

 #2 Summer is the time to have fun, restore your strength and refresh your knowledge.

Літо - час весело провести час

відновити сили та освіжити знання.


Their education @ life.

TASK: Complete each sentence with one of the words below. One word is odd out.

 !!! Choose: secondary  punishment education trouble allowed  private 

                     behaved  argument compulsory depressed argue
1. Students are … to talk freely about  their problems.
2. I'm frightened of getting into … , but it's not true.
3. The education in … schools is very expensive.
4. Public schools are famous not only for their perfect … .
5. Each teacher reports if you have … well or badly.
6. In Ukrainian schools there are several types of … like in British schools.
7. Martin is … because he can't speak to the girl he really likes.
8. It's a strong … .
9. You shouldn't … with your parents.
10. At … school pupils study for five years.

PS: yes bro, student life is not easy... Motivation - is a great power!


1. Students are allowed  to talk freely about their problems.

2. I'm frightened of getting into trouble, but it's not true.

3. The education in private  schools is very expensive.

4. Public schools are famous not only for their perfect education.

5. Each teacher reports if you have behaved  well or badly.

6. In Ukrainian schools there are several types of punishment  like in British schools.

7. Martin is depressed  because he can't speak to the girl he really likes.

8. It's a strong argument.

9. You shouldn't argue  with your parents.

10. At secondary school pupils study for five years.



#1 Summer is the time to have fun, restore your strength and refresh your knowledge.

Літо час весело провести час, відновити сили та освіжити знання.

Let`s read and smile (:

                   At a Barber’s Shop

(Canadian Falk Tale/Joke)

     A man entered a barber’s shop with a five- or six-year-old boy holding his hand. He was in a great hurry and asked the barber to cut his hair first and then to cut the boy’s hair. “He can wait, I want you to cut my hair first”, he said.

     The barber did as he was told and when he had finished the man got out of the chair, and the boy took his place. The man excused himself and said he was in a great hurry and would be back in a few minutes and pay for them both. Then he left, and the barber began to cut the boy’s hair. When he had finished, he picked the boy up and placed him in a chair to wait. He gave him a magazine to look through.

     An hour passed. Two hours passed. At last, the barber said to the child, “Don’t worry, your father will be back soon.”

    “My father?” said the boy. “He isn’t my father. I was playing in the street and he came along and said, “Come with me, little boy. Let’s go into this barber’s shop together and have our hair cut.”

Read to the text and fill in each space with the necessary words.

1.    A man entered …… with a boy of ………years old.

2.    He was in ……and asked the barber to …… first.

3.    When he had finished the man got out of …., and the boy …….

4.    The man said that he …… in a few minutes and would pay for …..

5.    When the barber ……, he placed him in …… to wait.

6.    He gave him …… to look through.

7.    Two hours passed but the man …….

8.    The boy told the barber that the man wasn’t his ……

9.    The boy was playing ….. when the man came along and proposed him to go into ….. together.


a)   a great hurry

b)   a barber’s shop

c)    in the street

d)   five or six

e)    a magazine

f)     didn’t come back

g)   cut his hair

h)   the chair

i)      them both

j)      father

k)    took his place

l)      would be back

m)had finished


Gerund or Infinitive? 
Task 1
Watch the video [ the rule]

 PS: вживається винятково герундій

Дієслово          Значення                       Приклад

Admit              визнавати                    He admitted cheating on the test.

Anticipate         передчувати                I anticipated arriving late.

Appreciate        цінувати                          I appreciated her helping me.

Avoid                уникати He avoided talking to her.

Can’t       help не стриматися, щоб нe ... He can’t help talking so loudly.

Complete           завершити                   He completed renovating the house.

Consider            вважати                 She considered       moving to New York.

Delay                 зволікати                        He delayed doing taxes.

Deny               заперечувати                      He denied committing the crime.

Despise            зневажати                         She despises waking up early.

Discuss            обговорювати                   We discussed working at the company.

Dislike             не любити                         She dislikes working after 5 PM.

Don’t                mind не проти                   I don’t mind helping you.

Imagine          уявляти He imagines working there one day.

Involve          залучати The job involves traveling to Japan once a month.

Keep             продовжувати She kept interrupting me.

Mention       згадувати He mentioned going to that college.

Mind            заперечувати Do you mind waiting here for a few minutes.

Miss             сумувати She misses living near the beach.

Postpone      відкладати He postponed returning to Paris.

Practice       практикувати She practiced singing the song.

Recall         згадати Tom recalled using his credit card at the store.

Recollect     пригадувати She recollected living in Kenya.

Recommend рекомендувати Tony recommended taking the train.

Report        повідомляти He reported her stealing the money.

Resent        обурюватися Nick resented Debbie’s being there.

