

Health proble
ms. Повторення.

Рroverbs and statements about health

P1. Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.

P2. Health is better than wealth.

P3. The best doctors in the world are Doctor Diet, Doctor Quiet, and Doctor Merryman.

P4. A good laugh is the best medicine.

P5. Good health is better than good medicine.

P6. Wealth is nothing without health.

P7. Americans say “Live every day of your life as though you expect to live forever”. 

H –heart

E –eat

A –accident                                                              

L –lungs

T –take

H –hospital

H – heart, headache, hear…                                            

E –eat, earache, easy …

A –ambulance, accident, ache…

L –lungs, local, lifestyle…

T –take, temperature, throat, tummy…

H –hospital, high, hurt…

You have to make up word combinations and sentences -


·        A head – headache – to have a headache

·        Health – healthy – to be healthy

·        An ear – earache – to have a terrible earache

·        To treat – treatment – to have a treatment

·        Tummy – tummy ache – to have a tummy ache

·        Tooth – toothache – to have a toothache

You should know what to do, when you have problems with your health Today  a doctor will come to us in order to teach you how to avoid different diseases.


-         Can I help you?

-         I have terrible headache and a fever.

-         Let me examine your throat. Open your mouth, please. OK. Your throat is inflamed.

-         Yes, doctor. It’s very painful for me to swallow.

-         Take your temperature, please. Oh, it’s 38.8 C. You should stay in bed for several days, gargle your throat and take this medicine.

-         What’s the dosage?

-         Take the pills three times a day after meals.

-         When should I come next time?

-         I think you should come on Friday.

-         Thank you, goodbye.

If we are ill, we go to the doctor. But do you remember some medical specialties? And now your task is to guess what doctor is this.

v A specialist in disease of the eye – Ps – Oculist

v A person who work in filling, cleaning, taking out teeth and fitting artificial teeth – Ps – Dentist

v A doctor who performs medical operations – Ps – Surgeon

v A doctor, who specializes in heart diseases – Ps – Cardiologist

v A doctor, who specializes in skin diseases – Ps – Dermatologist 

Ps. If someone smokes

It is hard to him to breathe

-         He has an unhealthy heart and lungs

-         He can be ill more often

-         He can’t run quickly and jump higher

-         His teeth are not white

-         His clothes and his breath are the reek of smoke.

Ps. If someone stops smoking

-         He feels better;

-         He will have more energy;

He will get ill less;

-         He will look better;

      -   He will respect himself more;

-         He will do other people no harm;

-         He will become a good example for his friends

Health is better than wealth. 

When we are healthy we are strong, active and full of energy. 

We have to take care of our health and do the things that are useful for us.

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