

Across our State System


legislative — законодавча влада

executive — виконавча влада

judicial — судова влада

by secret ballot — таємним голосуванням

implementation — здійснення

to declare war — оголосити війну

to conclude peace — укладати мир

commander-in-chief of the military forces —

головнокомандуючий збройними силами

juridical body — орган правосуддя


   Ukraine is a sovereign state, on the 24th of August, 1991 it became independent. Ukraine is a sovereign, independent, democratic, social and legal state.

   The country has three branches of power — the legislative, which is represented by the Verkhovna Rada, the executive, headed by the President, and the judicial, which is led by the Supreme Court.

   Ukraine's parliament is called Verkhovna Rada. Its main function is making laws. It has one chamber, which consists of 450 members. They are elected at a general, equal and direct election. Parliamentary elections take place every five years in the last week of March.

   The Verkhovna Rada elects the Chairman from its membership. The Chairman conducts meetings of the Verkhovna Rada and organises its work. It can adopt the state budget and control the execution of it …

   Judicial power in Ukraine is represented by the Supreme Court and the Constitutional Court. The Supreme Court, in its turn, is the highest juridical body of general jurisdiction.

  The highest executive body is the president. The President is elected to a five-year term. The President is the commander-in-chief of the military forces of Ukraine. The President of Ukraine appoints the Prime Minister with the consent of the Verkhovna Rada. He also appoints members of the Cabinet of Ministers and heads of local state administration.

   The Cabinet of Ministers is the highest body of the executive power. It is responsible for foreign affairs, home policy, economy, science and technology, industry and law.

   Ukraine is divided into 24 regions. The Autonomous Republic of Crimea is a part of our country, but it has the special status of an autonomous, self-governing republic. There is a local government body in each region.

   Ukraine's foreign policy is aimed to live in peace with the rest of the world community, to cooperate with other countries and to participate in European and world structures.

   The strategic goals of Ukraine's foreign policy include forming a relationship of strategic partnership with the USA and European Union through European and Euro–Atlantic integration, and active engagement with the UN ...      

    ***The goal of Ukraine is European integration, integration into NATO, trade expansion, protection of the rights of Ukrainians abroad, participation in international organizations and friendship with all countries

But the main is   The Great Victory on russia!

   Україна — суверенна держава, 24 серпня 1991 р. вона стала незалежною. Україна — суверенна, незалежна, демократична, соціальна, правова держава.

   У країні є три гілки влади: законодавча, яку представляє Верховна Рада, виконавча, очолювана президентом, і судова влада, що представлена Верховним Судом.

Парламент України називається Верховною Радою. Її основна функція — створення законів. У Верховній Раді є одна палата, що складається з 450 місць. Члени парламенту обираються загальним, рівним і прямим голосуванням. Парламентські вибори проходять кожні п'ять років на останньому тижні березня.

   Верховна Рада обирає голову зі свого кола. Голова проводить збори й організовує роботу парламенту. Верховна Рада може прийняти державний бюджет і контролювати його виконання …

   Судова влада в Україні представлена Верховним і Конституційним судами. Верховний Суд, у свою чергу, — вищий орган правосуддя.


   Вищим органом виконавчої влади є президент. Президент обирається на п'ятирічний термін.   Президент є головнокомандуючим Збройними силами України.  Президент України призначає прем'єр-міністра за згодою Верховної Ради. Він також призначає членів Кабінету Міністрів і місцевої державної адміністрації.

   Кабінет Міністрів — це вищий орган виконавчої влади. Він несе відповідальність за зовнішню і внутрішню політику, економіку, науку і техніку, промисловість і закон.

   Україна складається з 24 областей. Автономна республіка Крим є частиною нашої країни, але має особливий статус автономної республіки, де є самоврядування. У кожнім регіоні є місцевий орган управління.

   Політика зовнішніх зв'язків України спрямована на те, щоб жити у мирі з рештою світового співтовариства, співробітничати з іншими країнами і брати участь у європейській і світовій структурах.    Стратегічні цілі зовнішньої політики України передбачають формування відносин стратегічного партнерства зі США та Європейським Союзом через європейську та євроатлантичну інтеграцію, активну взаємодію з ООН...

***Метою України є європейська інтеграція, інтеграція до НАТО, розширення торгівлі. , захист прав українців за кордоном, участь у міжнародних організаціях, дружба з усіма країнами.

 Але головне - Велика Перемога над pосією!


1.    When did Ukraine become an independent state?

2.    What three branches of power are there in the country?

3.    Who was the first President of Ukraine?

4.    What are the main functions of the Verkhovna Rada?

5.    Who appoints the Prime Minister and the members of the Cabinet of Ministers?

6.    What is the main policy of Ukraine?

Test Paper          

Across State Systems


№A. Matching:

1.                                 to elect                               a) state

2.                                 to proclaim                        b) holiday

3.                                 a democratic                      c) the President

4.                                 equal                                  d) position

5.                                 the geographical                 e) law

6.                                 the fundamental                 f) power

7.                                 the legislative                     g) rights

8.                                 a state                                h) the independence

№B. Filling in the gaps:

adopted/ sovereign/ citizens/ Jack/ monarchy/

 islands/ articles/ choose/

1.                                 Ukraine is a _______ state.

2.                                 People _____ their President in an election.

3.                                 The British flag is called the Union _____.

4.                                 The British Isles consist of two large _____.

5.                                 There are 15 chapters and 161 _____ in the Constitution of Ukraine.

6.                                 On June 28, 1996, the Supreme Rada of Ukraine ___ the Constitution of Ukraine.

7.                                 Great Britain is a constitutional _____,.

8.                                 ______ have their duties and rights.

