

 Text The Life of British Youth” + tasks 1-3

Young people in Great Britain have a wide variety of interests apart of their schoolwork. Here are some of them.

As children, both boys and girls play many games, swim, go boating and camping, and go in for many kinds of sports and outdoor activities. Many of them are members of organizations for boys and girls, the largest of which are those of the Boy Scouts and Girl Guides. Boys and girls are separate. They take an oath to be true to the Queen and country. Besides going in for sports, they organize social  activities and learn all about subjects that interest them, such as woodwork, needlework, cooking, first aid and others.

Secondary schools offer pupils various activities to develop their talents and skills. They have clubs for photography, music, theatre, art, stamp collecting, nature sciences and debating. There are also many societies for school­children who are fond of sports.

Numerous  civil, cultural and religious youth groups and organizations give young people a chance to develop and broaden their interests and gain experience in working together. They also sponsor special programmes for young people.

Most schools and colleges have some form of student government with elections to choose class representatives. They also take part in raising money for public welfare.

Many young people hold part-time job after school hours and during vaca­tions. They earn money delivering newspapers or taking care of small children in private homes.

In Britain, young people have political organizations too. Besides English teenagers are very active in such popular public organizations as "Green Peace".


       an oath – присяга, клятва;                                skills – майстерність, вміння;           

     woodwork – деревяні вироби;                           civil –громадянський;             

     part-time job- додаткова робота                     government –уряд;

     needlework – шитво, вишивання;                     to broaden - розширюватися

     to gain – здобувати, одержувати;                  election – вибори;

     welfare – добробут, достаток;                       to earn – заробляти.

 Task 1 Fill in the gaps

1.      Young people in Great Britain have a wide variety of___________ apart of their schoolwork

a)      interests;                b) occupations;                 c) school subjects;                    d) exams.        


2.      Many of them are members of the __________for boys and girls, the largest of which are those of the  

Boy Scouts and Girl Guides.

a) classes;                b) schools;                 c) clubs;                    d) organizations.        

3.      They take an __________to be true to the Queen and country.

a)       photo;                b) oath;                 c) interest;                    d) argument.         

4.      Secondary schools offer pupils a wide variety of activities to develop their ________and skills.

a)      brains;                b) interests;                 c) talents;                    d) activities.        

5.      Most schools and colleges have some form of student _________with elections to choose class representatives.

a)      government;                b) Parliament;                 c) service;                    d) management.        

6.      Many young people hold __________after school hours and during vaca­tions.

a)      sport competitions;             b) extra-school activities;       c) hometasks;    d) part-time job.  

Task Give short answers to the following questions

1.      Do young people in Great Britain go in for many kinds of sports and outdoor activities?

2.      The largest of the organizations for boys and girls are the Boy Scouts and Girl Guides, aren’t they?

3.      Do young people in Great Britain take an oath to study well at school?

4.      Secondary schools have clubs for photography, music, theatre, art, stamp collecting, nature sciences and debating, don’t they?

5.      Does the Parliament have special programmes for young people?

6.      English teenagers aren’t very active in such popular public organizations as "Green Peace", are they?

Task 3

Write about the life of youth in your town.

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