


                               Test.    Scotland – a place to celebrate.                 


Choose the best variant

1. Scotland is a part of           a) England      b) the US       c) UA              d) the UK

2. Scotland is situated in the a) east       b) south     c) north             d) west   of the British Isles

3. What does Scotland not have? a) football team b) independence c) parliament d) legal system

4. Hogmanay is a Scottish word for    a) celebration b) holiday c) New Year’s Day d) New Year’s Eve

5. “First footers” are people who a) walk in the streets all the New Year’s night 

                                     b) are the first to come to the house to congratulate with the New Year

                                    c) always go on foot  d) like to visit their friends on the 1st of January 

6. Bagpipes is Scotland’s traditional a) games  b) song c) dish  d) instrument

7. Famous Scottish poet Robert Burns was born in a) autumn b) summer c) winter  d) spring

8. You can see athletes dressed in kilts a) at the Edinburgh Festival b) at the Highland Games

c) in the streets of Scottish towns celebrating the New Year  d) reading poems written by R. Burns

9. Which of these celebrations is not held in Edinburgh? a) Hogmanay b) Burns Night

                                                                       c) the Highland Games  d) The Edinburgh Festival

10. How many parts does the Edinburgh Festival consist? a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) more than 4

11. You can take part in dancing competitions if you go to a) Cowal Highland games b) an official arts festival in Edinburgh c) the “Fringe” festival d) celebrate Hogmanay in any Scottish town

12. Which of these words is not Scottish? a) syne  b) tree-trunk c)  haggis    d) kilt 

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