





In the very old times, there lived a king, and he was a man of great fancy.

One day an idea came to his mind, and the king decided to modernize the system of court trial in his kingdom.

For this purpose, there was built a big arena with galleries around it. In that arena the most important criminals were to be put on trial in public. But neither the king nor anybody of his court was to decide the fate of the accused person. It was the criminal himself who did it. On an appointed day when all the people had gathered at the galleries, and the king and his court had taken their places, the accused person stepped into the arena. On the other side of the arena, there were two doors. The doors were side by side and identical. The accused person was to walk to those doors and open one of them. If he opened the one, there came out of it a hungry tiger and tore him to pieces, as a punishment for his crime. At the same time, the sad bells began to clang, and the people with heavy hearts went to their homes. But if the accused opened the other door, there came out of it a beautiful lady. And to that lady, he was immediately married, as a reward for his innocence. It did not matter that the accused might already have a wife and children, or a bride; the king took no notice of such trifles.

Such was the king's method of showing justice.

The king had a daughter whom he loved greatly. She was very beautiful and, at the same time, she was very conceited. It happened so that she fell in love with a young man whose social position was not as high as hers. But they were happy.

One day the king learned about their love. The young man was immediately put into prison, and a day was appointed for his trial in the king's arena.

On this occasion, the most savage tiger was caught and caged behind one of the doors, and a very beautiful girl was found to stand behind the other door.

The appointed day came. A lot of people gathered at the galleries. The king and his court were in their places. Then the signal was given, and the lover of the princess walked into the arena. He bowed to the king and looked at the princess who was sitting to the right of her father. The princess had learned the secret of the doors. She knew not only in which room there was the lady, but also who that lady was. It was one of the most beautiful girls of the court, and the princess hated her. The princess was very jealous.

When the lover looked at her, he understood that she knew behind which door was the tiger, and behind which stood the lady. His eyes asked: "Which?"

The question was clear to her, and she had to answer. She raised her hand and made a slight movement towards the right door. Her lover turned and, without the slightest hesitation, went to the door on the right.

And now it is for you, dear reader, to decide: did the princess lie or didn't?

Make your decision. But remember, that, on the one hand, the princess loved the young man greatly; but on the other hand, she was hot-tempered and jealous.

 I Read the text and put “+” if the sentence is right and “-” if one is false

1 The king decided to modernize the system of court trials in his kingdom.

2 For this purpose there was built a stadium.

3 The accused person stepped into the gallery.

4 The king’s daughter was conceited, hot-tempered and jealous.

5 The princess didn’t know the secret of the doors.

6 The princess’ lover turned and, without the slightest hesitation, went to the door on the right.

II Find the correct answer

1 What kind of man was a king?

a)                  a man of great courage

b)                  a man of great fancy

c)            a man of great mind

d)                 a man of great wit

2 What did the king decide to modernize one day?

       a)       a political system               b)       a system of education

       c)       a system of court trial        d)       a system of social assistance

3 What was built for this purpose?

      a)      a big arena with galleries around it          b)        a beautiful palace

     c)         a new market                                             d)         a new highway

4 Who was to decide the fate of the accused person?

   a)    the trial                                                   b)   the government

   c)    neither the king nor anybody in his court     d)  the court

5 Where did the accused person step?

     a)           into the garden                          b)                  into the palace

   c)       into the arena                         d)       into the prison

6 What did the accused person have to open?

    a)       a box on the table                  b)       a letter in the envelope

    c)      a door of the arena                d)        a window in the palace

III Write synonyms from the text

1 an imaginative man

2 a pretty lady

3 ambitious

4 ill-tempered

5 envious

IV Write 10 – 15 sentences about your attitude to the story “The Lady or the Tiger?”


Запитання 1

The guest in the studio is a teacher.

 True   False

Запитання 2

Some people can sleep well with a television on.

 True    False

Запитання 3

It is bad to think a lot before going to bed.

 True    False

Запитання 4

It is good to play video games before bed.

 True    False

Запитання 5

It is good to turn your mobile off when you go to sleep.

 True   False

Запитання 6

It is bad to play loud music while you sleep.

 True   False





     Long, long ago there was a lake of cold water in Kenya.  Many animals came at night to the lake to drink some water. But people never came to the lake at night: the animals could kill and eat them.                              

