

"People make the place"

1} Proverbs; discuss

If there is beauty in character, there will be harmony in the home. 💢 If there is harmony in the home, there will be order in the nation. 💢 If there is order in the nation, there will be peace in the world. 💝

2} What kind of people Ukrainians are?

Hard-working, romantic, loving, caring, cheerful, hospitable, happy, satisfied, relaxed, helpful, thrifty, optimistic, tidy ...

3} Expressing opinion:

·              I think...                                             As far as I'm concerned,..

·         To my mind,...                                   According to me,...

·         As I see it, ...                                     It seems to me that...

·         In my point of view / my opinion,... From my point of view...

·         I believe that...                                  I take the view that. ..

·         My personal view is that...                In my experience...

     As far as I understand / can see/see it, ...

4} Circle the odd word out, antonyms:

1.      Reliable, dependable, loyal, unscrupulous

2.      Dishonest, frank, sincere, honest

3.      Affable, friendly, rude, pleasant

4.      Brave, coward, courageous, adventurous

5.      Kind-hearted, benign, malicious, good-natured


Keys: 1-b, 2-a, 3-b, 4-c, 5-c, 6-d, 7-d, 8-c, 9-a, 10-b 🔱

Key: unscrupulous, dishonest, rude, coward, malicious 🔱   

          безпринципний, нечесний, грубий, боягуз, злий 🔱


5} Match adjectives with their definitions and make sentences about Ukrainians as in the example:

Ex.: Ukrainians are helpful because they are always ready to give a hand to other people.

1.      hospitable


a.       willing to give money, help or time freely

2.      frank


b.      believing in good or bad luck,the supernatural

3.      generous


c.       Friendly; good-natured

4.      amiable


d.      welcoming and kind to guests or strangers

5.      superstitious


e.       able to put up with difficult difficulties; open-minded

6.      tolerant


f.       Open, honest and strongly showing true feelings and opinions to others

  6} Add other stereotypes that you have heard.

7} Possible answers:

      1.       Ukraine is not a part of 👿 Russia and everyone speaks 💋Ukrainian.

2.      There is snow in Ukraine all year round.

3.       Beautiful women, who want to move abroad and marry a rich man.

4.      Ukrainians drink too much alcohol.

5.      Ukrainians eat too much lard and that lard is almost the main dish on the table of the ordinary Ukrainians!

6.      Ukrainians are gloomy and non-emotional.

7.      People’s organisms are full of radiation and they can shine in darkness after the Chornobyl catastrophe.

8.       Ukrainians don`t like foreigners.

9.      Recent one – we eat children and everyone has two slaves.

8} Use your own knowledge and experience to break these stereotypes!

What kind of people are we, the Ukrainians?

   According to the 1. …. from the social scientists, the Ukrainian mentality shows thrift and persistence, mysticism and warmth, conservatism and quick understanding. We enjoy life and worship the woman, respect the family and religious 2. ……. We are humane and sentimental, spiritual and a little bit playful... We are not aggressive, we do not 3... penly, and do not toy with the ideas of historical national suffering and we are resistant to the strokes of 4. ….. . And the main visions are clearly 5. …….. In the Ukrainian anthem: “Our enemies will vanish like dew in the sun, and we too shall rule, brothers, in a free land of our own” – meaning we will wait for better and it will come for 6. ………Ukrainian natural curiosity is shown in the educational  7. …… . Almost 40% of Ukrainians have 8. ……..  education. Our national ingenuity and quick 9. …….  proves the major physical law: noting disappears or is lost. Ukrainian intellect simply does not allow it! Lively and quick-witted, optimistic and humorous, pragmatic and conflict-free, careful and curioushere we are, the Ukrainians! 💖They say here: it takes a long time to harness us but if we 10 ……..  up – you would not stop us!

1.      A. information        B. data             C. statistics            D. knowledge

2.      A. values                B. rules             C. laws                   D. stereotypes

3.      A. fight                   B. contradict    C.   argue                D. conflict

4.      A. fate                     B. problems     C.    misfortune      D. destiny    

5.      A. announced         B. accepted      C.    proclaimed      D. pronounced 

6.      A. definitely            B. doubtful       C. absolutely           D. sure 

7.      A. desire                 B. thirst             C. intention              D. drive

8.      A. high                   B. taller              C.  higher                D. highest     

9.      A. wit                    B. intellect          C. experience           D. curiosity 

10.   A. go                      B. speed              C. move                   D. hurry

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