             C. Multiple choice:

a.       Governments should take decisive actions against _____.

           a.citizens            b. poverty                 c. laws

b.      The use of the languages of national _____ is guaranteed by the Constitution.

                                    a. minorities b. symbols                c. power

c.       The Prime Minister represents the state in foreign _____.

          a.languages          b. relations                c. borders

d.      In a free society, people can practise their religious _____ without fear.

        a.   beliefs b. conflicts                 c. violence

e.       _____ work is extremely popular with those who help people in need.

      a.   project b. charity                   c. council

f.       This organization ___ with international problems.

                               a.consists                  b. involves                c. deals 


             Fill in the correct preposition:

                         of; into; with; on(х2); in

1.                                 to be covered ___

2.                                 to border ____

3.                                 ___ behalf

4.                                 ___ the middle of

5.                                 to be divided ___

6.                                 to consist ___

B.                             Word-order:

1.                                 the President / According / the head / the Constitution / is / the state / to/of/.

2. crosses/is / of / The British / made / three / flag /up.

3.                                 on / the Thames / is / the banks / London / of / situated/.

4.                                 our / the scientific / centre / Kyiv / country / is / and / of / cultural.

5.                                 of / Motherland / are / their / Ukrainians / proud/.

6.                                 divided / branches / State / into / power / three / is/


Read the text and write T for True, F for False.

Nelson Mandela was a legend in his own lifetime, so it comes as no surprise that the interest in his life and achievements has soared since his death in December 2013. Who was the man who evokes so many emotions and still inspires people?

He was born Rolihlahla Mandela in 1918. He was given the name Nelson only when he started his primary school, where all the children received Christian names. His father died when the boy was only 12. He had always dreamt, like his dad, that one day all people in Africa would become equal. He was a hard-working student and if it hadn`t been for the fact that he was expelled from his university for taking part in a protest, he would have graduated much earlier than he did in the end.

His involvement in politics and anti-white majority protests finally led to his life imprisonment in 1964. Luckily for him, the times changed and he did not spend the rest of his life behind bars but was released in 1990. Four years later, he won the Nobel Peace Prize and became South Africa`s first democratically elected President.

1.                       Nelson Mandela became a legend after passing away.                     ___

2.                       A lot of people consider him to be their role model.                        ___

3.                       He was given the name Nelson while studying at elementary school. ___

4.                       He was expelled from university for his bad academic performance. ___     

5.                       He was imprisoned for murder          ____                                                        

6.                       He was the second President of South Africa.                               ____       



ex. 1. Warm-up *Match.

1) a tube

a) a bus with two levels

2) black cab

b) an apartment

3) night life

c) London taxi

4) travel card

d) twelve o’clock

5) visitors

e) an area

6) a flat

f) an underground train

7) double-decker

g) tourists

8) midnight

h) one-day ticket on London transport

9) the rush hour

i) expensive

10) a zone

j) films, concerts, plays, discos

11) dear

k) the busiest time to travel

12) rent

l) the monthly price of a place to live

ex. 2. Reading *Read the text and do the task.   

                                             THEATRE IN LONDON

   Most British cities have a theatre, but London has the greatest number. There are over 50 theatres in London’s West End, the area in London with the most theatres, and about 35 smaller fringe theatres.

   In recent years musicals have been very successful. About 5.5 million people, many of them tourists, go to see a musical every year in London. The best-known contemporary composer of musicals is Andrew Lloyd Webber. His musical Cats is the longest-running musical.

   Going to the theatre in Britain is not only popular but also expensive. Not many young people can afford to go. It is possible to get cheaper tickets by going to afternoon performances called matinees or by buying stand-bys, half-price tickets which are sold half an hour before a performance starts.

 musical Cats

ex.3 💜 answer the questions. 1. Can we call London the centre of theatre life? Why? 

2. Do you think people often go to the theatre? 

3. What shows attract tourists to London? 

4. How can you get to the theatre if you haven’t got enough money?

ex.4 Listening The 7th form O.Karpuk 

Do ex. 1 (a), p. 162. + Speaking Do ex. 1 (b), p. 162. 

ex. 5 Listening  Listen and complete different questions 👥

Розшифровка відеo

ex. 6 Let`s play! Guess the movie.

ex. 7. Summary *Answer the question. 
👉1. Do you enjoy looking around cities? 
👉2. What kind of places do you enjoy visiting? 
👉3. What is the most interesting place that you have visited? Why? 
👉4. Which place would you most like to visit? Why?

 ? ? ? ? ?

Key: 1 f; 2 c; 3 j; 4 h; 5 g; 6 b; 7 a; 8 d; 9 k; 10 e; 11 i; 12 1.

Key: 1. Madame Tussaud’s 2. Wax Museum 3. London taxi 4. London Eye 5. Millennium Wheel

Key: 1 celebrity; 2 famous; 3 world-famous; 4 journeys; 5 events; 6 wheel; 7 opposite; 8 views.

Answers: 1. John 2. In Brisbane 3. Sydney Opera House 4. A desert 5. Ayers Rock and Great Barrier Reef 6. A koala or a kangaroo 7. To go to Sea World 8. To visit Brisbane Forest Park