

 Do the questionnaire to check if sport plays an important part in your life. 


1 Which games do you like?

a) Dodge2 ball, hopscotch, tag, football.   b) Cards, monopoly, computer games.

2 Do you like PE at school?

a) Yes, I do.   b) No, I don’t.

3 Do you work out every day?

a) No, I don’t.   b) Yes, I do.

4 What do you prefer?

a) Playing football.   b) Watching a football match on TV.

5 What do you do when you come home from school?

a) I go out and ride my bike or roller skate.   b) I sit down at my computer.

6 There are two interesting programmes on TV at the same time. What do you watch?

a) The handball match.   b) The film.

7 What is your favourite holiday activity?

a) Eating ice cream.   b) Swimming and diving.

8 Your class is playing a dodgeball match against the other class. Do you give your best to win?

a) Yes, I do.   b) No, I don’t.

5 Do the questionnaire1 to check if sport plays an important part in your life.

***a questionnare  — анкета

***to dodge  — ухилятися

Check your points.

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

A 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1

B 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0


0-4 points

You are not very interested in sports. You prefer other activities. But remember, doing sport is very good for your health. So why don’t you try some sport? Now is the right time to start.

5-8 points

Sport is very important for you. It is clear that you really enjoy doing and watching sport. Who knows, maybe one day you will win an Olympic medal!

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