

       Every morning        
    Morning routines


  My name is Jim and I am going to tell you  about my morning routines.

  Well, I wake up at quarter to seven and get up at seven o’clock ,then I have a shower and get dressed. Next I have cereal  for breakfast .After that I brush my teeth. At eight o’clock I go to  school  where I learn many interesting things.

   Write me about your morning routines.  

Your friend,


I. Circle “a” or “b”.

1.What’s the boy’s name?              

a)     Jim               b) Joe

2.What time does he wake up?

a)     at 6:45 a. m          b) at 7.00 a. m

3.What does he have for breakfast?

    a) bread and butter    b) cereal 

4.Are the things at school interesting?

    a) Yes, they are.       b) No, they aren’t.


II. What do you do in the morning? Write. Draw your face in the square.






III. Translate these phrases.

wake up - ……………............................  

get up - ……………………………………….

have a shower - ……………………………

get dressed - ………………………………..  

have breakfast - …………………………..

brush  teeth - ……………………………

go to  school - ………………………………


IV. Order Jim’s morning routines.

        Jim gets up.- 1

        He has a shower.-   

        Jim wakes up-.

        He brushes his teeth.-

         He gets dressed.-

        He goes to school.-

        He has breakfast.-

As the day begins so fresh and new,
I have thoughts from deep within they grew,
A message to send and to say to all,
Something so important, I must not stall,
To tell you the truth, I forgot what it was,
So pretend it was wise and give me applause.

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