Resist         опиратися He resisted asking for help.

Risk           ризикувати He risked being caught.

Suggest     пропонувати They suggested staying at the hotel.

Tolerate      миритися I tolerated her talking.

Understand розуміти I understand his quitting.It seems that past and present live in Edinburgh side by side, and it gives a special charm to the city. But in fact, Edinburgh is a busy town.

Task 2
Find this "rule" in the text
    Oliver, Daisy and Alfie are at Oliver and Daisy's home. Oliver is upset, so Daisy and Alfie decide to cheer him up.     

Daisy: What's up, Oli?
Oliver: Hm? Oh, nothing.
Alfie: Oh come on, something's wrong.
Oliver: No, seriously ...
Daisy: Don't tell me, you invited Amy to go to your class dinner but she decided to go with Elliot instead ...
Alfie: Well, you like cooking, so lunch isn't the problem. I know! You want to wear your favourite T-shirt but it's got tomato on it.
Oliver: No! Well, yes, that too – I don't know how to clean it but, no, that's not the real problem. It's … well ... it's Mum.
Daisy: Have you had an argument? When did she phone? Oh, I hate missing her calls!
Oliver: She hasn't called yet, don't worry.
Daisy: So what's up? Come on! Just tell us! I don't like seeing you like this, Oli!
Oliver: Well, she's in Italy. And she promised to take me there. I was looking forward to going. I planned to go to some real Italian restaurants to, you know, have some real Italian food, so I could try to make some at home. And I wanted to visit Rome and Venice and Florence and Siena and ... well, she hasn't even remembered to phone or to send an email or anything!
Daisy: No, but she will. You know she's always so busy. She never stops working. Or maybe she's had a problem. But it'll be cool, she'll phone.
Alfie: Do you know what you need? You need to have some fun! We can pretend to be in Italy!
Daisy: Pretend to be there?
Alfie: Yes! Let's do it! You wanted to practise cooking Italian food, didn't you? So ... here's a cookbook. We just need to choose a dish and then we need to buy ingredients. You cook, Oliver, and I know how to make a great tiramisu. Daisy, you get some Italian music – we can eat in the garden, like at a pavement café.
Daisy: Alfie, you're mad. You're wonderful and mad, and I love doing mad things ...
Sophie: Hi, guys!
Oliver/Daisy: Hi, Mum!
Alfie: Hi, Sophie!
Daisy: How's Italy?
Sophie: Oh, it didn't stop raining all day yesterday, and today it's foggy! It's impossible! I can't see anything or go anywhere. I'll have to come back next month. Oh, and Oli, would you like to come too then? Gennaro Falcone, the famous restaurant owner, has offered to teach you some of his most popular recipes. I told him you really enjoy cooking.
Oliver: I'd love to go, Mum! Thanks!
Sophie: So. What are you doing? It looks ... interesting! 

💭After certain verbs we use the -ing form, and after other verbs we use the infinitive. Sometimes we can use either form and there is no change in meaning. Occasionally we can use either form and there is a change in meaning.

Task 3

Check your grammar: grouping - verb + ing or verb + infinitive




1) подивись відео та склади таблицю англійських граматичних часів

2) вправи на англійські граматичні часи //потренуйся + пограй
 🆘 чи


«The Olympic Games»

The first Olympic Games took place in Greece more than six hundred years ago. They had competitions not only in sports but in music, speaking and theatre performances as well. Only men could take part in them, but not women.

Then for one thousand and five hundred years nothing was heard of them. The modern Olympic Games began again in 1896 and nine countries took part in them. The Olympics took place in Greece, but after that every four years the Olympics moved to another city.

The Olympic Games take place every four years. During the two world wars, there were no Olympic Games because they couldn’t take place in a country which is at war. During the Olympic Games, there are competitions in many kinds of sports like running, jumping, swimming, athletics and others.

Winter Olympic Games first took place in 1924, and they were the same year as the Summer Olympic Games. But after starting in 1994, the Winter Olympic Games took place two years after the Summer Games. Sportsmen from many countries take part in skiing, hockey, skating and other sports

Choose the correct answer.

1.         Where were the first Olympics?

a) in Rome;                 b) in Greece;        c) in Egypt.

2.         How many events were there?

a) only one;                       b) three;                 c) different.

3.         What was the prize for the winner at the first Games?

a)  an olive wreath     b) an orange;         c) an apple.

4.         How often are the Olympics held?

a) every five years;     b) every three years;      c) every four years.

5.         How many prizes are there for each event?

a) one;                         b) three;                       c) two 

6.         Are there Winter Olympic Games?

a) Yes, there are;        b) No, there aren’t;       c) Every two years.

