

TEST Writing: 

  •  Read a very interesting text “The Story of Мc Donald’s”. Today we’ll know many interesting facts about this company. Let’s work.                           
  • «The Story of Мc Donald’s»

1937 — The Мc Donald brothers, Dick and Mark, opened a little drive-in restaurant in Pasadena, California. They served hot dogs and milkshakes.

1945 — They have 20 waiters. All the teenagers in town ate hamburgers there.

1948 — They get paper boxes and bags for the hamburgers. They put the price down from 30 to 15 cents. They cut the menu down from 25 things to only 9. There are no more waiters — it was self-service. So it was cheaper and faster. And they have windows all round the kitchen — so everyone can see it is clean. Parents start bringing their children to the restaurant. Poor families eat at a restaurant for the first time.

1960s — The McDonald's company opens hundreds of McDonald's restaurants all over the States.

1971 — They opened restaurants in Japan, Germany and Australia.

Now the McDonald's company opens a new restaurant every 8 hours. There are more than 14,000 restaurants in over 70 countries. The largest restaurant is in Beijing China and the smallest is in Tokyo.

Мc Donald’s restaurants serve almost exactly the same food in every country. But in Italy, they serve beer, in Norway the Mclak (salmon burger) and in the Netherlands the Groenteburger (vegetarian)!

Clown Ronald McDonald greets the customers at the entrance to the restaurant.

Not so long ago they began to sell Happy Meal. It contains food and a free toy.

              Remember! Fast food is very bad and unhealthy for you!

I. Finish sentences: письмово

1. Мc Donald brothers open...

2. They serve...

3. All the teenagers in town eat...

4. They get paper boxes and bags for...

5. They put the price down from...

6. They cut the menu down from...

7. There are no more...

8. Parents start bringing their children to...

9. Poor families eat at a...

10. The McDonald’s company opens...

11. Now the McDonald’s company opens ...

12. The largest restaurant is in...

13. Мc Donald’s restaurants serve 


14. In Italy they serve...

A) the restaurant.

B) waiters — it is self-service.

C) restaurant for the first time.

D) 25 things to only 9.

E) hundreds of McDonald’s restaurants.

F) 30 cents to 15 cents.

G) a new restaurant every 8 hours.

H) the hamburgers.

I) Beijing in China.

J) hamburgers there.

K) Exactly the same food in every country.

L) hot dogs and milkshakes

M) been

N) a little drive-in restaurant

II. Are these sentences true or false? = письмово

1. The first McDonald’s restaurant opened in New York. 2. The restaurants are cheaper and faster because they are self-service.

3. The first McDonald’s restaurants in Australia opened in the 1960s. 4. You can drink alcohol at McDonald's in Italy.

5. They open a new restaurant every eighteen hours. 6. The largest restaurant is in Ginza, Tokyo.

7. They get paper boxes and bags for the hamburgers in 1948. 8. In 1948 McDonald’s have self-service.

9. In Norway they serve beer. 10. The southernmost restaurant is in Fairbanks, Alaska.

III. Look at these numbers and try to tell how they are connected with the story of 

Мc Donald’s.

1937     1960s    1971   NOW    1945  

“Why are the Londoners 

looking at 

photos today?”


The Londoners are doing a project at school about the history of their families. They are looking at photos for their project. Their favourites are the old photos of their great-grandparents.

Rob. Look, this is a photo of my granddad and his mum and dad. My granddad is the baby! He was two months old in this picture.

Mark. When was that?

Rob. In 1940.

Mark. How old was his mother, your great-grandmother, in his picture?

Rob. She was thirty, I think.

Mark. Was your great-grandad thirty?

Rob. No, he wasn’t. He was about forty.

Mark. What were their names?

Rob. Alberto and Flavia.

Mark. They are strange names.

Rob. Yes, my great-grandparents weren’t British. They were Italian. My grandparents and my dad are Italian too.

