

1  Подивись на схему, поміркуй, що таке КЛУБ.  Ex 2a, p 42Write about the cultural meaning of the word ‘club’ in English. You may use the scheme below.

a group of people for a certain aim

a building where club

people meet

club class = business class

discuss things

an association of who join together


club = nightclub

would like to relax 

fan club

love the same

different interests:

the Tennis Club,

the Stamp Club,

cultural clubs,

sports clubs, 

the Shakespeare Club

place for members: men and women

2 Напиши значення слова КЛУБ. Write: The word ‘club’ means … It is used to … When the English-speaking people have a talk about …, they also use this word. … Besides, it is used when … And finally, …

 Домашня робота: ex 2b, p 42 Think about the club you are going to advertise. Design the text of your advertisement. Take the points below into consideration./Склади рекламу свого клубу.


  • the club title

  • the activities

  • the advantages

  • the invitation for young people to join it

  • contacts

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