

 II semester Form 11

 Unit 5Inventions and Lifestyles

Наука і технічний прогрес

A famous microbiologist Rita Colwell:

    “Science is discovery. Science is fun. Science is understanding what makes a clock tick and what makes a cat purr, what makes the Sunrise and what makes the Moon look so large on the horizon…”

The motto:

“Necessity is the mother of invention.”

- How do you understand this proverb? (If someone really needs to do something, they will find a way of doing it)

- Nowadays we can even say that “Comfort is the mother of invention” because various inventions in electronics transport etc. make our life easier and more comfortable.

          б) Відповіді на питання.

·        What modern inventions do you have at home?

·        What is the most useful thing for your mother?

·        Which device can’t you do without?

·        What thing can’t your father live without?

·        What gadget do you use every day?

·        What thing can you easily do without?

·        What is the most useless thing in your household?

·        What is your favourite unit and why?

Work in pairs. Game “Pros and cons”.

- You’ll get some statements about modern inventions. You’ll work in pairs. One of you should think of some advantages of this fact, the other should think of its disadvantages. You have a few minutes for discussion.

  • v Modern technologies damage our environment;
  • v The development of computer technologies has changed our lives;
  • v Electric devices make our life easier;
  • v Television influences our everyday life;
  • v Mobile phones make our communication more comfortable;
  • v Our life would be much healthier without cars;
  • v We can’t imagine our life without electricity.

Read the definition of the modern device and try to guess what gadget it is.

1)    A piece of electronic equipment that you use to listen to programs that are broadcast, such as music and news.

    2)    A piece of equipment used to take photographs or make films or television programs.

    3)    A type of oven that cooks food very quickly using very short electrical waves instead of heat.

    4)    The system of communication that you use to have a conversation with someone in another place.

     5)    A machine for stitching cloth or clothes together.

     6)    An electronic machine that stores information and uses programs to help you find, organize or change information.

     7)    A machine for washing clothes.

      8)    A large piece of electrical kitchen equipment shaped like a cupboard, used for keeping food and drink cool.

    9)    The glass part of an electric light that the light shines from.

    10)  A vehicle that flies in the air and has wings and at least one engine.

- The best place to know more about great men’s inventions is, of course, the Museum of Scientific and Technological Progress. 

!!! Today you’ll get acquainted with some old devices and modern ones.     You’ll also try yourself as guides in such a museum. /It was your Homework/ ...

Ancient Inventions that Science Can not Explain:

a) - Look at the photos of these old devices. What do you think you can do with them? What do you think each one is? (The photos of telegraph, cine camera, adding machine, gramophone and crystal radio)

- Now listen and check your answers.

b) Match the early devices with the modern devices we use today.

1)   Adding machine                                    CD player  

2)   Telegraph                                                camcorder

3)   Crystal radio                                           calculator

4)   Gramophone                                          digital camera

5)   Typewriter                                              telephone

6)   Cine camera                                            games console

7)   Video game                                             DAB radio

8)   Instamatic camera                                 word processor

c) Complete the sentences using these words:

1.     My grandparents still listen to music on an old ______________, which is about 80 years old.

2.     Can someone pick up the ___________, please? It’s ringing.

3.     “What’s that old device?” “It’s a _____________. People used it to send messages over long distances.”

4.     My mum hates technology. She doesn’t switch on a ________________ to type a letter. She uses an old ______________.

5.     Sara couldn’t add up the numbers in her head so she used a ______________.

6.     Martin! Turn down your ______________! How can you listen to such loud music while you are doing your homework?

7.     My parents got married in the 1950s. Someone had a ____________ ____and filmed the wedding.

8.     My brother spends hours playing video games on his ________________.

9.     “Look at those people surfing!” “Quick! Switch on the ______________ and record them!”

Let’s think about our Future!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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