

Wishing you and all your loved ones a very Happy Easter. May the risen Christ bring you and your family abundant happiness. Have a blessed Easter. May the risen Lord bless you abundantly and bring lots of happiness to you and your family.

*** Easter is the most important holiday of the year. Easter egg is called pysanka. Pysanka shells have been found in archaeological sites from more than 3000 years ago, and many of those designs are still being used on pysanka today.Preparation for Easter starts seven weeks ahead of time with the advent of Lent. Believers don’t eat meat and animal products. Palm Sunday, the week before Easter, is known  as Willow Sunday. People bring home willow branches which have been blessed in church.

The week is dedicated to preparing for Easter. The Thursday before Easter is called Clean Thursday. According to the tradition one should bathe before sunrise on this day. The house must be clean too.
Good Friday is the day that the women of the family bake “paska”,  Easter bread. On Saturday children dye Easter eggs to add to the Easter basket which will be blessed in church. It also includes pysanka, salt, paska, sausage and ham. In the evening people go to church for the Easter mass, which lasts all night. Easter Sunday is a day of singing songs and eating. Young girls dance and sing about nature and spring. People exchange pysanky.
Великдень - найважливіше свято в році. Великоднє яйце називається писанка. Скарлупа писанок була знайдена в археологічних пам'ятках більш ніж 3000 років тому, і багато хто з тих давніх візерунків досі використовуються на писанках.Підготовка до Великодня починається за сім тижнів, це час Великого посту. Віруючі не їдять м'яса і продуктів тваринного походження. Вербну Неділя-за тиждень до Великодня. Люди приносять додому гілки верби, які були благословенні в церкві.

Увесь тиждень присвячена підготовці до Великодня. Четвер перед Великоднем називається Чистий четвер. За традицією слід купатися до сходу сонця в цей день. Будинок повинен бути чистим. 

Страсна п'ятниця є днем, коли жінки печуть "Паску", або Паска. У суботу діти фарбують великодні яйця і додають їх в корзину, яка буде освячена в церкві. Вона також включає писанки, сіль, паску, ковбасу і шинку. Увечері люди йдуть до церкви на Великодню службу, яка триває всю ніч.Великодню неділю - день пісень і їжі. Молоді дівчата танцюють і співають про природу і весни. Люди обмінюються писанками. 



        I think it`s very difficult to imagine our life without gadgets.
       Our century is the age of new technologies.
A "gadget" is a modern word, which describes an electronic device.
There are different gadgets in every house.
They`re vacuum cleaner, washing machine, microwave own, dishwasher, TV set and so on.
They made our life easier.
Today nearly everyone has smartphones or iPhones.
Nowadays the most popular is smartphone. It gets very big evolution every year.
Gadgets are very useful.
Using them we get much information, they help to communicate.
       As for me I think that new technologies really entered into the lives of all people of our world..
Я думаю дуже важко уявити наше життя без гаджетів.
    Наше століття - це століття нових технологій.
* Гаджет * це сучасне слово, яке описує електронний прилад.
Є різні гаджети в кожному будинку.
Це пилосос, пральна машина, мікрохвильова піч, посудомийна машина, ТВ і так далі.
Вони роблять наше життя легше.
Сьогодні майже кожен має смартфон або айфон.
Зараз найбільш популярний смартфон. Він вдосконалюється щороку.
Гаджети дуже корисні.
Використовуючи їх, ми отримуємо масу інформації, вони допомагають нам спілкуватися.
    Що стосовно мене Я думаю, що нові технології реально увійшли в життя всіх людей нашого світу.


