


   Мова змінюється дуже швидко, саме тому сучасна англійська вже відрізняється від тієї, що ми вчили в школ колисьі. Йдіть уперед разом із мовою та забудьте про вирази, які вже не використовуються. 

     Ось 12 слів, які краще не вживати, а запам'ятати їхні сучасні аналоги. 
Дієслово “shall”  Нас вчили, що завдяки цьому дієслову створюється форма майбутнього часу, зараз дієслово shall майже не використовується, окрім випадків питального речення, коли ви хочете виразити готовність допомогти або виконати спільні дії. Shall I open the door? Shall we go to the cinema? will

How do you do?  Як справи?    Якщо ви не звертаєтеся з цим питанням до королеви, то краще забудьте його. Зараз використовується How are you?

Pupil  учень    Жоден учень в англомовних країнах про себе так не скаже.

Student/ Schoolboy / schoolgirl або можна сказати: My son goes to school Мій син ходить у школу.

Moreover  крім того   Використовуючи це слово, можна зійти за американського письменника 60-х років. Радимо замінити його на besides або also.

Rather   У більшості підручників це слово використовують у значенні достатньо.

This room is rather big Ця кімната достатньо велика. Проте в сучасній англійській говорять quite та really.

It goes without saying  і так зрозуміло. Зараз так не говорять, краще використовувати certainly і definitely (очевидно, безперечно).

Little  маленький   Якщо мова йде про розмір, то краще замінити little на small, наприклад: small room маленька кімната.

Telephone  телефон   Нічого страшного, якщо ви запитаєте: «What is your telephone number?». Проте краще говорити phone або cellphone.

To go in for sport  займатися спортом   Забудьте такий складний вираз.  To do sport / sports.

Refrigerator  холодильник   Дивно, що саме це повне слово досі використовується в підручниках з англійської. У будь-якому випадку знайти його ви зможете тільки в технічних інструкціях, а у спілкуванні краще говорити frige.

Must     Варто розуміти, що дієслово must, хоча й перекладається як повинен, має категоричне забарвлення. Краще використовувати дієслово should, щоб уникнути непорозумінь та конфліктів у спілкуванні. You should read everyday. Ти повинен читати щодня.

What a pity!  Як прикро! Це вираз давно вважається застарілим. Замість нього можна сказати:  «That’s bad!», значення буде те саме.
                                               *За матеріалами сайту Україна Speaking




Відпочинок і дозвілля LET’S HAVE FUN!


2)Tell about different groups of hobbies. Which is your favourite one? k1

3) Complete the Word Map using the clues

Singing songs                                                        _____ to music

______ food                                                         _____ books

______ photographs                                            _____ TV

______ by car                                                       _____ things

______ stories                                                      _____ modern dance

k24) Memory Game.

 T: Now look at these hobbies once again. Name the word coming up and making a circle. (playing sports, singing, dancing, cooking, travelling, fishing, gardening, writing stories, taking photographs, watching TV, listening to music, reading books, going to the theatres collecting stamps…).

5) Game “Mimes”.

 – Let's split into two groups, according to your birthdays (spring-summer, autumn-winter). The pupils whose birthdays are in spring-summer will show different hobbies to those who were born in autumn-winter. Be attentive! You are to give spilleautomater dead or alive 2 the names of different kinds of activities in turn. (Hobbies are written on the cards: reading, drawing, singing, dancing, cooking, knitting, fishing, writing stories, taking photographs, playing the piano).

6) Let's talk about you. Use the table below.


7) Put these activities in 2 groups. Write the headings


!!! If you like more “pink” activities – you are more physical.

If you like more “blue” activities – you are more creative.

Creative or physical – it doesn’t matter. The world needs both types.

8) Writing.    Use the cues to write pairs of sentences. (˅ – like, x – don’t like)

Pete/ like       

Dancing (x)

Swimming (˅)

Dan/ fond of

Listening to music (˅)

Reading (x)

Mum/ like

Painting (˅)

Photography (x)

Mum and Dad/ like

Cycling (x)

Gardening (˅)

Your hobby

Playing computer games (˅)

Collecting stamps

9) Complete the text with the correct form of these verbs.

