

“Why are the Londoners 

looking at 

photos today?”


The Londoners are doing a project at school about the history of their families. They are looking at photos for their project. Their favourites are the old photos of their great-grandparents.

Rob. Look, this is a photo of my granddad and his mum and dad. My granddad is the baby! He was two months old in this picture.

Mark. When was that?

Rob. In 1940.

Mark. How old was his mother, your great-grandmother, in his picture?

Rob. She was thirty, I think.

Mark. Was your great-grandad thirty?

Rob. No, he wasn’t. He was about forty.

Mark. What were their names?

Rob. Alberto and Flavia.

Mark. They are strange names.

Rob. Yes, my great-grandparents weren’t British. They were Italian. My grandparents and my dad are Italian too.

Mark. Oh, I remember your grandparents. They were here last summer. Were they on holiday?

Rob. Yes, they were. They come to London every summer. I always speak Italian to them.

Task 1     Tick True (+) or False (-)

1. Rob’s grandad was two months old in 1940.

2. His grandmother was thirty in 1940.

3. Alberto and Flavia were Rob’s grandparents.

4. Rob’s great-grandparents were British.

5. Rob’s grandparents were Italian.

6. Rob’s grandparents come to England every summer.

Task 2  Correct the false sentences.

1. Rob looked at a photo of his sister. 

2. His granddad was a baby.

3. It was in 1940.

4. Their names were Alberto and Danielo.

5. His great-grandparents weren`t British. 

6. They were Italian. 

Task 3  Find 12 spelling and grammar mistakes in a story about one family.

                                                             Story. “What's wrong?"

    My friend live in london. His name is Jimmy. He ofen writes to me and I know very much about his familі. 

   Jimmy hes got a sister. Her name is Betty. She is to younger then Jimmy. Their perents are young. Their father is Mr.Johnson. he a doctor. Their mather is Mrs Johnson. She is a doctor, to.

   Jimmy’s grandfather and grandmother are not old. They live on a farm near the see. Jimmy and Betty like to stay at the farm in summer.

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