Now, a rich man who had a beautiful daughter once said: „The young man, who will go to the lake in the evening and stay in the cold water till morning, will have my daughter for his wife."

There lived a poor young man who loved the rich man's daughter very much. He said to his mother, „I shall try to stay all night in the lake and then marry my dear girl".

„No, no", the mother said, „you are my only son!". The water in the lake is very cold, and the animals will eat you up. Don't go there!" She cried and cried, but her son said: „Mother, don't cry, I must try. I love her so much!"

So the young man went to the girl's father. He told him that he wanted to go to the lake and stay in the cold water all night. The rich man sent his servants to the place where they could watch the young man.

When night came, the young man went to the lake and his mother followed him, but he didn't see her. There was a hill forty paces away from the place where the young man went into the water. The woman climbed up the hill and made up a fire there. The wild animals saw the fire and were afraid to go near that place.

The young man saw the fire too. He understood that his mother was there. He thought of his mother's love, and it was easier for him to stay all night in the cold water.

Morning came. The young man went to the rich man's house. The rich man saw him and said, „My servants say that there was a fire on the hill forty paces from the lake. It warmed you and that is why you could stay all night in the water. So you can't marry my daughter. Good-bye".

     The young man was angry. He went to the judge. “Well”,  the judge said, „this is a simple case".

The next morning the young man with his mother and the rich man with his servants came before the judge. There were many people there who wanted to hear the case.

The judge asked for a pot of cold water. Then he walked forty paces from the pot and made a fire. „Now", he said, „we shall wait a little until the water is warm". The people cried: „But the fire is so far away, it can't warm the water in the pot". Then the judge said: „How could that young man warm himself at a fire forty paces away?"

So the case was over, and the young man married the rich man's daughter. They lived happily for many years.

I  Read the text and put “+” if the sentence is right and “-“if one is  false.

1.     There was a river of cold water in Kenya.

2.     A rich man had a beautiful daughter.

3.     A poor young man loved his daughter very much.

4.     Mother wanted that her son married the rich man’s daughter.

5.     The rich man sent his servants to the lake.

6.     There was a hill thirty paces away from the lake.

II  Find the correct answer.

1.  What was the lake famous for?

a) for its good clear water; b) for its animals living close to it; c) for the fact that people were afraid to go there at night; d) for the fact that the lake was very old.

2. What did a rich man want the young man to do?

a) to go to the lake; b) to stay in the cold water; c) to stay in the river all night; d) to marry his daughter

3.  Why did the mother cry?       

a) because she worried about her son; b) because she was afraid of animals;  c) because the water was too cold. d) because she wanted her son to marry.

4. Where did the mother go?

a) to the lake; b) to the forest; c) to the rich man; d) to the hill

5. What helped the young man to stay in the lake all night?

a) wild animals; b) the servants; c) his mother's great love; d) his love to the girl

6. Who came before the judge?

a) the young man, his mother, servants and the rich man; b) the rich man and his daughter; c) people who wanted to hear the case; d) the young man and the servants who watched him

III Complete the sentences with the correct words

1.     Many animals came at night to the lake to...

2.     The young man said: “I’ll try to stay all night in the lake and then ...

3.     His mother followed him but at first he ...

4.     The wild animals saw the fire and ...

5.     They lived happily for ...

IV In several sentences prove that mother really loved her son.



                                        The Boy Who Saved the Netherlands.

   Many years ago in Harlem, Holland, there lived a young boy. His name was Hans and he was eight years old. One autumn day, Hans went across the channel to visit an old blind man. He took the man some biscuits and stayed there for a while. Then,       Hans decided to return home.

    “Be careful, Hans” -  said the old man. “The water in the canal usually gets higher in autumn.” On his way home, Hans sang a song, watched the rabbits run around and picked some flowers for his mother. Suddenly, the sky got dark and heavy rain began to fall. Hans felt scared and started to run. Just then, he heard the sound of water flowing away . He looked around carefully and then noticed a very small hole in the dike.