Today’s teens cannot live without communication technologies. A re­cent research showed some surprising results.
I would be lost, helpless and alone without the Internet. I don’t know how you people survived without it!’
Sara, 19, UK The number of teenagers using the Internet is growing around the world. According to a recent study, teens are much brighter with computers then adults and use the Internet more often and for more varied reasons — to communicate with friends, to make new friends, to play games, download music, get news, shop, research homework and ask health questions. 
I have 102 buddies on my Buddy List and you can click on your buddy if they’re online. At the most I’ll talk to 7 or 8 people at one time, usually 3 or 4.’
Charlotte, 17, USA Email is losing its privileged place among teens. It’s only used to communicate with ‘adults’, such as teachers. Young people prefer instant messaging (IM) and text messaging as ways to connect with their friends. IM is already hugely popular in Russia and its advantages are obvious. When you send someone an email, you don’t know when you will get a reply. Your friend might not check his or her messages, or might not use that email address anymore. You can then send a message to your friend, who can type a reply instantly. 
I can’t live without my iPod? I take it to wherever I go.’ Sergei, 18, Ukraine The newest technology popular with teens is pod­casting — both receiving and creating them. The term podcast is a blend of the words ‘iPod (a portable media player) and ‘broadcasting’. But not only teens are crazy about podcasting. Some grandmothers like it too! Queen Elizabeth II has taken up this latest way of listening to music, according to newspaper reports. She is the proud owner of a silver iPod which can hold up to 100,000 songs! 
It’s the best thing ever invented!’ Tom, 17, USA In the USA, young people spend five times more time online then in Europe. Their most popular site is Facebook — a place where everybody knows everything about everybody else. It has more then 26 mil­lion members! Facebook offers an adult-free world where teens can do and say what they want. They publish intimate personal details, post photos and bare their souls. Facebook wasn’t created for teenagers. Former Harvard student Mark Zuckerberg started the site in 2004 as an online university directory. It quickly turned into a social-networking tool for colleges, then opened to high-schoolers two years ago. 
I would die if I lost my cell phone.’ Rachel, 15, USA ‘It would be the end of the world if I lost my mobile phone.’
Irina, 17, Russia It’s not just computers teens are hooked on, they are also attracted to their mobile phones. Mobile phones are used as a tool of text-messaging, as alarm-clocks, calculators, to send photos, play games and to help with exam revision. Some teens have admitted to cheating on tests using their phones are banned in many schools and universities.
*♥Match the words with their definitions 
controls the location of the cursor

programmes on a computer

to receive material from the internet onto your

to look at internet pages

to download
programme which can harm your computer

the world wide web

a picture representing a programme

two or more computers directly linked

icon that connects directly to a file, folder
marks where you are going to type
we use it to type into a computer
hardware that puts material from computer paper
another word for computer screen
message or screen that appears without direct
person who makes or modifies computer
equipment which makes up a computer

Key #1 : 1 g; 2 f; 3 a; 4 d; 5 c; 6 h; 7 b; 8 e. 

Key #2: 1 g; 2 d; 3 b; 4 a; 5 c; 6 f; 7 h; 8 e.


.                                   Edinburgh Castle
A majestic which dominates the capital city’s skyline just as it has
dominated Scotland’s long and colourful history. Edinburgh Castle is the best known
and most visited of historical Scotland’s . Perched on an extinct
volcano and offering stunning views, this instantly recognizable
is a powerful national symbol, and part of Edinburgh’s World Heritage Site.
A rich mix of architectural styles reflects the castle’s complex history and role as
both stronghold and seat of kings. The tiny St. Margaret’s Chapel, Edinburgh’s oldest
building, dates from the . Crown Square, the principal courtyard, was
developed in the century, the Great Hall with its impressive
hammer-beam roof was built by James IV in . The Half Moon
Battery was created in the late century; and the Scottish National
War memorial was added after the First World War.
Castle stewards provide guided tours and there is also an audio tour in
languages. As well as gift and book shops, the Crown Jewel shop
exclusive, specially designed jewellery for sale. Visitors can take a break in the castle

↘ ↓ ↙  Coronavirus - seven steps to prevent 

                    the spread of the virus 

The formal declaration of a #COVID19 #pandemic does not change the fact that you can - and should - take these simple steps to protect yourself and your loved ones. Watch and share this WHO video! More information:

What excites you most about sports?
Do you prefer to watch or participate in sports? Why?
Which sports do you do?
How often do you do them?
Why do you like them?
Where do you do these sports? 
What equipment do you need?
Which sports do you like to watch?
Why do you like them?

