


Вчимо англійську.  The Great Inventors of Flight. Listening.

to invent – [ɪnˈvɛnt] – винаходити

inventor – [ɪnˈvɛntə] – винахідник

invention – [ɪnˈvɛnʃən] – винахід

to discover – [dɪsˈkʌvə] – відкрити

discoverer – [dɪsˈkʌvərə] – першовідкривач

discovery – [dɪsˈkʌvəri] – відкриття

escape – [ɪsˈkeɪp] – втікати, втеча

to crash – [kræʃ] – розбиватися

in reverse – [ɪn rɪˈvɜːs] – в зворотному напрямку

backwards – [ˈbækwədz] – назад, в зворотному напрямку

description – [dɪsˈkrɪpʃən] – опис  

pedal – [ˈpɛdl] – педаль

a reason – [ˈriːzn] – причина

to exist – [ɪɡˈzɪst] – існувати

to launch – [lɔːntʃ] – запускати

impossible – [ɪmˈpɒsəbl] – неможливо


Before listening pay attention to these words:

 Daedalus – [ˈdɛdələs] – Дедал - a skillful architect and craftsman in Greek mythology

Crete – [kriːt] – Крит - is the largest and most populous of the Greek islands

King Minos – [kɪŋ ˈminoʊz] – Король Мінос - a King of Crete, son of Zeus and Europa in Greek mythology

Minotaur – [ˈmɪnətɔː] – Мінотавр - mythical creature with the head and tail of a bull and the body of a man

Icarus – [ˈɪkərəs] – Ікар - the son of the master craftsman Daedalus in Greek mythology

Leonardo da Vinci – [liːəˈnɑːdəʊ dɑː ˈvɪnʧi] – Леонардо да Вінчі - an Italian polymath of the High Renaissance who is widely considered one of the most diversely talented individuals ever to have lived

Monte Ceceri – [ˈmɒnti ʧiʧeri] – Монте Чечері - a hill near Fiesole, Tuscany, was named for the swans that would once frequent the area, whose plumage included spots on their backs that  looked like chickpeas

Wilbur and Orville Wright – ['wɪlbə ænd 'ɔːvɪl raɪt] – Уілбур та Орвілл Райт - American aviation pioneers generally flying the world's first successful motor-operated airplane.

Ohio – [əʊˈhaɪəʊ] – Огайо - is a state in the United States

Otto Lilienthal – ['ɒtəu ˈlɪlinθəl] – Отто Лілієнталь -  German pioneer of aviation who became known as the "flying man".

Kitty Hawk – [ˈkɪti hɔːk] – Кітті-Хок - an area where the Wright Brothers flew their first controlled flight in 1903

labyrinth – [ˈlæbərɪnθ] – лабіринт

complicated – [ˈkɒmplɪkeɪtɪd] – складний

feather – [ˈfɛðə] – перо

drown – [draʊn] – потонути

glider – [ˈglaɪdə] – планер

petrol engine – [ˈpɛtrəl ˈɛnʤɪn] – бензиновий двигун

sets of wings – [sɛts ɒv wɪŋz] – набори крил

1. Listen and find the answers to the questions (Ex. 2b, p. 119 by Oksana Karpiuk's textbook).

1. Listen and find the answers to the questions (Ex. 2b, p. 119 by Oksana Karpiuk's textbook).

Who were Daedalus and Icarus? - Daedalus was a famous artist, architect and inventor who worked on the island of Crete. Icarus was his son.

Who was Leonardo da Vinci? -

Who were the brothers Wilbur and Orville Wright? -

2. Decide whether these sentences are true or false (Ex. 3, p. 119 by Oksana Karpiuk's textbook).

1 Daedalus and Icarus escaped by sea. – False. They escaped by air.

2 Daedalus crashed because he flew too close to the coast.

3 Leonardo’s flying machine had wings and pedals.

4 Leonardo launched his machine from Monte Ceceri in Italy.

5 Lilienthal studied the flying of birds.

6 The Wright brothers ran a small car factory.

3. Find the words which mean the next (Ex. 4a, p. 120 by Oksana Karpiuk's textbook).

L________ is a building in which you can spend years without finding your way out.

C________ is not easy.

S________ is something you shouldn’t tell other people.

Candles are made of it w________.

D________ is to die under water.

4. Match (Ex. 4b, p. 120 by Oksana Karpiuk's textbook).

1 launch

2 in reverse

3 descriptions

4 pedals

a) parts of a bicycle

b) something that tells you what something is like

c) backwards

d) send into the sky

5. Wright and name all the parts of an aeroplane (Ex. 4c, p. 120 by Oksana Karpiuk's textbook).

P_______  e_______, t_______, s_______ of  w_______, p_______.

6. Name those who said these sentences (Ex.5, p. 120 by Oksana Karpiuk's textbook).

1 “This horse is still too slow!” — brothers Wilbur and Orville Wright

2 “Well done! 47 seconds longer!” — ___________________________

3 “Why do we need wax?” — _________________________________

4 “I’m really glad it has been published!” — ____________________

5 “Don’t go too close to the sun!” — ___________________________

6 “I’m going to move the wings with pedals!” — _________________

7. Complete the following sentences (Ex.6, p. 121 by Oksana Karpiuk's textbook).

1 Daedalus was an artist and inventor who built a labyrinth and created wings.

2 Icarus was Daedalus’s son who _______

3 Minos was the king who _______

4 Leonardo was an Italian artist who _______

5 Lilienthal was an inventor and writer who _______

6 The Wright Brothers were the Americans who _______

8. Listen to the text and match events with years (Ex.7, p. 121 by Oksana Karpiuk's textbook).


1 People first flew

2 People first ate hamburgers

3 The European first wore glasses

4 People first used mobile phones

5 People first printed books

6 People first watched TV

7 People first travelled by train

8 People watched the first movie

9 People first went to a pizza restaurant

10 People used the first computer

       in 1941.

       in 1905.

       in 1903.

       in 1889.

       in 1895.

       in 1825.

       in 1935.

       in 1448.

       in 1984.

       in 1310

Test yourself:  Lesson 33. The Great Inventors of Flight. Listening.

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