


Form 11 Повторення.

Focus on Listening  


EX 1 Ask and answer .

1 What European countries do you know? How do you call

their people? What languages do people speak in Europe?

2 What is the widest organisation in Europe?

3 What does the term ‘The Council of Europe’ mean?

4 Is Ukraine a member of the Council of Europe?


EX 2 Listen about the Council of Europe and name the main

areas of its activity.


Ex 3 Listen again, then copy and complete the table below.

 !!! In writing form

·       The Council of Europe is the organisation that unites …

·       Its structure ....

·       It works to ....

·       It has created ....

·       Its programmes ...

 Form 10 Повторення.

Focus on Listening

EX 1 Share your knowledge about Canada. Use the following questions.

1 What do you know about Canada? What is its capital? What does Canada border on?

2 What time zones are there in Canada?

3 What do you know about Canadian history? Where did the original inhabitants and the name of the country come from?

4 What do you know about the lakes in Canada?

5 What are the rivers of Canada?

6 What are the mountains of Canada?

7 Are there some national parks in Canada?

8 Which materials are produced in Canada?

9 What political status does it have?

10 What is its symbol?

11 How is it divided?

12 What is the population like?

13 Do you know any Canadian cities?

EX 2  Listen to the speaker

Listen to some information about Canada and complete

the sentences below.

 !!!   Write the sentences.

1 Canada is … .

2 The country has the longest coastline on … .

3  Canada borders on … in the south.

5 … lakes in Canada.

6 … is suitable for agriculture.

7 Canada is rich in … .

8 Its capital is …

9 The national flag is …

10 Canada is divided into …

11 Canadian population consists of …

12 Some of the large and famous cities are …

 Form 9 Повторення.


Ex 1 Choose the correct item.

1 The uniqueness of the city was formed … Mediterranean

humanism between East and West.

a) due to b) under the infl uence of c) with the help of

2 In the heart of old Lviv there are plenty of houses, which are… .

a) worth your attention b) founded in 1735 c) named after the famous Lvivians

3 Prince Danylo of Halych built … .

a) a marvelous Royal Palace b) solemn building of the

National University c) a castle for his son Leo

4 Theatre named after

M. Zankovetska is built in the style of …

a) Renaissance b) Classicism c) Rococo

5 The city centre is located in a place which is picturesquely

surrounded by

a) seven hills b) plenty of houses

c) different Christian churches

6 Over 80 beautiful domes and towers of sacral buildings are

opened to your eye from … .

a) the Rynok Square b) St. George Cathedral

c) the High Castle

7 In the Museum Pharmacy, which was founded in 1735, you can taste some …

a) dishes of Ukrainian cuisine b) European wines c) ‘iron wine’

8 Liberty Avenue in the south direction is crowned with

the marvelous …

a) curtain “Parnasus” by H. Siemiradzki b) Opera House

c) solemn building of the National University

9 The Lychakiv Cemetry is …

a) a museum in the open b) a place for the Jewish community

c) a place built in “Austrian period’

10 … guarantees enjoyable stay at the city.

a) Technological development b) Historical development

c) Good service

 Ex 2 SPEND YOUR TIME IN the town where you live

Write a guide for the town or city where you live.

Include the following information:

·       how people can get there

·       where they can stay

·       what is it interesting there

·       what to do

·       what to eat

·       what to buy /your recommendation/



1) Фонетична зарядка. Let’s read this short rhyme and practice some sounds: [w], [t].

👀We go by car

And we go by train.

We go by boat

And we go by plane.

We go by land,

And sea and air.

We go, go, go

From here to there

2) Мовленнєва зарядка. Мозковий штурм. Brain storming.

  Modern life is impossible without travelling. Say, please:

Why do people travel? What makes them travel?

Tell your suggestions and make notes on the board.

 People travel because they want to visit new countries.

They often travel on business.

We travel to get new impressions.

They travel to meet new friends.

My cousin travels to study at a university.

Some people travel to earn a lot of money.

We travel to visit our relatives.

3) Conversation: T – P1 – P2 … Мовна розминка у вигляді навчальної розмови.

Do you like to travel?

Which types of travel have you tried?

How do you get to school?

When do you prefer to travel?

4) Відгадування загадок.  Guessing of riddles.

T. To check your knowledge about the kinds of transport guess my riddles:

1. This is a house on wheels is running a race,

 Taking people from place to place. 

