

  • Read the text below. For questions (1 – 6) choose the corect answer (a, b, c, or d).

The first time I saw Ben was when his family moved in next door. It was a hot, sunny day and
we’d heard that the new neighbours were arriving that day. Our old neighbours, the Sharpes, had
moved out a couple of months before and, to be honest, we had not been sorry to see them go.
They were an argumentative couple and once a month there would be one or other of them at the
door, going on about noise, or our cat, or where Dad parked his car. We were all hoping that
whoever moved in next would make a bit more of an effort to get on.
That morning, Mum and Dad were both busy on various projects of their own. With Mum, it was
her ongoing attempt to turn herself into her idea of a traditional housewife, at least for a
weekend. She was going through a baking phase so she spent hours in the kitchen making
biscuits that were either too hard or too sweet for even my young taste. She had a successful
career as a lawyer so she didn’t take her domestic failure too badly. Dad was decorating one of
the bedrooms. I was cycling up and down the street, looking for the removal van every time I
reached the corner and turned back. I wanted to be the first to see it so that I could then be the
one to dash inside with the news. Finally, a large green van with the words ‘Baxter’s Removals’
in gold lettering on the side turned into our street, followed by a blue car. I can’t say that that
was the moment when I first saw Ben, although I suppose I registered that there were people in
the car. I was too busy dropping my bicycle by the side of the road and running into the house
shouting, ‘They’re here! They’re here!’
Mum wiped her hands on a towel and said, ‘Yes, Katy. Let them settle in, though. We’ll give
them a few hours before we start bothering them, shall we?’ I felt disappointed that her reaction
wasn’t more like my own. I ran back outside and down our garden path to the front gate. I stood
on the gate, watching. By this time, the removal van and the car had both pulled up next door
and two large workmen had begun to open up the back of the van. Inside were neatly packed
items of furniture. The family had also got out of the car and were looking up at the house as if
they’d never seen it before, although Dad said he’d seen them looking round when they were
thinking of buying it. The man was tall and dark-skinned, while the woman was very beautiful
and looked younger than my own mum. They were clearly enjoying the moment of arriving at a
new place. A boy of about my own age stood between them, looking at me. He didn’t smile.
They unlocked the door and went inside, the workmen following with the first of their
belongings. I watched for a while as they came back and forth with boxes, banging them down
noisily, occasionally pointing to tell each other where to put things. I had an odd feeling of being
watched and something made me look up. At one of the windows stood the boy, looking down at
me. I smiled and he disappeared into the room. I had had such high hopes, and now it seemed
that it was going to take a lot of hard work to make friends. I sighed and watched the workmen a
little longer. Just as I was thinking of going inside to see how Dad was getting on, I heard a small
voice behind me.
‘I’m Ben. Hello.’ I turned to see the boy standing behind me.
1. According to the writer, the Sharpes
a were very noisy neighbours.
b often found things to complain about.
c were sad to leave the street.
d came round with hefpful advice.
2. The writer says her mother
a is annoyed that she has to work so much.
b doesn’t know what her child likes to eat.
c tries to do something she isn’t very good at.
d thinks that more women should have careers.
3. When the van finally arrives, the writer
a is eager to tell her family what is happening.
b tries to follow it on her bicycle.
c sees Ben for the first time.
d falls over and hurts herself.
4. The writer’s mother
a decides to go to meet the new neighbours.
b feels as excited as the writer does.
c tells her to go and help the neighbours move in.
d suggests that she waits before going to introduce herself.
5. The family stand outside the house looking at it because
a they are not sure they’re at the right house.
b they are happy to be moving into a new house.
c it’s the first time they have seen it.
d they are trying to decide whether to buy it or not.
6. The writer looks up to see the boy at the window because
a she hears a loud noise.
b the workmen point in that direction.
c she hears a voice from diat direction.
d she feels someone is looking at her.

  • Read and complete the text below. For each of the empty spaces (7—12) choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D). Write your

answers on the separate answer sheet.
The person who has won the most Oscars is not known for being an actor but was someone who has brought joy to
children of all ages, Walt Disney. During his (7) _____, Walt Disney won 26 Oscars and 6 special Academy Awards. He was
also only one of two presenters who opened the envelope (8) ____ that he had won the Oscar (the other was composer Irving
Berlin). After his death, James Dean was nominated twice for best actor, once for East of Eden in 1955 and once for Giant in
1956. He did not win (9) ____ time. In 1941 Orson Welles was nominated for best producer, director, actor, and screenwriter. He
only won best screenwriter, along with his collaborator, Herman J. Mankiewicz. The Oscar is only one of the awards (10) ____
by the Academy. Awards for (11) ____ achievements may be a scroll, a medal, or any other design. In 1937 a wooden Oscar
statuette with a movable jaw (12) ____ to ventriloquist Edgar Bergen for his creation of Charlie McCarthy. Walt Disney received
an Oscar and seven miniature statuettes in 1938 when was honoured for his film Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.
7 A existence B lifetime C biography D job
8 A found out B find out C finding out D to find out
9 A either B every C all D each
10 A given out B given in C given back D given forth
11 A ordinary B exact C popular D special
12 A was presented B is presented C presented D has presented


Last year you and your family celebrated the New Year with your friends in their small country
house not far from your place. Write a letter to your British pen-friend about this celebration.
Don’t forget to mention what special dishes you had for the holiday dinner how you spent the
time and what gifts you prepared for your family and friends.

  • Write an informal letter of at least 100 words. Do not write any dates and addresses.

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