


II semester Form 5 

 Unit 5. Природа. Одяг.  



Погода. “Everything is good in its season”

Seasons` Dancing    ♬♭ GEORGE MEREDITH (1828-1909)      ♬♭

“Now the North wind ceases”

The warm South – west awakes,

The heavens are out of fleeces,

And earth’s green banner shakes”. 

Self-study Training

Topic: ‘Seasons and Weather'

I. Hello, dear Friend! The topic of this lesson is ‘Seasons and Weather'. Before you start working on it close your eyes and try to imagine a beautiful sunny day. Feel the warm wind that blows into your face and smile. So let's start the lesson with this pleasant moment.

II. Read the following words. Some of them are familiar to you, so learn the words and their translation if they are new to you.

Conditions - умови

Sunny - сонячний

Windy - вітряний

Cloudy - хмарний

Foggy - туманний

Ic(e)y - льодяний, холодний

Showery - дощовий; проливний

Humid - вологий, мокрий, сирий

It's pouring with rain / it's raining cats and dogs'    - Йде проливний дощ (Як з відра ллє)

Boiling - жаркий,

Chilly - прохолодний   

Freezing - льодяний

Breeze - легкий вітерець

Gale - шторм; буря

Hurricane - ураган; тропічний циклон

Spell - проміжок часу, період (of - чогось)

Thunderstorm - гроза

Thunder - грім

Lightning - блискавка

Look at this list of common weather words. Notice that it is very common to form adjectives by adding ‘-y'.

 Noun   Adjective 

Sun - сонце

      Sunn- сонячний
Wind - вітер Windy - вітряний
Cloud - хмара Cloudy - хмарний
Ice - лід      Ic(e)- льодяний, слизький, холодний
Fog - туман   Fogg- туманний      
Shower - ливень  Shower- проливний

Heat - жара Hot - жаркий  
Humidity - волога Humid - вологий


When it rains for a short period of time, we call it a shower, e.g.: "We had several showers yesterday afternoon."

When it is raining a lot we often say it's pouring or it's pouring with rain. This phrase is much more common than "it's raining cats and dogs".

 III. Fill in the gaps.

1) scares many people. Грім лякає багатьох людей.
2) Did you see the ? Ти бачив блискавку?
3) There were many  in January. В січні було багато штормів.
4) There is  on the water. На воді лід.
5) There will be a . Буде гроза.
6) bring much rain. Урагани приносять багато дощу.
7) November is often . Листопад часто туманний.
8) Is the sky blue or . Небо блакитне чи хмарне?
9) Yesterday it was a  day. Вчора був вітряний день.
10) Today is a  day Сьогодні прохолодний день.

IV. Try to find as many words connected with the topic ‘Seasons and Weather' as possible:

 Перевір себе:           

Raining,          stormy,

sunny,            cloudy,

windy,             snowing,

foggy,              hot,

warm,              mild,

cold,                 freezing,

autumn,          spring,

winter,            summer.

V. Read the text and be ready to answer the questions after it.

Seasons and Weather

There are four seasons in a year: spring, summer, autumn, and winter. Every season is beautiful in its own way.

When spring comes nature awakens from its long winter sleep. The days become longer and the nights become shorter. The ground is covered with emerald-green grass and the first flowers. The air is fresh, the sky is blue and cloudless, and the sun shines brightly. The trees are in full blossom. The nightingale begins to sing its lovely songs, and sweet melodies may be heard from every wood and park. The days are warm and everything is full of life and joy.

Spring is followed by summer. The weather is usually fine in summer, but it can be very hot, especially in July. Sometimes there are storms with thunder and lightning. In summer people try to get away from the city noise and spend more time in the open air. They pick mushrooms and berries in the forest, swim in the rivers and lakes, go fishing and boating. Most people prefer to have their holidays in summer.

Autumn begins in September. The days become shorter and the nights become longer. The leaves turn yellow, red and brown and fall to the ground. Most birds fly away to warm countries. There is a short spell of dry sunny weather in September, which is called ‘Indian Summer'. It is a beautiful time when the sky is cloudless, the trees around are golden, the air is transparent and it is still warm. But gradually it gets colder and colder. It often rains in October and November which makes autumn an unpleasant season.

In winter the sun sets early and rise late. The rivers and lakes are frozen over. Everything is covered with snow. Sometimes it is very cold, about 25-30 °C below zero. Going out in such weather isn't pleasant. Winter is a good time for sports. People go in for skating and skiing. Tobogganing is also popular, not as a kind of sports, but rather as a fun.