Who do you think is the most famous sports star ever?

Student A believes that sport is HIGHLY important.
Student B thinks that sport is NOT important.

Student A believes that everybody should do sports every day.
Student B thinks that some exercise from time to time is OK.

Student A believes that watching games is more exciting than playing it.
Student B thinks that watching sports can’t replace a good thrilling game.

Student A believes that soccer is the most exciting sport.
Student B considers figure skating to be more impressive.

Student A believes that sumo is much cooler than wrestling.
Student B considers sumo to be the event in which just fat guys fall over.

Student A believes that skiing is better to watch than skating.
Student B considers skating to be much more interesting.

Student A believes that F1 is a hundred times more thrilling than horse racing.
Student B considers horse racing to be the best.

Student A believes that men’s sports are better than women’s.
Student B considers many women’s sports to be more thrilling.

Student A believes that golf is the world’s dullest sport.
Student B considers a 5-day game of cricket is the most boring.
Try to make up a dialogues.

♬♭Вивчення пісні «We Are the Champions» гурту «Queen».
♬♭«We Are the Champions» is a power ballad written by
Freddie Mercury, recorded and performed by the British rock band Queen for their album «News of the World».
«We Are the Champions» has become an anthem for sporting victories, including as official theme song for 1994 FIFA World Cup, and has been often used or referenced in popular culture.
The song has been regularly played to celebrate sports victories. Formula One drivers Fernando Alonso and Jenson Button have both sung the song after crossing the finish line to become world champion drivers. In the National Hockey League when a team wins the Stanley Cup, as well as in the Premier League when a team wins the league,
the song is always played.
I’ve paid my dues —
Time after time —
I’ve done my sentence
But committed no crime —
And bad mistakes
I’ve made a few
I’ve had my share of sand kicked in my face —
But I’ve come through
We are the champions — my friends
And we’ll keep on fighting — till the end —
♬♭We are the champions —
We are the champions
No time for losers
’Cause we are the champions — of the world —
I’ve taken my bows
And my curtain calls –
You brought me fame and fortune and everything that goes with it —
I thank you all —
But it’s been no bed of roses
No pleasure cruise —
I consider it a challenge before the whole human race —
And I ain’t gonna lose —
We are the champions — my friends
And we’ll keep on fighting — till the end —
♬♭We are the champions —
We are the champions
No time for losers
’Cause we are the champions — of the world 

Complete the song with the lines (A—E); then listen and check your answer. 
A. We are the champions — my friends
B. I consider it a challenge before the whole human race —
C. But I’ve come through
D. And we’ll keep on fighting — till the end —
E. ’Cause we are the champions — of the world —
                             WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS
I’ve paid my dues —
Time after time —
I’ve done my sentence
But committed no crime —
And bad mistakes
I’ve made a few
I’ve had my share of sand kicked in my face —
We are the champions — my friends
We are the champions —
We are the champions
No time for losers
I’ve taken my bows
And my curtain calls —
You brought me fame and fortune and everything that goes with it —
I thank you all —
But it’s been no bed of roses
No pleasure cruise —
And I ain’t gonna lose —
And we’ll keep on fighting — till the end —
We are the champions —
We are the champions
No time for losers
’Cause we are the champions — of the world

Read and choose the best answer.
1) For baseball you need… .
a) a ball, a mitt and a bat
b) a ball, a glove and a stick
c) a ball, a cloth and a racket
2) For ice hockey you need… .
a) skateboards
b) skates
c) inline skaters
3) For table tennis you need… .
a) a racket and a ball
b) a bat and a bowl
c) a cue and a shuttlecock
4) For scuba diving you need… .
a) flippers
b) flat shoes
c) duck feet
5) If you want to play tennis, you need… .
a) a rocket and a shuttlecock
b) a racket and a ball
c) a bat and an egg