


II semester Form 10

Unite 5: Наука та Технічний прогрес

What`s science?

Read the text and continue the sentences below.


     Scientific fields are commonly divided into two major groups: natural sciences, which study natural phenomena (including biological life), and social sciences, which study human behaviour and societies. These sciences are called empirical, which means the knowledge must be based on observable phenomena and capable of being tested for its validity by other

researchers working under the same conditions. The humanities are academic disciplines that study the human condition, using methods that are primarily analytic or critical. Examples of the disciplines of the humanities are ancient and modern languages, literature, history and philosophy.

   Formal sciences, like mathematics, statistics and logic, are important to the empirical sciences. The formal sciences are essential in the formation of hypotheses, theories, and laws, both in discovering and describing how things work (natural sciences) and how people think and act (social sciences). Mathematics, which is classified as a formal science, has both similarities to and differences from the natural and social sciences. It is similar to empirical sciences in that it involves an objective, careful and systematic study of an area of knowledge; it is different because of its method of verifying its knowledge, using a priori rather than empirical methods.

  1. Natural sciences study…
  2. Social sciences study…
  3. In empirical sciences, the knowledge must be based on…
  4. The humanities are…
  5. Examples of the disciplines of the humanities are…
  6. The examples of formal sciences are…
  7. The formal sciences are essential in…
  8. Mathematics has both similarities to and differences from…
  9. Mathematics is similar to empirical sciences in that…
Watch!  What is Science?

Inventions and Inventors

1) Genius is one per cent inspiration and ninety-nine per cent perspiration. (T. Edison)
2) You cannot teach a man anything; you can only help him find it within himself. (Galileo)
3) It is better to understand a little, than to misunderstand a lot. 
4) Wonders are many and nothing is more wonderful than man. (Sophocles)
5) We know what we are but we know not what we may be. (Shakespeare)
6) Imagination is more important than knowledge. (A. Einstein)  
7) Men learn while they teach.
8) Train hard, fight easy.
9)  Necessity is the mother of invention.

Match the early devices with the modern ones
  1. Adding machine                  
  2. Telegraph
  3. Crystal radio
  4. Gramophone
  5. Typewriter
  6. Cine camera
  7. Video game
  8. Instamatic camera
  • CD player
  • camcorder
  • calculator
  • digital camera
  • telephone
  • games console
  • DAB radio
  • word processor

Activities are the most popular with teenagers

     Now you’ll read the text and find out which activities are the most popular with teenagers. But before reading, let’s remember the main rules of writing an essay.

1) How many parts are there in an essay?
(There are three parts.)
2) What are they?
(introduction, body, conclusion)
3) Which parts are almost the same?
(introduction and conclusion)
4) Which part is the biggest one?
5) How many paragraphs are there in a body?
(There are two or more.)
6) What’s the structure of a paragraph?
(topic sentence and 2 or more reasons)

1 Put the right letter (a-b) for each part of the essay: 1) body; 2) conclusion; 3) introduction.

2 Choose the better headline for each part of the essay (a-b)
1) Things you can do with the help of the Internet.
2) The Internet in the future.
3) Where and how to access the Internet.

3 Match the words (d-f) and their definitions (7-9)
7) a place on the Internet where you can meet people
8) a page on the Internet
9) a place where you can access the Internet
d) cybercafé
e) chat room
f) website
10) Which three Internet activities (g-l) are the most popular?
g) visiting a chat room
h) researching for school homework
i) visiting websites
j) buying clothes
k) buying CDs
l) reading the news


Nowadays almost every teenager has access to the Internet. Most people surf the
Internet on computers in their home. A few people go to cybercafes. However,
cybercafes are mostly used by people who are travelling abroad. This is because it is cheaper to email family and friends than to make a phone call.
Young people use the Internet for many different reasons, and most teenagers use it every day. A lot of young people use the Internet at school to research information for homework and projects. Many also use it to email their friends.

Nearly all teenagers have visited Internet chat rooms. Many of them use chat rooms to meet new  people and exchange news and information. Teen Talk is one of the most well-known chat rooms in the UK.
   Over 70 % of teenagers use the Internet to visit official fan sites. Leonardo DiCaprio’s official website is one of the most popular, along with football sites for teams such as Manchester United. A few young people actually create their own websites which they dedicate to their favourite film stars or sports star.
Not many teenagers buy clothes on the Internet. At the moment, teenagers like getting sportswear from sports shops. However, my friends say that Internet shopping will become more popular with young people in the future.
This report suggests that people are using the Internet more and more, for everything from entertainment to research. Teenagers who have Internet access use it mostly to send emails or to visit fan sites and chat rooms. In the future, the Internet will be accessible not only on computers but also on mobile phones. Young people will carry on surfing more and more.