     Hans felt frightened because he knew what could happen. The small hole could get bigger and bigger. Then the dike could burst and flood Holland. Hans knew what to do. He put his finger into the hole, so no more water cold come through it. “Please, someone help me!” Hans shouted. But there was no one to help him. After a while, he began to feel very cold and tired, but he could not leave the dike. All night long, Hans waited and waited…

     The next morning, a priest walked by and heard Hans’ cries. “I am trying to stop the water,” the boy said. “Can you help me?” the priest called some other people and they quickly mended the hole. Finally, they took Hans home. Everyone was very proud of that brave boy.

I. Write true or false:

1. Hans was eighteen years old. ______                        2. Hans lived in Paris, France. ______

3. Hans visited a young woman. ______                       4. It started raining that evening. _______

5. Hans saw a big hole in the dike._______                  6. He put his shoes in the hole in the dike. _

II. Put the events in the correct order

a ___ Hans heard the sound of the water flowing away.

b___ A priest heard Hans cries and called some people to help.

c___ The sky got dark and rain began to fall.

d_1_ Hans went to visit an old blind man.

e ___ Hans put his finger in the hole.

f___ Hans decided to return home.

g___ The people mended the hole.

h___ Hans noticed a very small hole in the dike.

III. Answer the questions.

1. Where did Hans live?                                   2. How old was Hans?

3 . Who did Hans visit?                                     4. What did the blind man tell Hans?

5. What did Hans take the blind man?             6. What did Hans hear on his way home?

IV.             Write the summary of the story in 6-10 sentences.

Form 6              Semester 1                TEST Reading

Read and write about the child`s mother.

   I’ve got a penfriend Tim. He lives in Cambridge. He is eleven years old and he goes to school for boys. His family is big. His father is tall and thin. He has got short straight hair and he wears glasses. Tim’s father is a doctor. He is clever, helpful and hard-working. He likes sports and plays football and tennis. Tim’s mother is a very beautiful woman. She has got long curly hair and big blue eyes. She is romantic and likes flowers and animals. Tim has got two younger sisters — twins. They are lovely girls with long straight hair. They usually wear their hair in braids. They are only five and they don’t go to school. Tim’s grandmother is very kind. She likes cooking very much.

1 Read the text of exercise 1 and answer.

1) Who is kind? —                                 2) Who is clever and helpful? —

3) Who is romantic? —                          4) Who wears glasses? —

5) Who likes animals? —                       6) Who goes to school? —

2 Circle the correct answer.

1) At lessons of … pupils learn about continents, countries, mountains and rivers. 

a) History b) Geography c) Art

2) At … lessons pupils learn new words and dialogues, read, write and play games.

 a) English b) Maths c) Art

3) At lessons of … pupils learn about plants and animals and do some experiments. 

a) IT b) Science c) Biology 

4) At … lessons pupils run, jump, play football and other games.

 a) Music b) IT c) PE

3 Make up a dialogue. Write numbers

   — I like skiing and tennis.

   — What kinds of sport are you fond of, Sam?

1 — Do you like sports, Sam?

   — Yes, I am. I visit the Tennis Club three times a week. And how often do you do judo?

   — I visit the Judo Club two times a week.

   — I’m fond of volleyball and judo. And what’s your favourite sport, Tim?

   — Of course, I do. Sport makes us healthy and strong.

   — Are you a member of some sports club.

4 Write 8-10 sentences about your mother.

18 запитань


Genetically modified foods (GM foods)

   Genetically modified foods (GM foods), also known as genetically engineered foods (GE foods), or bioengineered foods are foods produced from organisms that have had changes introduced into their DNA using various methods of genetic engineering.


The 2nd Conditionals 

(Умовні речення 2го типу)




TEST Writing: 

  •  Read a very interesting text 
  • “The Story of Мc Donald’s”
  • Today we’ll know many interesting facts about this company. Let’s work.                           
  • «The Story of  МcDonald’s» 



(умовне речення 1-го типу) – 

умовне речення, що виражає реальну або дуже ймовірну ситуацію в теперішньому або майбутньому часі.

 Feeling & Emotion Words

You may need to talk about how you are feeling, or perhaps describe how someone else is feeling. For this reason, it is important to be able to talk about the various emotions in English. You may also need to understand these emotion`s names in situations where someone is explaining to you how they feel, and by being able to recognize what they are saying, you will be better able to help them.  Following is a list of adjectives to help you determine exactly what word best describes your feelings and emotions.