 2. When it is driven it goes,

When it stops, it falls down.  

3. What is it? That has no wheels

And leaves no tracks on the water behind it?  

4. Through not a bird, not a butterfly,

 I can fly high up in the sky. 

??? (A plane) (A boat) (A bus) (A bike)

55)Reading.  Читання речень,  добирання відповідностей.

Travelling by plane is the fastest. You can get to many cities only in a few hours. You can stop wherever you like. During the trip, you can sit comfortably in the armchair and read, eat or sleep. During the trip, you need no tickets. People can visit many countries by plane. You can get to many cities in a few hours. When the weather is rainy or foggy you can travel by it too. 

Hiking is interesting and it is also good for health. This way of travelling is not the fastest. You can visit many interesting places. It helps to learn many interesting things and enjoy beautiful places as a nature. You don’t need to think about the tickets and timetable.  Hiking helps physical training. You can stop wherever you like.  When the weather is rainy or foggy you can not travel. 

Travelling by train is rather fast and not so expensive. When you are going by train you can sit comfortably in your carriage. You can read and sleep. For this way of travelling you need tickets. You can see the country you are travelling through and not only the clouds as you are flying.

6.    Speaking. Бесіда про переваги і недоліки різних видів подорожей.

Id like to speak about the advantages and disadvantages of different ways of travelling. Look through the text find the information about the advantages and disadvantages of different ways of travelling and write down them in the table. 

+ advantages

- disadvantages

Travelling by plane


expensive tickets

comfortable armchairs

you can’t travel in rainy or foggy days



Travelling by train

rather fast and not so expensive

you need tickets

comfortable seats in carriage




Travelling on foot

good for health


you don’t need tickets


Travelling by car


Tiring for driver



7) Discussing video
8) Imaginary trip.  Speaking. Уявна подорож. Усне мовлення.
   !!! Use I would like ...
               I want ...
               I dreamed about ...
               I hope I`ll ... 
+ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  
I’d like to remind you of some traffic rules.

What is it?  (This is the traffic lights).

The light is green. “Go!”

The light is yellow. “Go slow!”

The light is red. “Stop!”


English test


     ________      ___________

               Form ____

             School ________

The Symbols of Ukrainian State

The national flag of Ukraine consists of two horizontal stripes. The top is blue and the bottom is yellow.

These are the colours of the sky, the rivers and the golden fields of our beautiful country.

Blue and yellow (or gold) were symbols of Kyivan Rus' many centuries ago. They were im­portant colours of the Cossack age. The flag first became the national symbol of Ukraine in 1848. It came back in 1992 when Ukraine became аn independent state.

The Trident is an ancient symbol of Ukrainian people. Its history began about 1,000 years ВC. In the 10th century it became the emblem of Kyivan princes Volodymyr Velykyi and Yaroslav Mudryi. It officially became the national emblem again in 1992.The anthem of Ukraine is "Sche ne vmerla Ukrainy...". Pavlo Chubyns'kyi wrote the words in 1863

and later composer Mykhilo Verbyts'kyi wrote the music. First it became the national anthem

in 1919. In 1992 it came back again.

1. Put « +» if the statement is true and « - » if the statement is false.

1. The national flag of Ukraine consists of two horizontal stripes.

2. The top is yellow and the bottom is blue.

3. The anthem of Ukraine wrote in 1865.

4. Ukraine became an independent state in 1992.

5. The trident is an ancient symbol of the Ukrainian people.

6. The anthem of Ukraine is “Sche ne vmerla Ukrainy”

Task 2. Choose the correct variant.

1.     The colour of the Ukrainian flag is…

a)     blue and yellow;  b) green and blue; c) brown and white.

2.  Ukraine became an independent state in…

a) 1994;   b) 1999; c) 1992.

3. Who wrote the words to the anthem of Ukraine?

            a) Pavlo Chubyns’kuy;  b) Mykola Lysenko; c) Mykhailo Verbut’skyi.

  4. Who wrote the music to the anthem of Ukraine?

             a) Mykola Lysenko;  b) Mykhailo Verbut’skyi; c) Pavlo Chubyns’kuy.

  5. The anthem of Ukraine wrote in…

          a) 1863;  b) 1864; c) 1865.

  6.  The national flag of Ukraine consists of…

        a) two horizontal stripes; b) four horizontal stripes; c) five horizontal stripes.

Task 3. Ask 3 questions in the comments to the video and answer them.