Word Bank 

Meet, go, do, take, taking, play, play, 

go out, answer, going to, go to

My sister is very active. She has got different hobbies. One of her hobbies is _____ photos. She _____ photos of animals and she’s got a very good camera. She likes _____ the zoo with my dad. And she loves sport. She  _____ tennis and basketball and she _____ swimming. She   _____ the piano and can sing very well. At school she works hard. She _____ questions in class and she _____ her homework. She  _____ with her friends – they _____ the cinema or to parties. Sometimes I _____ her friends and they are very friendly to me.

If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands (clap clap)
If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands (clap clap)
If you’re happy and you know it, then you really want to show it
If you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands. (clap clap)

If you’re happy and you know it, stomp your feet (stomp stomp)
If you’re happy and you know it, stomp your feet (stomp stomp)
If you’re happy and you know it, then you really want to show it
If you’re happy and you know it, stomp your feet. (stomp stomp)

If you’re happy and you know it, say « Hooray!
If you’re happy and you know it, say « Hooray!
If you’re happy and you know it, then you really want to show it
If you’re happy and you know it, say «Hooray!

10) My day:

11) True or False?

Home work:



Природні катаклізми як явище в природі

Слова / назви катаклізмів/:


Відпрацьовуємо фрази:



I am concerned about (global climate change / more natural disasters / …) + Why ?


In my opinion, the “environmental crisis” (will be solved by scientists / is not a problem because nature is strong enough to restore itself /...) + Why ?

Мене турбує (глобальна зміна клімату / більше стихійних лих / …) + Чому ?


На мою думку, «екологічна криза» (вирішуватимуть науковці / це не проблема, бо природа досить сильна, щоб відновити себе /...) + Чому ?

!!! Важлива персональна думка!

Домашнє завдання: письмово відповідаємо на одне питання Why ???  -


1. How much do you worry about the environment?
2. How has the environment changed since your childhood?
3. Are you interested in reading articles or watching TV programmes about environmental problems?
4. What are the main environmental problems in your country?
5. How do you feel about recycling?
6. Which kind of energy do you support?
7. What are the biggest environmental problems in the world?

8. Are the recent natural disasters the result of human influence on the environment?
9. Do you see any changes in the weather or climate of your place?
10. What are the factors that have contributed to global warming?
11. What can governments do to save our environment?
12. How can we protect the environment and at the same time improve people’s standard of living?
13. What can individuals do to help the environment?
14. Have you ever done anything to help the environment?
15. What do you think about environmental groups like Greenpeace?
16. What can be done to increase the awareness about environmental problems?
17. Is the planet being gradually damaged?
18. How will the world look like in 100 years?

Бережи  себе!

 Alan Milne

Alan Milne was born in London on the 18th of January in 1882. His father was the headmaster of a small preparatory school.

 One of the teachers at the school was the famous writer H. G. Wells. Milne went to Westminster School at the age of 11 and then went on to Cambridge to become a mathematician. Instead, he became the editor of the university's journal "Granta" in which he published some of his light humorous poems. Then he went to London hoping to earn his living as a writer. At the age of 24 he was given the post of assistant editor of the famous magazine "Punch".

      In 1913 he married Dorothy De Selincourt and the following year when the war broke out he joined the Army. The Milnes' only child was born on August 21st 1920. They called their son Christopher Robin. The Milne's bought him a teddy bear for his first birthday. The teddy bear was soon name Winnie, after a real-life bear that lived in London Zoo. A. A. Milne wrote a lot of poems for Christopher Robin and about him. 