VI. Answer the questions:

1. How many seasons are there in a year?

2. When does nature awaken from her long winter sleep?

3. Why do we like spring so much?

4. Why do people try to spend more time in the open air in summer?

5. Is summer the best season for tourism?

6. Where did you go last summer?

7. What do you usually do on a nasty rainy day?

8. What is the weather like in winter?

9. Do you go in for skating or skiing?

VII. Match the columns:

JanuaryDry weather
FebruarySunny weather 
MarchFrosty weather 
AprilWindy weather 
MayWarm weather 
JuneHot weather 
JulySnowy weather 
AugustCloudy weather 
OctoberWet weather 
NovemberFine weather 
DecemberCold weather

VIII. Read the sentences and say if they are true or false. If the sentence is not true, make it true.

1. We  have snow in June.                                                                                    
2. We  have rain in July and August.
3. We  have warm weather in December.    4. It is  in March.
5. It is  frosty in January.
6. We  have windy weather in February.
7. It is  cold in June.
8. It is  chilly in November.

IX. Let's relax and listen to the song by Frank Sinatra - ‘The Autumn Leaves'. Click twice on the icon below.



X. Listen to the song once more and follow the words. Some of them are missing. Put the missing words into the gaps.

Autumn Leaves

Lyrics by Johnny Mercer

The autumn  drift by the 
The autumn leaves of  and gold
I see your lips, the  kisses
The sunburned  I used to hold
Since you went away the  grow 
And soon I'll hear old  song
But I miss you most of all, my 
When  leaves start to fall
The autumn (leaves) drift by the (window)    
The autumn leaves of (red) and gold
I see your lips, the (summer) kisses
The sunburned (hands) I used to hold
Since you went away the (days) grow (long)
And soon I'll hear old (winter) song
But I miss you most of all, my (darling)
When (autumn) leaves start to fall

XI. Read the poems about each season of the year. Which do you like the best?


In the spring, in the spring, Sweet and fresh is everything!

Winter winds are no more blowing

In the fields all is growing.

In the spring, in the spring

Sweet and fresh is everything

This is the season when snowdrops bloom,

When nobody likes to stay in the room.

This is a season when birds make their nests,

This is the season we all like best.


This is the season when nights are short,

And children have plenty of fun and sport.

Summer's here. Days are long.

And the sun is bright and strong.

Woods are green, the sun is bright,

And the wind is warm and light.

I can bathe, and play and run.

Summer holidays are fun.

The sun shines,

The trees bloom,

The sky is blue,

The rains are few.


This is the season when fruit is sweet.

This is the season when school friends meet.

This is the season when mornings are dark

And birds do not sing in the wood and the park.

The summer is over, the trees all are bare,

There is mist in the garden and frost in the air.

All leaves are yellow and red,

They fall from trees to ground.

The sun is low, seldom bright,

Sometimes it's raining through all night.

I like all trees in autumn time

A maple, a chestnut and a lime.

Their leaves are yellow, red and brown

And they are gently falling down.


This is the season when mornings are dark,

And birds do not sing in the wood and the park.

This is the season when children ski

And Santa Claus brings the New Year Tree.

The snow is falling,

The wind is blowing.

The ground is white

All day and all night.

I wish I were a snowman

So tall and big and white.

I'll never have to clean my teeth

Or go to bed at night.

But maybe Mister Snowman

Is wishing he were me?

But I'll be here when summer comes,

And where will the snowman be?


XII. Exercise 2. Change the following sentences according to the ехаmрlе.

                                       Ex: When the sun shines ... (sunny).

When the sun shines we say that the weather is sunny.

Answer: we say that the weather is sunny

1. When it rains ... (rainy).

2. When it drizzles and sleets ... (nasty).
3. When cold wind blows ... (windy).
4. When there is fine mist over the city ... (misty).
5. When fog is spreading ... (foggy).
6. When the streets are covered with mud and slush ... (muddy and slushy).
7. When the frost is hard ... (frosty).
8. When it is warm ... (fine).
9. When the tеmреrаturе is +25 ... (hot).
10. When the tеmреrаturе has fallen to - 22 ... (very cold).
11. When the sky is covered with clouds........ (cloudy).
12. When the sky is clear ... (cloudless).
13. When the weather often changes ... (changeable).
14. When there is much snow ... (snowy).
15. If the weather doesn't turn to worse ... (to keep fine).
1. We never have snow in June.
2. We sometimes have rain in July and August.
3. We seldom have warm weather in December.
4. It is sometime in March.
5. It is always frosty in January.
6. We often have windy weather in February.
7. It is never cold in June.
8. It is often chilly in November.
 Read, write, sing songs and be happy  (:!