

Across our State System


legislative — законодавча влада

executive — виконавча влада

judicial — судова влада

by secret ballot — таємним голосуванням

implementation — здійснення

to declare war — оголосити війну

to conclude peace — укладати мир

commander-in-chief of the military forces —

головнокомандуючий збройними силами

juridical body — орган правосуддя



Let`s visit

         GB, UK, the USA         


The 9th form 


Travel Guide

"People make the place"

1} Proverbs; discuss

If there is beauty in character, there will be harmony in the home. 💢 If there is harmony in the home, there will be order in the nation. 💢 If there is order in the nation, there will be peace in the world. 💝



a) Read the teens’ opinions about the newspapers and

the topics they are interested in.



United Kingdom. 

Great Britain. Велика Британія


 ART. Sculpture.
My impressions.
Describing a sculpture in art terms involves discussing its form, composition, materials, and artistic technique. You can start by noting the sculpture's physical attributes such as its size, shape, and texture. Consider the use of materials and how they contribute to the overall aesthetic. Additionally, discuss the sculptor's style, the intended meaning or message of the sculpture, and its historical or cultural context. It's also important to analyze how the sculpture interacts with light and space, as well as its overall impact on the viewer.

   Yes my friend, it is Milky way....our galactic abode. The reason it looks like a band of starts infused in dark blue ink is because our solar system is inside Milky way's arm called Orion Arm and hence we look at it it straight inward. No matter how many times i see this picture, I still gets goosebumps ....let me give you few facts about our beautiful galaxy........It is 100,000 to 120,000 light years in diameter.....its more like 9.46 * 100,000,000,000,000,000 Km. It has got approx. 200 billion stars and giant black whole in its heart. Currently, our galaxy is on collision course with our neighboring galaxy "Andromeda" but it will take around 4.5 billion chill. Below is the illustration of the collision and how our night sky will look like after 4.5 billion years....provided earth will not get swallowed by our sun when it will turn red giant ...




How do you write a review layout?


Review structure

1.   Title.

2.   Introduction.

3.   The basis of the review: analysis, significance, merits and demerits.

4.   Conclusion: value and significance, reasoned judgment, recommendations.

 What is the layout of a systematic review?

A systematic review article follows the same structure as that of an original research article. It typically includes a title, abstract, introduction, methods, results, discussion, and references. Title: The title should accurately reflect the topic under review.

How To Write A Review In English?

Visiting London.