

Gerund or Infinitive? 
Task 1
Watch the video [ the rule]

 PS: вживається винятково герундій

Дієслово          Значення                       Приклад

Admit              визнавати                    He admitted cheating on the test.

Anticipate         передчувати                I anticipated arriving late.

Appreciate        цінувати                          I appreciated her helping me.

Avoid                уникати He avoided talking to her.

Can’t       help не стриматися, щоб нe ... He can’t help talking so loudly.

Complete           завершити                   He completed renovating the house.

Consider            вважати                 She considered       moving to New York.

Delay                 зволікати                        He delayed doing taxes.

Deny               заперечувати                      He denied committing the crime.

Despise            зневажати                         She despises waking up early.

Discuss            обговорювати                   We discussed working at the company.

Dislike             не любити                         She dislikes working after 5 PM.

Don’t                mind не проти                   I don’t mind helping you.

Imagine          уявляти He imagines working there one day.

Involve          залучати The job involves traveling to Japan once a month.

Keep             продовжувати She kept interrupting me.

Mention       згадувати He mentioned going to that college.

Mind            заперечувати Do you mind waiting here for a few minutes.

Miss             сумувати She misses living near the beach.

Postpone      відкладати He postponed returning to Paris.

Practice       практикувати She practiced singing the song.

Recall         згадати Tom recalled using his credit card at the store.

Recollect     пригадувати She recollected living in Kenya.

Recommend рекомендувати Tony recommended taking the train.

Report        повідомляти He reported her stealing the money.

Resent        обурюватися Nick resented Debbie’s being there.

Resist         опиратися He resisted asking for help.

Risk           ризикувати He risked being caught.

Suggest     пропонувати They suggested staying at the hotel.

Tolerate      миритися I tolerated her talking.

Understand розуміти I understand his quitting.It seems that past and present live in Edinburgh side by side, and it gives a special charm to the city. But in fact, Edinburgh is a busy town.

Task 2
Find this "rule" in the text
    Oliver, Daisy and Alfie are at Oliver and Daisy's home. Oliver is upset, so Daisy and Alfie decide to cheer him up.     

Daisy: What's up, Oli?
Oliver: Hm? Oh, nothing.
Alfie: Oh come on, something's wrong.
Oliver: No, seriously ...
Daisy: Don't tell me, you invited Amy to go to your class dinner but she decided to go with Elliot instead ...
Alfie: Well, you like cooking, so lunch isn't the problem. I know! You want to wear your favourite T-shirt but it's got tomato on it.
Oliver: No! Well, yes, that too – I don't know how to clean it but, no, that's not the real problem. It's … well ... it's Mum.
Daisy: Have you had an argument? When did she phone? Oh, I hate missing her calls!
Oliver: She hasn't called yet, don't worry.
Daisy: So what's up? Come on! Just tell us! I don't like seeing you like this, Oli!
Oliver: Well, she's in Italy. And she promised to take me there. I was looking forward to going. I planned to go to some real Italian restaurants to, you know, have some real Italian food, so I could try to make some at home. And I wanted to visit Rome and Venice and Florence and Siena and ... well, she hasn't even remembered to phone or to send an email or anything!
Daisy: No, but she will. You know she's always so busy. She never stops working. Or maybe she's had a problem. But it'll be cool, she'll phone.
Alfie: Do you know what you need? You need to have some fun! We can pretend to be in Italy!
Daisy: Pretend to be there?
Alfie: Yes! Let's do it! You wanted to practise cooking Italian food, didn't you? So ... here's a cookbook. We just need to choose a dish and then we need to buy ingredients. You cook, Oliver, and I know how to make a great tiramisu. Daisy, you get some Italian music – we can eat in the garden, like at a pavement café.
Daisy: Alfie, you're mad. You're wonderful and mad, and I love doing mad things ...
Sophie: Hi, guys!
Oliver/Daisy: Hi, Mum!
Alfie: Hi, Sophie!
Daisy: How's Italy?
Sophie: Oh, it didn't stop raining all day yesterday, and today it's foggy! It's impossible! I can't see anything or go anywhere. I'll have to come back next month. Oh, and Oli, would you like to come too then? Gennaro Falcone, the famous restaurant owner, has offered to teach you some of his most popular recipes. I told him you really enjoy cooking.
Oliver: I'd love to go, Mum! Thanks!
Sophie: So. What are you doing? It looks ... interesting! 

💭After certain verbs we use the -ing form, and after other verbs we use the infinitive. Sometimes we can use either form and there is no change in meaning. Occasionally we can use either form and there is a change in meaning.

Task 3

Check your grammar: grouping - verb + ing or verb + infinitive

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