

      Людина та суспільство. 

Task: Listen to the song and say what its main idea is.


♫ View and listen to the song "Imagine" by John Lennon.

A. -List five(5) lines from the song that strikes you the most.

B. -Write your opinion about these lines.

C. -Listen to a song again as a world problem.

D. -Give the important details of the song listened to.

E. -Write your own opinion on the problem. 


John is asking the listener to imagine a world without possessions, borders, religions, and suggesting that these things cause conflict. 

It's 2023 and it's still a masterpiece! It never goes out of style. Years later and it's still one of the best songs has ever written. 

Imagine all the people living life in peace!!!

I love about this song is that John doesn't dismiss people out of hand  ()

I feel that the song was totally about peace and how the world can change. 

I think the main point is, he wants everyone to imagine a world where everyone loves each other and there are no restrictions or priorities. 

This song from John Lennon seemed to resonate with millions of people across the universe.   ♬♭

It's more about people not being divided again and considering everyone, no wars. 


A. - (these are the 5 lines that strike me the most)

1. Imagine all the people living life in peace,

(I think of or imagine if the people will be in peace and everything will be OK)

2. Imagine there are no countries

(I think of myself, not having any country makes everyone equal)

3. Nothing to kill or die for And no religion, too

(I think of it. No killing no dying makes us have peace and a happy life.)

4. No need for greed or hunger

(I wondered if no one will be greedy and no one will be hungry we will all be OK and happy.)

5. Imagine all the people living life in peace...

(I wondered if everyone will live in peace everyone will get along with each other)

B. This is my answer from my own perspective

These lines make me wonder how it would feel if the people of the world would get along and be in peace. How would we fill if no one judge us ... How we would feel if everyone is having respect for everyone.

D. .............

E. ..............

NOTE: My answer is based on my perspective. We all have different opinions about things but my answer is my opinion. Thank you and have a great day!.




I/ Read the texts. Match the name of each bridge with its text, then with a photo.

□ Tower Bridge                                       

□ Paton Bridge

□ Golden Gate Bridge

□ Brooklyn Bridge


a)This bridge is the most famous bridge in London. It crosses the river Thames. It is close to the Tower of London, which gives it its name. The bridge consists of two pieces which are lifted when a ship passes. Every year a lot of tourists visit this bridge.

b)This bridge is one of the bridges across the Dnieper in Kyiv, named after its constructor. It is the longest bridge in Kyiv having a length of 1,543 metres. There is a traffic across the bridge. The bridge connects two banks of the river. The bridge also is a part of the Small Ring Road of Kyiv.

c)This bridge is a symbol of San Francisco. It was built in 1937. It crosses the San Francisco Bay. It is the most photographed bridge in the world. It is famous for its beautiful form and orange colour so you can see it even in the fog.

d)This bridge is one of the oldest bridges in the USA. It is in New York and it crosses the East River from Manhattan to Brooklyn. You can see this bridge in many films, for example in Godzilla and in video games such as SimCity.

II/ Say what bridge each sentence refers to.

1 It is in San Francisco.

2 It is in Kyiv.

3 It is in New York.

4 It is in London.

5 It crosses the Thames River.

6 It connects two banks of the Dnieper River.

7 It crosses the East River.

8 It is famous for its orange colour.



Тема "Transport (Транспорт)" 

Інтерактивна вправа гра



Wales, GB

 Wales is a country that lies to the west of England, and shares a border with it.
 It has a population of just under 3 million people.
 The offi cial languages are Welsh and English.
 About 20% of the population speak Welsh.
 The capital city is Cardiff.
 Much of Wales is mountainous. The highest mountain is Snowdon (1,085 m).
 The patron saint is St David. He is known as “David, the water drinker” since he drank only water and didn’t eat meat. He was a vegetarian for spiritual reasons. He lived for over a hundred years.
 The symbols of Wales are the red Welsh dragon, the leek and the daffodil.
 The most popular sport is rugby.
 Wales is known for its sheep farming.
 People call Wales “the land of song” probably because of their sing-song intonation and also because the Welsh are very musical.
 Singers Shirley Bassey and Tom Jones are Welsh and so is the pop group the Manic Street Preachers.
 One of the most popular children’s authors, Roald Dahl, was born in Wales (his parents were Norwegian) and Dylan Thomas was a famous Welsh writer poet.
 Here are some famous actors from Wales: Richard Burton, Timothy Dalton, Anthony Hopkins, Catherine Zeta-Jones.
 Mount Everest was named after the Welshman Sir George Everest.

Wales is a country with distinctive traditions, heritage and culture. It is known as a land of song and a country steeped in myth and legend, which, when you see the awe-inspiring landscape, is no surprise.

