

Form 11  

Build Up Your Grammar:  


REMEMBER: We use the Third Conditional for the imaginary situations in the past.💫💫💫the third conditional = if + past perfect + would have + past participle = the third conditional = if + had V3 + 

Past Participle / його ще називають "Participle II - дієприкметник минулого часу", тобто V3  

 I would have caught the bus if I had gotten(амер)

//got(брит) off earlier. 

Я встиг би на автобус, якби я вийшов раніше.

Read and watch

VIDEO Daisy prepares a surprise party for Amy. 

👏 Watch the video on our website and read the conversation between 

      Sophie and  Yuna.  ***Then do these exercises to check your understanding of 

      the third conditional.***Grammar videos: Third conditional – exercises 

As you watch the video, look at the examples of third conditional sentences. They are in red in the subtitles. Then read the conversation below to learn more. Finally, do the grammar exercises to check you understand, and can use, the third conditional correctly.

Daisy: Right, I think we’re almost ready. I just hope everyone arrives soon so we can hide before Amy gets here.
Ollie: What time did you tell people to come?
Daisy: About now, and Amy half an hour later.
Ollie: Mmm, but most of our friends arrive late and Amy’s usually early.
Daisy: It’ll be OK, I told them to be on time. They’ll all be here in a minute.
Alfie: Oh, hi, Amy. I bet we’re the first to arrive.
Amy: Hello. First for what?
Alfie: The party, of course. The surprise party.
Amy: I came to revise a bit with Daisy. Nobody told me anything about a party!
Alfie: They must have just forgotten. You can revise another day, can’t you?
Amy: Yes, but I haven’t brought anything, and if I’d known, I would have worn something nicer.
Alfie: I’ll say my present is from both of us, and you look great, you always look great. Um, well, let’s go in, shall we?
Daisy: What are you doing here!?
Alfie: We’re here for the party of course. The surprise party.
Daisy: Well, it’s not a surprise anymore, is it?
Alfie: What do you mean?
Ollie: It was a surprise party for Amy, you idiot.
Amy and Alfie: Ohhhh.            
Alfie: Well, nobody told me. I thought it was for Sophie.
Ollie: I did tell you. If you didn’t play video games at the same time as you read your texts …
Alfie: I definitely would’ve remembered if you’d told me!
Amy: Listen, it doesn’t matter! I think it’s really, really sweet of you to have a party for me. And I am surprised. I couldn’t be more surprised!
Daisy: Ah, good. Happy birthday two days ago!
Amy: Thanks a lot, Daisy, and Ollie. It’s a lovely surprise!
Daisy: It would’ve been even better if Alfie hadn’t ruined it!

👀 We use the third conditional (if + past perfect, would + have + past participle) to talk about something in the past that did not happen.

How is the third conditional different from the other conditionals?


This is the way we imagine how things could have been different in the past. If something had been different, something else would have happened. Notice that both the condition and the result are impossible now.

If I’d known, I would have worn something nicer.

In this case, Amy didn’t know about the party so she didn’t wear special clothes.

OK, so the bit after if is different to what really happened?


Yes, then the next clause is imagining the result in the past, which didn’t happen, of course. The if clause can be at the beginning or at the end of the sentence.

I definitely would’ve remembered if you’d told me!

So Alfie didn’t remember because Ollie didn’t tell him.


Exactly. We can use negatives to talk about things that did happen in the past.

He wouldn’t have missed the bus if he hadn’t overslept.

So he overslept and he missed the bus.


Yes. When you’re using this kind of conditional be careful with the contractions. We use 'd for would and had.

If I’d seen him, I’d have asked him to come over.   (had, would)

Can you use other verbs apart from would?


Yes, we also use could or might.

If they’d told me, I might have been able to help.

These sentences all seem a bit negative.


Well, yes. We often use the third conditional to express regret or to complain about something.

It would’ve been even better if Alfie hadn’t ruined it!

If I’d known about the third conditional before, I wouldn’t have failed my English test!

Вправи “Умовні речення III типу” 

👏👏👏1. Знайдіть на кожному початку речення кінець. Перекладіть утворені речення.

  1. You could have done much better in the exam …
  2. If the weather had been nice …
  3. I wouldn’t have bought that book …
  4. She would have gone to Japan last summer …
  5. If I hadn’t taken an umbrella …
  6. That building wouldn’t have fallen down …

👏… if she had spoken Japanese quite well.

  • 👏… if it hadn’t been so old.
  • 👏… if i’d known how dull it was.
  • 👏… I would have got wet.
  • 👏… we could have gone horse-riding.
  • 👏… if you had taken private lessons.

👏👏👏2. Поставте дієслова з дужок в необхідну форму.

If I … (save) more money, I … (go) to Australia.

  1. If our parents … (not argue), we … (spend) the weekend together.
  2. Вони … (not allow) him to enter the office if he … (not put on) a tie.
  3. If the storm … (not break out), the ship … (not sink).
  4. I … (take) you to the airport if I … (have) a car.
  5. You … (not visit) the doctor if you … (not drink) cold milk.
  6. She … (not lose) her bag if she … (be) more careful.
  7. If the driver … (not take) the wrong turning, we … (not arrive) late.