 Речення з "Якби" = умовні: 

 2nd and 3rd  conditionals

◔◡◔≦Як тільки по-українськи в реченні є слово "якщо", відразу - хоп, ласкаво просимо в тему "Conditionals", тобто в світ умовних пропозицій. :)

Наприклад: "Якщо машина не заведеться, ми будемо танцювати навколо неї".

                      - If the car does not start, we'll dance around it.

◔◡◔≦"Умовне" - зрозуміло. Тепер давайте з'ясуємо, що таке "нереальне".

Маленьке завдання :). В якій ситуації реальне умова, а в якій - ні?

• Ситуація 1. "Якщо я полечу жити в Антарктиду на літо, я візьму тебе з собою, дорога. І якщо ти прихопиш корм для пінгвінів, ми будемо підгодовувати їх на світанку".

• Ситуація 2. "Якби ти купив помідорів до вечері, я б приготувала 'Cалат тракториста'".

!!! Здавалося б, помідори до вечері купити набагато реальніше, ніж поїхати в Антарктиду підгодовувати пінгвінів. Але відповідь така: в першій ситуації - реальне умова. Тому що немає слова "Б". А в другій ситуації - нереальне умова. Тому що є слово "Б".

Отже, речення c нереальною умовою - це ті, в яких є фраза "ЯКБИ".

Якщо умова нереальне (c "б") і ситуація відноситься до теперішнього або майбутнього часу, то це - Second conditional.

Якщо умова нереальне (c "б") і ситуація відноситься до минулого часу, то це - Third Conditional. 

Ми поговоримо тільки про ці два типи умовних речень - 2nd Second and 3rd Third Conditionals ..

Second conditional. (Нереальне умова в теперішньому часі)

Ось "формула" Second conditionalIF + підмет + Past Simple | підмет + would + 1 форма дієслова.

Приклад: Якщо б я жив в Парижі, я б купував весь одяг в магазині "Samaritaine". 

                 - If I lived in Paris, I'd buy all my clothes at Samaritaine.

(Хід наших думок: 1) тут є слово "якщо" - значить, це conditional. 2) є слово "б" - значить умова нереальне 3) пропозиція - про даний час. 4) нереальне умова в теперішньому часі - це Second Conditional. 5) беремо формулу Second Conditional і будуємо пропозицію).

Ще приклад: Якби я не знав відповідь, я б запитав тебе. 

                       - If I did not know the answer, I'd ask you.

Зауважте - в розмовній мові ми скорочуємо I would - виходить I'd. Це дуже важливо. Ви відразу звучите неприродно, якщо використовуєте повну форму.

Маленьке примітка: Якби я був на твоєму місці 

                                  - If I were you. Просто запам'ятайте.

Third conditional (нереальне умова в минулому часі).

Ось "формула" Third conditionalIF + підмет + Past Perfect | підмет + would have + 3 форма глагола.

Приклад: Якщо б я зустрів тебе вчора, я б повернув твою книгу.

                - If I had met you yesterday, I would have returned your book.

(Хід наших думок: 1) тут є слово "якщо" - значить, це conditional. 2) є слово "б" - значить умова нереальне 3) пропозиція - про минулий час. 4) нереальне умова в минулому часі - це Third Conditional. 5) беремо формулу Third Conditional і будуємо пропозицію).

Ще приклад: Ми б подивилися цей фільм разом, якби ти не прийшов вчора так пізно. 

                     - We would have watched this film together if you had not arrived so late yesterday.

Зауважте - частини речення можна міняти місцями (тобто "if" може бути і в першій частині , і в другій).

                  Практичне завданняВизначте тип умови (2й або 3й) і переведіть.

А. Речення легкі:

1. Якби ти не забув на роботі ключ, ти б відкрив двері.

2. Я б допоміг тобі, якби у мене був час - але часу у мене немає.

3. Якби я жив в Парижі, я б їв круасани на сніданок.

4. Він би не одружився на ній, якби вона не готувала так чудово.

5. Ти б купив завтра квиток, якби у тебе був вільний час?

6. Якби я був на твоєму місці, я б подзвонив їй.

B. Речення складніше:

1. Ти б зрозумів матеріал вчорашнього уроку набагато краще, якби читав повільніше.

