buy a new pink dress for Julia's wedding ceremony.

I am going to give a concert in a big city in England next Friday.

2. He said that he was going to give a concert in a big city in England the following Friday.

I get up early in the morning and have breakfast with an omelette and orange juice.

3. She said that she got up early in the morning and had breakfast with an omelette and orange juice.

I don't work anymore because I am a retired man.

4. He said that he didn't work anymore because he was a retired man.

I am very happy because my wife and I are going to have a baby soon.

5. He said that he was very happy because his wife and he were going to have a baby soon.

My little son usually goes out and plays with his friends in the playground.

6. She said that her son usually went out and played with his friends in the playground.

I don't think I will drink coke because it is dangerous for my health.

7. She said that she didn't think she would drink coke because it was dangerous for her health.

I will be very happy if my husband buys me a red sports car on my birthday.

8. She said that she would be very happy if her husband bought her a red sports car.

I work as a fortune teller at a circus and I travel around the world.

9.  She said that she worked as a fortune teller at a circus and she travelled around the world.

I am the sheriff of the town but I don't know how I will catch those robbers.

10. He said that he was the sheriff of the town but he didn't know how he would catch those robbers.

I have to leave now because I have a lot of housework to do.

11. She said that she had to leave then because she had a lot of housework to do.

My daughter is going to fly to Florida for a business meeting.

12. He said that his daughter was going to fly to Florida for a business meeting.


She said that she would be very

                                                               happy if her husband bought

                                                           her a red sports car.

She said that she got up early

                                            in the morning

                               breakfast with an omelette

                                         and orange juice.



Повторюємо Present Continuous Теперішній тривалий час

1)Стверджувальне речення

Граматичний час Present Continuous (Present Progressive) утворюється за допомогою допоміжного дієслова be у формах amis або are та форми Present Participle (першої форми смислового дієслова з закінченням -ing).

Вибір необхідної форми допоміжного дієслова залежить від підмета.

  • I → am (про себе)
  • He, she, it → is (підмет виражений іменником або займенником в однині)
  • You, we, they → are (підмет виражений іменником або займенником в множині або займенником you)
  • am speaking over the telephone. – Я розмовляю по телефону.
  • She is watching TV now. – Вона зараз дивиться телевізор.
  • They are walking down the street. – Вони прогулюються вниз вулицею.
  • She’s working now. – Вона зараз працює.
  • We’re cleaning the house. – Ми прибираємось у будинку.

Скорочення з дієсловом to be

  • I am = I’m
  • He is = He’s
  • She is = She’s
  • It is = It’s

    2)Заперечне речення

    Заперечне речення в Present Continuous утворюється за допомогою заперечної частки not, що ставиться після допоміжного дієслова amis або are. Загальний порядок слів при цьому не змінюється.

    • am not playing the guitar now. – Я зараз не граю на гітарі.
    • She is not watching TV now. – Вона зараз не дивиться телевізор.
    • is not = isn’t
    • Kate isn’t studying at the moment. – Кейт не вчиться в цей момент.
    • are not = aren’t
    • They aren’t talking about it. – Вони не розмовляють про це.

    3)Питальне речення

    Загальне питання в Present Continuous утворюється шляхом винесення допоміжного дієслова amis або are на початок речення перед підметом.

    • Am I speaking over the telephone? – Я розмовляю по телефону (зараз)?
    • Is she watching TV now? – Вона дивиться зараз телевізор?
    • Are they walking down the street? – Вони йдуть вниз вулицею?

    Спеціальне питання в Present Continuous утворюється за допомогою питального слова або фрази, що ставиться на початок речення перед допоміжним дієсловом. Подальший порядок слів такий самий, як і в загальному питанні для Present Continuous.

    • What am I doing now? – Що я зараз роблю?
    • What is she watching now? – Що вона зараз дивиться?
    • Where are they walking? – Де вони прогулюються?
    • 4)Маркери часу

    Present Continuous використовується з певними словами та виразами, що вказують на певний відомий момент або проміжок часу, в який відбувається дія.

    • now – зараз
    • right now – прямо зараз
    • still – все ще
    • currently – тепер, в цей час
    • at the moment – в цей момент
    • at present – в теперішній час
    • this morning – цього ранку, цим ранком
    • this evening – цього вечора
    • this afternoon – сьогодні після обіду
    • today – сьогодні (удень)
    • tonight – сьогодні (ввечері)
    • these days – на днях
    • nowadays – в наші дні

    • !!! Можна подивиться відео Present Continuous

  • You are= You’re
  • We are = We’re
  • They are = They’re