


text, tasks, + ex-es

1) Фонетична зарядка. Let’s read this short rhyme and practice some sounds: [w], [t].

👀We go by car

And we go by train.

We go by boat

And we go by plane.

We go by land,

And sea and air.

We go, go, go

From here to there

2) Мовленнєва зарядка. Мозковий штурм. Brain storming.

  Modern life is impossible without travelling. Say, please:

Why do people travel? What makes them travel?

Tell your suggestions and make notes on the board.

 People travel because they want to visit new countries.

They often travel on business.

We travel to get new impressions.

They travel to meet new friends.

My cousin travels to study at a university.

Some people travel to earn a lot of money.

We travel to visit our relatives.

3) Conversation: T – P1 – P2 … Мовна розминка у вигляді навчальної розмови.

Do you like to travel?

Which types of travel have you tried?

How do you get to school?

When do you prefer to travel?

4) Відгадування загадок.  Guessing of riddles.

T. To check your knowledge about the kinds of transport guess my riddles:

1. This is a house on wheels is running a race,

 Taking people from place to place. 

 2. When it is driven it goes,

When it stops, it falls down.  

3. What is it? That has no wheels

And leaves no tracks on the water behind it?  

4. Through not a bird, not a butterfly,

 I can fly high up in the sky. 

??? (A plane) (A boat) (A bus) (A bike)

55)Reading.  Читання речень,  добирання відповідностей.

Travelling by plane is the fastest. You can get to many cities only in a few hours. You can stop wherever you like. During the trip, you can sit comfortably in the armchair and read, eat or sleep. During the trip, you need no tickets. People can visit many countries by plane. You can get to many cities in a few hours. When the weather is rainy or foggy you can travel by it too. 

Hiking is interesting and it is also good for health. This way of travelling is not the fastest. You can visit many interesting places. It helps to learn many interesting things and enjoy beautiful places as a nature. You don’t need to think about the tickets and timetable.  Hiking helps physical training. You can stop wherever you like.  When the weather is rainy or foggy you can not travel. 

Travelling by train is rather fast and not so expensive. When you are going by train you can sit comfortably in your carriage. You can read and sleep. For this way of travelling you need tickets. You can see the country you are travelling through and not only the clouds as you are flying.

6.    Speaking. Бесіда про переваги і недоліки різних видів подорожей.

Id like to speak about the advantages and disadvantages of different ways of travelling. Look through the text find the information about the advantages and disadvantages of different ways of travelling and write down them in the table. 

+ advantages

- disadvantages

Travelling by plane


expensive tickets

comfortable armchairs

you can’t travel in rainy or foggy days



Travelling by train

rather fast and not so expensive

you need tickets

comfortable seats in carriage




Travelling on foot

good for health


you don’t need tickets


Travelling by car


Tiring for driver



7) Discussing video
8) Imaginary trip.  Speaking. Уявна подорож. Усне мовлення.
   !!! Use I would like ...
               I want ...
               I dreamed about ...
               I hope I`ll ... 
+ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  
I’d like to remind you of some traffic rules.

What is it?  (This is the traffic lights).

The light is green. “Go!”

The light is yellow. “Go slow!”

The light is red. “Stop!”

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