


TEST Writing: 

  •  Read a very interesting text 
  • “The Story of Мc Donald’s”
  • Today we’ll know many interesting facts about this company. Let’s work.                           
  • «The Story of  МcDonald’s» 

1937 — The Мc Donald brothers, Dick and Mark, opened a little drive-in restaurant in Pasadena, California. They served hot dogs and milkshakes.

1945 — They have 20 waiters. All the teenagers in town ate hamburgers there.

1948 — They get paper boxes and bags for the hamburgers. They put the price down from 30 to 15 cents. They cut the menu down from 25 things to only 9. There are no more waiters — it was self-service. So it was cheaper and faster. And they have windows all round the kitchen — so everyone can see it is clean. Parents start bringing their children to the restaurant. Poor families eat at a restaurant for the first time.

1960s — The McDonald's company opens hundreds of McDonald's restaurants all over the States.

1971 — They opened restaurants in Japan, Germany and Australia.

Now the McDonald's company opens a new restaurant every 8 hours. There are more than 14,000 restaurants in over 70 countries. The largest restaurant is in Beijing, China and the smallest is in Tokyo.

Мc Donald’s restaurants serve almost exactly the same food in every country. But in Italy, they serve beer, in Norway the Mclak (salmon burger) and in the Netherlands the Groenteburger (vegetarian)!

Clown Ronald McDonald greets the customers at the entrance to the restaurant.

Not so long ago they began to sell Happy Meal. It contains food and a free toy.

              Remember! Fast food is very bad and unhealthy for you!

 Finish sentences: письмово

1. Мc Donald brothers open...

2. They serve...

3. All the teenagers in town eat...

4. They get paper boxes and bags for...

5. They put the price down from...

6. They cut the menu down from...

7. There are no more...

8. Parents start bringing their children to...

9. Poor families eat at a...

10. The McDonald’s company opens...

11. Now the McDonald’s company opens ...

12. The largest restaurant is in...

13. Мc Donald’s restaurants serve 


14. In Italy they serve...

A) the restaurant.

B) waiters — it is self-service.

C) restaurant for the first time.

D) 25 things to only 9.

E) hundreds of McDonald’s restaurants.

F) 30 cents to 15 cents.

G) a new restaurant every 8 hours.

H) the hamburgers.

I) Beijing in China.

J) hamburgers there.

K) Exactly the same food in every country.

L) hot dogs and milkshakes

M) been

N) a little drive-in restaurant

II. Are these sentences true or false? письмово

1. The first McDonald’s restaurant opened in New York. 2. The restaurants are cheaper and faster because they are self-service.

3. The first McDonald’s restaurants in Australia opened in the 1960s. 4. You can drink alcohol at McDonald's in Italy.

5. They open a new restaurant every eighteen hours. 6. The largest restaurant is in Ginza, Tokyo.

7. They get paper boxes and bags for the hamburgers in 1948. 8. In 1948 McDonald’s have self-service.

9. In Norway they serve beer. 10. The southernmost restaurant is in Fairbanks, Alaska.

III. Look at these numbers and try to tell how they are connected with the story of  Мc Donald’s.

 1937     1960s    1971    NOW    1945  
 IV. Tell us about your visit to McDonald's.

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