Key facts and figures

Population: 3.1m
Location: Part of Great Britain
Size: 20,800 square km
Time zone: GMT
Currency: Pound Sterling
National Day: St David’s Day, 1 March
National symbols: Dragon, daffodil and leek
Language: Welsh and English
Cities: Seven – Cardiff (capital), Newport, Swansea, Bangor, St Davids, St Asaph and Wrexham

Wales is made up of 22 local authority areas. For the purposes of Visit Wales, we 'split' these areas into larger regions: North Wales, Mid Wales, West Wales, and South Wales.



Розповідаємо про себе 



                       paintings @artists

A) Which painting? Write the name of the artist.

1___________This still life painting of flowers in a vase is one of the artist’s most  recognisable works.

2 _______________The enigmatic smile of this portrait has captured the imagination of the world. It has been stolen twice and now it is displayed in the Louvre, Paris.

3 _______________This landscape shows how the Impressionists depict the beauty and simplicity of nature.

4 _______________ This is an abstract painting that symbolises the anguish and pain of modern life.

5 _____________ This monochrome painting has become a reminder of the tragedies of war, an anti-war symbol, and an embodiment of peace. The painter is famous for his cubist style.

B) Write the name of paintings.

1 Not realistic ___________

2 A picture showing an expanse of scenery. ___________

3 Painters who use colour to capture the feeling of a scene rather than specific details. __________

4 Of one colour or shades of one colour __________

5 Picture of a person __________

6 A style of art that depicts objects as geometric shapes that are seen from many different angles at the same time __________

7 A picture of inanimate everyday objects __________


C) Which painting? Write the name of the paintings.

1___________This still life painting of flowers in a vase is one of the artist’s most  recognisable works.

2 _______________The enigmatic smile of this portrait has captured the imagination of the world. It has been stolen twice and now it is displayed in the Louvre, Paris.

3 _______________This landscape shows how the Impressionists depict the beauty and simplicity of nature.

4 _______________ This is an abstract painting that symbolises the anguish and pain of modern life.

5 _____________ This monochrome painting has become a reminder of the tragedies of war, an anti-war symbol, and an embodiment of peace. The painter is famous for his cubist style.


                               Test.    Scotland – a place to celebrate.                 


Choose the best variant

1. Scotland is a part of           a) England      b) the US       c) UA              d) the UK

2. Scotland is situated in the a) east       b) south     c) north             d) west   of the British Isles

3. What does Scotland not have? a) football team b) independence c) parliament d) legal system

4. Hogmanay is a Scottish word for    a) celebration b) holiday c) New Year’s Day d) New Year’s Eve

5. “First footers” are people who a) walk in the streets all the New Year’s night 

                                     b) are the first to come to the house to congratulate with the New Year

                                    c) always go on foot  d) like to visit their friends on the 1st of January 

6. Bagpipes is Scotland’s traditional a) games  b) song c) dish  d) instrument

7. Famous Scottish poet Robert Burns was born in a) autumn b) summer c) winter  d) spring

8. You can see athletes dressed in kilts a) at the Edinburgh Festival b) at the Highland Games

c) in the streets of Scottish towns celebrating the New Year  d) reading poems written by R. Burns

9. Which of these celebrations is not held in Edinburgh? a) Hogmanay b) Burns Night

                                                                       c) the Highland Games  d) The Edinburgh Festival

10. How many parts does the Edinburgh Festival consist? a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) more than 4

11. You can take part in dancing competitions if you go to a) Cowal Highland games b) an official arts festival in Edinburgh c) the “Fringe” festival d) celebrate Hogmanay in any Scottish town

12. Which of these words is not Scottish? a) syne  b) tree-trunk c)  haggis    d) kilt 



Великодні традиції
англійською мовою.

Easter – Великдень
Easter bread = a hot cross bun – «паска», булочка з зображенням;
Easter eggs (decorated, chocolate) – крашанки ( декоровані, шоколадні);

Basket – корзина (для пасхальних продуктів, наприклад);
Bless – освячувати, благословляти;
Willow / Palm Sunday – Вербна неділя;
Observance – обряд, ритуал, дотримання свята;
Easter Bunny – Великодній кролик;
Easter Egg Hunt – традиція пошуку крашанок;
An Easter card – великодня листівка;
Sunrise service – великодня ранкова служба;
Що ми кладемо у кошик? М'ЯСО!

cooked meatпечене м'ясо

mince або minced beefпаштет
pork pieпиріг з свининою
sausage rollковбасний рулет



        youth problems                              

   Social issues are problems that affect large groups of people and can affect how well a society functions. Teens can face social problems just like adults can. They may even be more susceptible to these challenges because their brains are still developing and their bodies are changing quickly. "Teenage problems" can affect emotional and physical health. Electronic media has changed or amplified some teenage troubles: Digital communication has changed the way teens interact with their peers and romantic interests, for example. These are the top 8 social issues teens struggle with every day.