Mark. Oh, I remember your grandparents. They were here last summer. Were they on holiday?

Rob. Yes, they were. They come to London every summer. I always speak Italian to them.

Task 1     Tick True (+) or False (-)

1. Rob’s grandad was two months old in 1940.

2. His grandmother was thirty in 1940.

3. Alberto and Flavia were Rob’s grandparents.

4. Rob’s great-grandparents were British.

5. Rob’s grandparents were Italian.

6. Rob’s grandparents come to England every summer.

Task 2  Correct the false sentences.

1. Rob looked at a photo of his sister. 

2. His granddad was a baby.

3. It was in 1940.

4. Their names were Alberto and Danielo.

5. His great-grandparents weren`t British. 

6. They were Italian. 

Task 3  Find 12 spelling and grammar mistakes in a story about one family.

                                                             Story. “What's wrong?"

    My friend live in london. His name is Jimmy. He ofen writes to me and I know very much about his familі. 

   Jimmy hes got a sister. Her name is Betty. She is to younger then Jimmy. Their perents are young. Their father is Mr.Johnson. he a doctor. Their mather is Mrs Johnson. She is a doctor, to.

   Jimmy’s grandfather and grandmother are not old. They live on a farm near the see. Jimmy and Betty like to stay at the farm in summer.



Form 7 Повторення.


англомовних країн.


I.                 Read the texts and match them with the questions.

Which of the movies...

a) has greatly influenced Western culture?

b) is believed to be the best film of a famous director?

c) got four Oscars?

d) is one of the best in the genre of science fiction?

e) unites different stories?

                                THE BEST MOVIES EVER MADE

_______1) «Raiders of the Lost Ark». Being also known as «Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark», the film won four Academy Awards and is famous for special effects in action movies.

_______2) «The Matrix». «The Matrix» is one of the greatest sci-fi movies ever. It also set a new standard in Hollywood for fight scenes.

_______3) «Rear Window». Many critics believe that «Rear Window» is Alfred Hitchcock's best film. They also call it culturally and historically significant.

_______4) «Pulp Fiction». Known for its exciting dialogues, combination of different story lines, and numerous pop culture references, «Pulp Fiction» was nominated for seven Oscars and won the Palme d'Or at Cannes Film Festival in France.

_______5) «The Godfather». «The Godfather» has been recognized as one of the greatest movies ever made. It had one of the greatest casts, screenplays, and directors of all time. So critics speak about the significant effect it had on western culture.

II.            Answer the questions in written form!

• Do you like going to the theatre/cinema?

• What was the title of the last play/film you have seen at the theatre/cinema?

• What was it about?

• What are the names of the characters of the play/film?

• What are the names of the actors and actresses who played in that play/film? 

 Повторення. ТЕСТ


Ex 1 Look at the factfile and check your answers.

zz There are about 30 000 smaller and bigger lakes in Scotland called lochs.

zz There are almost 800 islands in Scotland.

zz Tartan is a woollen material with crossed stripes of different colours. The particular pattern is the symbol of a clan or a family.

zz Scotland’s most famous poet is Robert Burns. His birthday is celebrated all over the world by the Scots wherever they are

on 25 January. It is Burns Night.

zz Some famous actors from Scotland are Sean Connery, Ewan McGregor, Gerard Butler, Billy Connolly, etc.

zz Scotland is a country in the north of the United Kingdom.

zz It occupies a third of Great Britain.

zz The national flag of Scotland is blue with a white cross.

zz The flag is known as St Andrew’s cross.

zz St Andrew is the patron saint of Scotland.

zz There are more than five million inhabitants in Scotland.

zz The capital is Edinburgh. It is Scotland’s second largest city.

zz The largest city is Glasgow.

zz Scotland is surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean and the North Sea.

zz Scotland’s only land border, which it shares with England,

is about 96 miles long.

SCOTLAND  Write the sentences.