2. Якби я не був так зайнятий, я б із задоволенням сходив з тобою в кіно. Але подивися! Стільки работи!

3. Конференція б провалилася, якби Петерсон не зробив такий чудовий доповідь.

4. Я б, можливо, відповів Вам раніше, якби я володів точною інформацією з цього питання.

5. Якби Олег знав міру, не розбив би ніс кур'єру.

6. Ми б не поїхали на цей курорт, якби діти не попросили.

7. Якби Чайковський не випив склянку води, він би не помер через три дні від холери.

8. Якби ми жили на Канарських островах, ми б нудьгували по сибірському снігу.

 ➥➥➥➥Важливе зауваження. Давайте вдумаймось у фразу "Якби я знав відповідь, я б тобі сказав". Зрозуміло, що це - нереальне умова (бо є "б"). Але от питання - це Second або Third Conditional? Тобто, ситуація в сьогоденні або в минулому? Адже можна мати на увазі "Якби я зараз знав відповідь, то я б тобі зараз сказав" (If I knew the answer, I'd tell you). А можна сказати: "Якби я вчора знав відповідь, я б вчора тобі сказав" (If I'd known the answer, I would have told you).

➥➥➥➥Тому, будь ласка, запам'ятайте: в українській пропозиції з "Б" можна тільки з контексту зрозуміти, про сьогодення воно, майбутнє або минуле. А ось в аналогічному англійському реченні можна зрозуміти, в якому воно часу по самій формі пропозиції.

Key to the exercise

 А. Речення - зразок.

Якби ти не забув на роботі ключ, ти б відкрив двері. розмовні курси англійської на вихідних native english (3rd) If you had not forgotten the key at work, you would've opened the door.

Я б допоміг тобі, якби у мене був час - але часу у мене немає. розмовні курси англійської на вихідних native english (2nd) I'd help you if I had time, but I do not have time.

Якби я жив в Парижі, я б їв круасани на сніданок. розмовні курси англійської на вихідних native english (2nd) If I lived in Paris, I'd have croissants for breakfast.

Він би не одружився на ній, якби вона не готувала так чудово. розмовні курси англійської на вихідних native english (3rd) He would not have married her if she had not cooked so wonderfully.

Ти б купив завтра квиток, якби у тебе був вільний час? розмовні курси англійської на вихідних native english (2nd) Would you buy a ticket tomorrow if you had free time?

Якби я був на твоєму місці, я б подзвонив їй. розмовні курси англійської на вихідних native english (2nd) If I were you, I'd phone her.

 B. Речення складніше.

Ти б зрозумів матеріал вчорашнього уроку набагато краще, якби читав повільніше. розмовні курси англійської на вихідних native english (3rd) You would have understood yesterday's lesson much better if you'd read more slowly.

Якби я не був так зайнятий, я б із задоволенням сходив з тобою в кіно. Але подивися! Стільки роботи! розмовні курси англійської на вихідних native english (2nd) If I were not so busy, I'd go to the cinema with you. But look! So much work!

Конференція б провалилася, якби Петерсон не зробив такий чудовий доповідь. розмовні курси англійської на вихідних native english (3rd) The conference would have failed if Peterson had not made such a wonderful report.

Я б, можливо, відповів Вам раніше, якби я володів точною інформацією з цього питання. розмовні курси англійської на вихідних native english (3rd) I'd probably have answered you before if I'd had exact information on this issue.

Якби Олег знав міру, не розбив би ніс кур'єру. розмовні курси англійської на вихідних native English (3rd) If Oleg had known when to stop, he would not have smashed the courier's nose.

Ми б не поїхали на цей курорт, якби діти не попросили. розмовні курси англійської на вихідних native english (3rd) We would not have gone to this resort if the children had not asked us.

Якби Чайковський не випив склянку води, він би не помер через три дні від холери. розмовні курси англійської на вихідних native english (3rd) If Tchaikovsky had not drunk a glass of water, he would not have died of cholera three days after.

Якби ми жили на Канарських островах, ми б нудьгували по сибірському снігу. розмовні курси англійської на вихідних native english (2nd) If we lived on the Canary Islands, we'd miss the Siberian snow.

PS: If the cat had not bitten the electrical wire, it would not have been electrocuted:(


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