       In eleven days he wrote so many children's poems that they filled a book. It was published in 1924 under the name "When We Were Very Young" and sold half a million copies. In 1925 the Milnes bought a farm in Sussex, which they used for weekends away from London. From his old house it was a short walk over a bridge into the Ashdown Forest where Christopher Robin and his teddy, now known by the name of "Winnie-the-Pooh" or "Pooh Bear", used to play. Each daily adventure in the Forest gave A. A. Milne more material for his now-famous book "Winnie-the-Pooh" published in 1926. The illustrations to it were done by Ernest Shepard, who drew all the well-loved Pooh characters and places.

     In this cartoon we can see again the favourite characters and the places where they live: Christopher Robin, Winnie, Piglet, Eeyore, Kanga and Roo, Rabbit, Owl. After the book "Winnie-the-Pooh" A. A. Milne wrote another book of children's verses – "Now We Are Six" and "The House at Pooh Corner".

     What happened to Winnie-the-Pooh? Well, the bear was put into the glass case in the museum with all the other toy animals.

     After Milne died in 1956, his widow sold her rights to the Pooh characters to the Walt Disney Company, which has made many Pooh cartoon movies.



an achievement 

an essay 

an inspiration 

a success 

to achieve 

to inspire 


due to smth








 за рахунок чогось

  • As for me, I prefer Disney's version,  it's more lively, and bright.
  • Подивиться мультфільм /американська версія дуже цікава!

Questions. Text "Alan Milne":

  1. What was Alan Milne's father's profession?
  2. Where did Milne study mathematics, and what did he become editor of instead?
  3. How old was Milne when he started working for the magazine "Punch"?
  4. What was the name of Milne's son, and when was he born?
  5. Where did the inspiration for Winnie-the-Pooh come from?
  6. What was the title of Milne's first successful children's poem book?
  7. Where did Christopher Robin and Winnie-the-Pooh spend their time playing?
  8. Who illustrated the famous "Winnie-the-Pooh" book?
  9. What happened to the original Winnie-the-Pooh teddy bear after Milne's death?
  10. Which version of Winnie-the-Pooh do you prefer, the original or the Disney adaptation, and why?



  • Outstanding People of Ukraine (Видатні люди України) Ukrainian Scientists - Українські вчені Yevhen Paton - Євген Патон

  Yevhen Paton was born in 1870 in a French town Nizza.

Paton was an outstanding constructor and a scientist.

    Since 1929 Paton was the member of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences.

He graduated from the Polytechnical Institute of Dresden in 1894 and St Petersburg Institute of Civil Engineers in 1896.

    In 1904—1939 Paton was the professor of Kyiv Polytechnical Institute.

Heading the laboratory of testing the bridges, he formulated the main scientific principles and discovered the scientific technology of testing the bridges.

    In 1896—1929 he constructed 35 bridges, among them the main bridge across the Dnieper in Kyiv.

Now this bridge bears his name.

    In 1929 Paton organized the laboratory of electric welding, which became an Institute in 1934.

Yevhen Paton died in 1953 in Kyiv.

  Євген Патон народився в 1870 році у французькому місті Ніцца.

Патон був видатним будівельником і вченим.

    З 1929 року Патон був членом Української Академії наук.

Він закінчив Політехнічний інститут у Дрездені в 1894 році і Санкт-Петербурзький інститут цивільних інженерів у 1896 році.

    У 1904—1939 роках Патон працював професором Київського політехнічного інституту.

Очолюючи лабораторію випробування мостів, він сформулював основні наукові принципи і розробив наукову технологію випробування мостів.

    У 1896—1929 роках він побудував 35 мостів, серед них основний міст через Дніпро в Києві.

Зараз цей міст носить його ім’я.

    У 1929 році Патон організував лабораторію електрозварювання, що стала інститутом у 1934 році.

Євген Патон помер у 1953 році в Києві.

  • Письмово у зошиті відповісти: Questions:

1. Where and when was Yevhen Paton born?

2. What was he?

3. What can you tell about Yevhen Paton?

4. What are his main contributions to the Ukrainian science?

5. What laboratory did he organize in 1929?