

                                The Symbols of the Ukrainian State 

The national flag of Ukraine consists of two horizontal stripes. The top is blue and the bottom is yellow. These are the colours of the sky, the rivers and the golden fields of our beautiful country. Blue and yellow (or gold) were symbols of  Rus' Kyivan many centuries ago. They were im­portant colours of the Cossack age. The flag first became the national symbol of Ukraine in 1848. It came back in 1992 when Ukraine became an independent state.

       The trident is an ancient symbol of the Ukrainian people. Its history began about 1,000 years ВC. In the 10th century, it became the emblem of Kyivan princes Volodymyr Velykyi and Yaroslav Mudryi. It officially became the national emblem again in 1992.

        The anthem of Ukraine is "Sche ne vmerla Ukrainy...". Pavlo Chubyns'kyi wrote the words in 1863 and later composer Mykhilo Verbyts'kyi wrote the music. First, it became the national anthem in 1919. In 1992 it came back again.

Task 1. Put « +» if the statement is true and « - » if the statement is false.

1.     The national flag of Ukraine consists of two horizontal stripes.

2.     The top is yellow and the bottom is blue.

3.     The anthem of Ukraine wrote in 1865.

4.     Ukraine became an independent state in 1992.

5.     The trident is an ancient symbol of the Ukrainian people.

6.     The anthem of Ukraine is “Sche ne vmerla Ukrainy…”

Task 2. Choose the correct variant.

1.     The colour of the Ukrainian flag is…

a)     blue and yellow;  b) green and blue; c) brown and white.

    2.  Ukraine became an independent state in…

a) 1994;       b) 1999;     c) 1991.

     3. Who wrote the words to the anthem of Ukraine?

                 a) Pavlo Chubyns’kuy;  b) Mykola Lysenko; c) Mykhailo Verbut’skyi.

     4. Who wrote the music to the anthem of Ukraine?

                a) Mykola Lysenko;  b) Mykhailo Verbut’skyi; c) Pavlo Chubyns’kuy.

     5. The anthem of Ukraine has been written in…

                a) 1863;      b) 1864;    c) 1865.

     6.  The national flag of Ukraine consists of…

            a) two horizontal stripes; b) four horizontal stripes; c) five horizontal stripes.

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