Continue the sentences
1 Nowadays almost every teenager has access to the … ( Internet).
2 A few people go to… (cybercafés).
3. A lot of young people use the Internet at school to… (research information) for homework and projects.
4 Nearly all teenagers have visited the Internet …(chat rooms).
5 Over 70 % of teenagers use the Internet to visit official fan… (sites).
6 A few young people actually create their own …(websites) which they dedicate to their favourite films star or sports sites.
7 Not many teenagers … (buy clothes) on the Internet.
8 I think that people are using the Internet more and more, for everything from …(entertainment) to research.
9 Teenagers who have Internet …(access) use it mostly to send emails or to visit fan sites and chat rooms.
10 Young people will carry on...(surfing) more and more.

в) Перевірка розуміння прочитаного. Discussion.
- So what are the three Internet activities the most popular with teenagers (and for you)?
- For what purpose do young people use the Internet? (to buy something, to chat, to do homework)
- Do you chat online?
- Which sites do you usually visit?
- Do you have your own website?

*****Розвиток навичок аудіювання.
1) Підготовча робота до проведення аудіювання:

- Do you often communicate with your friends using email? (on the Internet)
- Do you often make some spelling mistakes in different words? Is it acceptable?

- Do you always correct them?
- Is your tone sometimes rude or sarcastic?
- Have you ever heard about digital manners?

***So you’ll listen to the text about necessary digital manners. But at first look at the unknown words.
 computer-literate = свічена щодо комп’ютера
 survey                  = опитування
 timid                    = несміливий
 to deal with         = поводитися (з кимсь)
 unsuitable tone   = незручний тон
 rude                     = грубий, образливий
 Minor                  = незначний
 acceptable           = прийнятний

2) ***Прослухування тексту. Listen to the story about digital manners.  TypeScript

Joining the online information revolution of the computer-literate has made it possible for us to communicate with millions of people around the world. But whether we’re sending electronic mail to the office next door or broadcasting our opinions to a global audience on the Internet, we need to learn some digital manners!
A recent survey shows that hiding behind a computer gives many timid people the opportunity to say exactly what they like. These people seem to forget all they have ever been taught or have learned about how to deal with others, and they adopt a completely different and unsuitable tone when communicating digitally.
   In fact, their tone is really quite rude! The massages themselves have become extremely informal. There is no need to put an address at the top and the tone is always chatty and friendly. But it has
gone much further than that. Minor spelling mistakes have now become quite acceptable in emails, whereas it isn’t acceptable to spell any words wrongly in a normal business letter.
   But the careful - this informal style can cause problems. Although emails are more like a conversation than a written letter, in fact, they often sound stronger, because the words are written down. So watch out - even if you didn’t mean to be rude, your email might sound it!
   There’s a lot more advice around about how to make emails sound right, but I’d say the best two to remember are "Don’t try to be too funny or sarcastic" and "Don’t send messages when you are angry"!

3) Виконання тестових завдань в комплексі.
Listen to the story and choose the right variant (a or b) for each task (1-8)
How the information revolution has changed our lives:

1 We are now in touch with …
a) millions of people around the world
b) our relatives and friends
2 The next step: learn some...
a) computer programmes
b) digital manners
Effect computers have had on some people
3 Tone they use in digital messages is...
a) rude
b) friendly
How email has changed style:
4 Now acceptable to make …
a) minor spelling mistakes
b) different messages
Advice when communicating digitally:
5 Be careful - words sound stronger when they are...
a) pronounced
b) written down
6 Don’t try to be …
a) too funny or sarcastic
b) chatty and friendly
7 Don’t send messages if you are …
a) angry
b) in a good mood
8 It isn’t acceptable to spell any words wrongly in …
a) an informal letter
b) a normal business letter

  People should use a tone that is suitable for the content of their message, for example formal, with correct spelling and punctuation, for business communication and informal chat between friends.

Culture notes
!!! Sending rude or abusive email messages is called flaming by regular computer users WRITING MESSAGES IN CAPITALS, LIKE THIS, is regarded as rude, rather like shouting at someone. People who do this might be asked by other computer users to “lower their caps”, i.e. to use normal lower–case letters.

+++++ Написання email на ситуацію.
You want to join a pen-friend’s site on the Internet. Write an e-mail to your pen-friend, and:
 Briefly describe how you look and what kind of person you are;
 Write about your interests;
 Explain why you want to exchange letters in English.

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