    According to the National Institute of Mental Health, an estimated 4.1 million adolescents in the United States had at least one major depressive episode,  which also shows that depression is much more prevalent in female teens.

Spending too much time on electronic devices may be preventing young people from in-person activities with their peers, such as sports, which can help ward off depression. Depressive disorders are treatable, but it's important to seek professional help. If your teen seems withdrawn, experiences a change in sleep patterns, or starts to perform badly in school, schedule an appointment with your teen's physician or contact a mental health professional.     About 22% of teens in the U.S. experienced bullying according to the National Center for Education Statistics.  Research suggests that social media has made bullying much more public and more pervasive. It's also important to talk to a child about when and how to get help from an adult.

   In the USA Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System survey, 8% of high school students reported that they had ever had sex; These teen births accounted for less than 1% of total births. The teen birth rate has declined over the past decade as well. The decline in pregnancy doesn't necessarily mean teens are using contraceptives, however. Just over half of sexually active teens reported using a condom in their last sexual encounter. 

In fact, many teens believe marijuana is less harmful now than in years past. They do not recognize the dangers of taking a friend's prescription or popping a few pills that are not prescribed to them.

As of 2021, alcohol use and binge drinking continued to show a significant decline among teenagers. Teens don`t think about the risks of underage drinking, about the dangers, including the fact that alcohol can take a serious toll on a teenager's developing brain.

   Overweight children and teens are often targeted by bullies. Hispanic and Black children are more likely to be overweight or obese than White or Asian children. Obese kids also are at a much greater risk of lifelong health problems, such as diabetes, arthritis, cancer, and heart disease. It`s an unhealthy way of changing their appearance.

   About 5% of high school students drop out of high school each year in the United States. Some teens feel so much pressure to get into a good college that they`re burning themselves out before they graduate from high school.

   While peer pressure / Тиск однолітків has affected teens for generations, social media brings it to a whole new level. Sexting, for example, is a major cause for concern; many teens do not understand the lifelong consequences/ наслідки that sharing explicit photos can have on their lives. Keep yourself from falling victim to peer pressure. Parents should give them the skills to make healthy choices. Sometimes, kids may be afraid to seek help when they make poor choices.

   Social Media can be a great way for teens to connect with one another, but social media can be problematic for several reasons, and there are a lot of risks as well. It can even impact their mental health. And no matter what precautions you take, teens are likely to be exposed to unsavory people, unhealthy images, and sexual content online. Teenagers are going to witness some violent media at one time or another. And it's not just TV, music, and movies that depict violence. Teens need to learn how to identify what is good and what is bad about the media.

   You should know youth problems, discuss them, think and live without problems. It is important to lay a strong foundation before the window of opportunity closes.


 ЗНО Часто зустрічаються завдання з виразом «Якби я був ツ ким-то, я б зробив ☑ щось … ».

По английски це так: If I were ツким-то, I would зробив би ☑щось …

****** Часто питають про «президента»; ось приклади, почитай …

1) If I were a president, I would make all the people in

my country rich and would make high salaries.

2) If I were a president, I would build a lot of new theaters.

3) If I were a president, I would help old people.

4) If I were a president, I would travel a lot and would have lots of meetings with other presidents.

5) If I were a president, I would live in a big modern house.

6) If I were a president, I would think over new laws.

7) If I were a president, I would protect birds, animals and insects.

8) If I were a president, I would control TV channels more thoroughly.

9) If I were a president, I would make the school year shorter and the summer holidays longer.

10) If I were a president, I would work a lot.

*****1) Якби я був президентом, я зробив би всіх людей моєї країни багатими і зробив би високі зарплати.

2) Якби я був президентом, я побудував би багато нових театрів.

3) Якби я був президентом, я б допомагав старим людям.

4) Якби я був президентом, я б багато подорожував і мав би багато зустрічей з іншими президентами.

5) Якби я був президентом, я б жив у великому сучасному будинку.

6) Якби я був президентом, я б міркував над новими законами.

7) Якби я був президентом, я захищав би птахів, тварин і комах.

8) Якби я був президентом, я б більш ретельно контролював телеканали.

9) Якби я був президентом, я би скоротив навчальний рік, а літні канікули довше.

10) Якби я був президентом, я би багато працював.


1. Якщо б я був маг, я б ………..

2. Якщо б я був дорослим, я б ………..

3. Якщо б я був відомим, я б ………..

4. Якщо б я був англієць, я б ………..

5. Якщо б я був першокласником, я б ………..

6. Якщо б я був військовим, я б ………..

7. Якщо б я був писменником, я б ………..

8. Якщо б я був кореспондентом, я б ………..

9. Якщо б я був батьком, я б ………..

10. Якщо б я був вчителем, я б ………..

Читай Conditionals: zero, first and second*