


Аудіювання Природа. Навколишнє середовище. 

Task 1:  Write  answers the following questions.

1.     What are some different kinds of disasters?

2.     What kinds of disasters are common in your country?

3.     How are families affected by disasters?

4.     Can you name a few of each type?

5.     Where do they usually often occur?

6.     What can you do to prepare for a disaster?

7.     What are some essential things that are needed after a natural disaster?

TASK 2: LISTENING     Watch a video about tsunami

and fill in the missing information in the following table.

1 The origin of the word ‘tsunami’


2 The original meaning of the word


3 Maximum speed in deep water


4 Maximum height in deep water


5 The distance a tsunami wave can cover on a coast


6 Time between the waves hit a coast


7 The date of the biggest tsunami ever recorded


8 Number of victims


9 Location of  the PTWC


10 Working hours at the PTWC


11 Scientists’ work


12 What to do in case of a tsunami

Task 3: Listening     Watch the first two and a half minutes of the video again and decide whether the following statements are True or False.

1 Tsunamis hit unexpectedly.

2 You can hear nothing before a tsunami strikes.

3 The Japanese have known tsunamis for a long time.

4 Tsunamis are the result of earthquakes.

5 You can only experience a tsunami near the centre of an earthquake.

6 An ocean liner usually is not turned over by a tsunami if it sails in deep water.

Task 4: What do you think about ecological problems? 

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