

 ツ Office Syndrome 
English Online Exercises Listen, See and Write
    In this exercise, you will write and learn the words you will come across on all of our Office Syndrome English worksheets. 
   You have to match words and pictures on our Office Syndrome worksheet and learn the words.
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Office Syndrome

Office Syndrome is not an actual disease or condition. It is a collection of conditions that one might suffer due to sitting in front of the computer for prolonged period of time. Office syndrome occurs because we do not practice proper posture when sitting. When we sit over a long period of time, we tend to slouch and protrude our chin. As a result, our core muscles deactivate and become weak. In turn, other muscle groups become increasingly tense.

In this article, we’ll discuss what is considered good and bad posture, and strategies to mitigate office syndrome.

What is Poor Sitting Posture?

Poor Sitting PostureFigure 1. Poor Sitting Posture

Poor Sitting posture is whatever causes the overuse of specific muscles, ligaments, or tendons. Also, postures that put undue stress on a single joint or muscle is also considered poor posture. Some positions are worse than others in overworking or misusing specific postural tissues. Figure 1 shows a classing posture that we commonly adopt in our daily lives which puts a lot of stress to our spinal discs.

 Common postural mistakes that we make include:

  • Sitting slumped to one side with the spine bent
  • Keeping the knees, ankles, or arms crossed
  • Dangling or not properly supporting the feet
  • Straining the neck while looking at a monitor, phone or documents
  • Not using a backrest or not having proper support for the back
  • Sitting in one position for a long time
  • Simply sitting for too long without a break

Symptoms of Office Syndrome

Common symptoms of office syndrome include:

  • Frequent Headaches
  • Neck, Shoulder, and Back Pain
  • Tingling, Numb arms and hands
  • Eye Strain
  • Dry Eyes
  • Depression

Good Sitting Posture

Good Sitting PostureFigure 2. Good Sitting Posture

Now that we know what is bad sitting posture and why it is bad, let’s talk about good posture and how to get there.

Figure 2 shows the best sitting posture according to research. Here’s how you get there:

  • Keep feet flat and rest them on a footrest or the floor
  •  Avoid crossing knees and ankles
  •  Maintain a small gap between the knees and the chair
  •  The knees should be at the same level or slightly lower than the hips
  •  Place your ankles slightly in front of your knees
  •  Relax your shoulders
  •  Keep your forearms parallel to the floor
  •  Keep your elbows at about 90-100 degrees, creating an L-shape
  •  Sit up straight and rest on the backrest of your chair
  • Keep your neck from straining by positioning your monitor directly in front of your eyes
  • Take 5 minutes break every hour

Other Ways to Avoid Office Syndrome      

Practicing good sitting posture is only one way of preventing office syndrome. One of the many other ways to avoid office syndrome is by exercising. The recommendation is 30 minutes of exercise, three to five times a week. It should include a combination of stretching, resistance, and aerobic exercises. If you’re doing resistance exercises, it is important to include exercises that strengthen your back, shoulder, and core muscles. Examples of such exercises are squats, lunges, push-ups, or chin-ups.

Other ways to avoid office syndrome lie in cultivating good habits that help to avoid stressing specific muscles or joints. Examples of these are:

  • Using earphones when making phone calls
  • Placing lumbar support when sitting
  • Wearing comfortable shoes
  • Bending your knees when carrying heavy objects

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