👏👏👏3. Напишіть ланцюжок міркувань про життя Софії, використовуючи умовні речення III типу.

Н-д: If Sophie hadn’t gone to France for a holiday, she wouldn’t have met a nice guy Jean. (Якби Софія не поїхала у відпустку у Франції, вона б не зустріла там хорошого хлопця Жана.)

Sophie went to France for a holiday – met a nice guy Jean there – fell in love with him – got married – stayed in Paris – started learning French – found a good job there – earned much money – became happy and successful

👏 + Do exercises yourself:

👏1)Check your grammar: matching   = online

1. Check your understanding: matching 

Match the two sentence halves and write 💃a–g next to the numbers 1–7. 

1…….. I wouldn't have overslept  2…….. If she had gone to bed earlier, 3…….. I could have lent you the money  4…….. They wouldn’t have found out. 5…….. You could have been a doctor. 6…….. If you'd been more organised,  7…….. If they’d taken my advice, 

💃a. if you'd asked.      

💃b. you wouldn't have been so stressed at the last minute.                   

💃c. she wouldn't have been so tired.       

💃 d. if you had studied medicine      

💃 e. if my alarm clock had gone off        

💃 f. they wouldn't have had so many problems.       

💃g. if you hadn't told them. 

👏2)Check your grammar: reordering

    Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.

2. Check your grammar: word 2 word 

Write the words in the correct order to make sentences. 

1. have told me. would if remembered I you’d …………………………………………………………………………………….

2. would had have revised more, passed the exam. she If she …………………………………………………………………………………….

3. the train If we have hadn’t missed we would arrived on time. …………………………………………………………………………………….

4. If been there have met him. you’d could you …………………………………………………………………………………….

5. I If could have I’d known helped. …………………………………………………………………………………….

6. if could have gone wanted to. You you’d …………………………………………………………………………………….

👏3)Check your grammar: gap fill

    Complete the sentences using the third conditional.

3. Check your grammar: gap fill 

Complete the sentences using the third conditional. 

1. He didn't get the job. He couldn't buy a bigger flat. 

= If he'd got the job, _______________ a bigger flat. 

2. You didn't say you were sorry. She left.

 = She wouldn't have left if _______________ you were sorry. 

3. You didn't tell us earlier. We didn't do anything. 

= We could have done something _______________ us earlier. 

4. You stopped quickly. We didn't crash. 

= If you hadn't stopped quickly, _______________ crashed. 

5. You didn't listen to me. This happened. 

= This never would have happened if you _______________ to me. 

6. You didn't apply for the job. You didn't get an interview. 

= You might _______________ if you'd applied for the job. 

7. I went to the party. You persuaded me to go. 

= I wouldn't have _______________ me to go. 

8. I didn't know she was coming. I didn’t wait for her. 

= I would _______________ if I'd known she was coming. 

👏4)Worksheets and downloads

👏 Discussion 

If you had been born a boy/girl, how would your life have been different?


 Hi, everyone, 

   My name is Olеna, and I’m graduating from school this year. As for many teenagers, the choice of a future career is a real challenge for me. There are so many jobs, so it’s rather difficult to make the right decision. Furthermore, I’m firmly convinced that the choice of a future career is essential, and I don’t want to regret it for the rest of my life.

   So I have been thinking about it for a long time. I have discussed it many times with my parents and closest friends, but I’m still a bit confused. 

   Firstly, I had a wish to do something I was keen on. I suppose turning your hobby into your future job is a great way one can become a successful specialist. I think I’m not bad at writing stories. I absolutely adore it! I can spend evenings thinking about the characters and the plot of my stories. I’m also fond of making illustrations for them. In addition, the process of story-making is very enjoyable to me. That’s why I firmly believe that working as a writer is the best variant for me.

   The only problem is that my parents totally disagree with me. They say it’s not the right way to make money and it’s just my childish dream. They think I must be realistic and force me to become a programmer. I love computers and I spend quite a lot of time sitting in front of one, but programming is a completely different thing. I’m attending a programming course at the moment, so I can see it’s not something I’d really want to do.

  Thus, I hope I’ll be able to make the right choice, but for now, my future career is still an open issue.

With love,

your Olena.



+ The internet is a powerful source of knowledge for all of us, certainly, few students could imagine getting through their studies without this amazing research tool. However, it is important to remember that not everything you see or read on the internet is 100% reliable or genuine. 

The positive impacts of the internet include the following: It provides effective communication using emailing and instant messaging services to any part of the world. It improves business interactions and transactions, saving vital time. Banking and shopping online have made life less complicated. 

Good: You have an enormous library of information and resources at your fingertips.

Bad: Not every source is reliable or trustworthy.

Reasons Why the Internet is Bad
З джерел в Інтернеті

Think before using!