1 What’s the biggest Scottish city?

a Dundee   b Edinburgh

c Glasgow  d Aberdeen

2 What is Scotland famous for?

a sunny beaches b a great number of lakes

c long rivers       d its warm sea 

3 What is a kilt?

a knee-length skirt for men b a long party skirt

c knee-length trousers          d a woollen cardigan

4 Who is Scotland’s most famous poet?

a Edgar Allan Poe    b Robert Burns

c James Joyce           d Ian Fleming

5 Which of these actors is not Scottish?

a Hugh Jackman  b Ewan McGregor

c Sean Connery     d Gerard Butler


Form 11 Повторення.

Focus on Listening  


EX 1 Ask and answer .

1 What European countries do you know? How do you call

their people? What languages do people speak in Europe?

2 What is the widest organisation in Europe?

3 What does the term ‘The Council of Europe’ mean?

4 Is Ukraine a member of the Council of Europe?


EX 2 Listen about the Council of Europe and name the main

areas of its activity.


Ex 3 Listen again, then copy and complete the table below.

 !!! In writing form

·       The Council of Europe is the organisation that unites …

·       Its structure ....

·       It works to ....

·       It has created ....

·       Its programmes ...

 Form 10 Повторення.

Focus on Listening

EX 1 Share your knowledge about Canada. Use the following questions.

1 What do you know about Canada? What is its capital? What does Canada border on?

2 What time zones are there in Canada?

3 What do you know about Canadian history? Where did the original inhabitants and the name of the country come from?

4 What do you know about the lakes in Canada?

5 What are the rivers of Canada?

6 What are the mountains of Canada?

7 Are there some national parks in Canada?

8 Which materials are produced in Canada?

9 What political status does it have?

10 What is its symbol?

11 How is it divided?

12 What is the population like?

13 Do you know any Canadian cities?

EX 2  Listen to the speaker

Listen to some information about Canada and complete

the sentences below.

 !!!   Write the sentences.

1 Canada is … .

2 The country has the longest coastline on … .

3  Canada borders on … in the south.

5 … lakes in Canada.

6 … is suitable for agriculture.

7 Canada is rich in … .

8 Its capital is …

9 The national flag is …

10 Canada is divided into …

11 Canadian population consists of …

12 Some of the large and famous cities are …

 Form 9 Повторення.


Ex 1 Choose the correct item.

1 The uniqueness of the city was formed … Mediterranean

humanism between East and West.

a) due to b) under the infl uence of c) with the help of

2 In the heart of old Lviv there are plenty of houses, which are… .

a) worth your attention b) founded in 1735 c) named after the famous Lvivians

3 Prince Danylo of Halych built … .

a) a marvelous Royal Palace b) solemn building of the

National University c) a castle for his son Leo

4 Theatre named after

M. Zankovetska is built in the style of …

a) Renaissance b) Classicism c) Rococo

5 The city centre is located in a place which is picturesquely

surrounded by

a) seven hills b) plenty of houses

c) different Christian churches

6 Over 80 beautiful domes and towers of sacral buildings are

opened to your eye from … .

a) the Rynok Square b) St. George Cathedral

c) the High Castle

7 In the Museum Pharmacy, which was founded in 1735, you can taste some …

a) dishes of Ukrainian cuisine b) European wines c) ‘iron wine’

8 Liberty Avenue in the south direction is crowned with

the marvelous …

a) curtain “Parnasus” by H. Siemiradzki b) Opera House

c) solemn building of the National University

9 The Lychakiv Cemetry is …

a) a museum in the open b) a place for the Jewish community

c) a place built in “Austrian period’

10 … guarantees enjoyable stay at the city.

a) Technological development b) Historical development

c) Good service

 Ex 2 SPEND YOUR TIME IN the town where you live

Write a guide for the town or city where you live.

Include the following information:

·       how people can get there

·       where they can stay

·       what is it interesting there

·       what to do

·       what to eat

·       what to buy /your recommendation/