7.         How many rings does the Olympic flag have?

a) four;                        b) six;                           c) five

8.         The Olympic flag shows the colours of ... 

a) Greek flag;             b) flags of all continents;  c)   champion   

Check yourself    ➷ : 1 b, 2 c, 3 a, 4 c, 5 b, 6 c, 7 c, 8 b.

5 ways the ancient Olympics 

differ from the modern games 🇬🇷

Now an international competition focused primarily on athleticism, the Olympic games have evolved considerably from their roots in ancient Greece.

The modern Olympic Games differ significantly from the original competitions of ancient Greece. Read on to learn some of the fundamental changes instituted over the centuries.

1. 🇬🇷 The naked truth

Ancient Olympians competed in the nude. In fact, the roots of the word “gymnasium” rest in two Greek terms meaning “naked” and “place.”

2. 🇬🇷 Beyond physical training

The athletes of yore exercised not only their bodies, but their minds, including discussions of philosophy in their efforts. (USC commemorates this mind-body philosophy today with a Greek motto emblazoned on an archway near the athletic fields: “A healthy mind in a healthy body.”)

3. 🇬🇷 No holds barred 

Whereas modern Olympic boxing, wrestling and martial arts adhere to strict rules, the pankration (pronounced “pan-KRAH-tee-own”) combined wrestling and boxing, and allowed nearly any move other than biting and eye-gouging.

4.🇬🇷 A religious experience

The ancient game venue featured a plethora of temples dedicated to the ancient gods, including one that held one of the wonders of the world, a giant statue of Zeus made of wood, ivory and gold.

5. 🇬🇷 No girls allowed

In the ancient Olympics, only Greek men could compete. The modern Olympics feature both men and women international athletes.

5 способів стародавньої Олімпіади

відрізняються від сучасних ігор 🇬🇷

Тепер Олімпійські ігри, які є міжнародними змаганнями, зосередженими в основному на легкій атлетиці, суттєво еволюціонували від свого коріння в Стародавній Греції.

Сучасні Олімпійські ігри істотно відрізняються від первісних змагань Стародавньої Греції. Читайте далі, щоб дізнатися про деякі фундаментальні зміни, запроваджені протягом століть.

1. 🇬🇷 Гола правда

Стародавні олімпійці змагалися оголеними. Насправді слово «гімназія» походить від двох грецьких термінів, що означають «голий» і «місце».

2. 🇬🇷 Крім фізичної підготовки

Спортсмени минулих часів тренували не лише свої тіла, а й розум, включаючи обговорення філософії у своїх зусиллях. (Сьогодні USC вшановує цю філософію розуму та тіла грецьким девізом, вибито на арці біля спортивних полів: «Здоровий дух у здоровому тілі»).

3. 🇬🇷 Без обмежень

У той час як сучасний олімпійський бокс, боротьба та бойові мистецтва дотримуються суворих правил, панкратіон (вимовляється як «pan-KRAH-tee-own») об’єднує боротьбу та бокс і дозволяє практично будь-які рухи, крім кусання та виколювання очей.

4.🇬🇷 Релігійний досвід

У стародавньому ігровому місці було безліч храмів, присвячених стародавнім богам, у тому числі храм, у якому зберігалося одне з чудес світу — гігантська статуя Зевса з дерева, слонової кістки та золота.

5. 🇬🇷 Дівчатам заборонено

На стародавніх Олімпійських іграх змагатися могли лише грецькі чоловіки. На сучасних Олімпійських іграх беруть участь міжнародні спортсмени як чоловіки, так і жінки. 


Тема: Спорт  у Великій Британії .

1)                                        Повторення.

Повторити слова  

2        Читати:

Sports in Great Britain/Спорт у Великобританії

The British are known to be great sports lovers, so when they are neither playing nor watching games, they like to talk about them. Many of the games we play now have come from Britain.

One of the most British games is cricket. It is often played in schools, colleges, universities and by club teams all over the country. Summer isn't summer without cricket. To many Englishmen, cricket is both a game and a standard of behaviour. When they consider anything unfair, they sometimes say: "That isn't cricket."

But as almost everywhere else in the world, the game which attracts the greatest attention is Association football or soccer. Every Saturday from late August till the beginning of May, large crowds of people support their favourite sides in football grounds. True fans will travel from one end of the country to the other to see their team play. There are plenty of professional and amateur soccer clubs all over Britain. International football matches and the Cup Finals take place at Wembley.

Rugby football is also very popular, but it is played mainly by amateurs.

Next to football, the chief spectator sport in British life is horse racing. Many people are interested in the races and risk money on the horse which they think will win. The Derby is the most famous single sporting event in the whole world.

Britain is also famous for motor car racing, dog racing, boat racing, and even races for donkeys. The famous boat race between the teams of Oxford and Cambridge attracts large crowds of people.

A great number of people play and watch tennis. Tennis tournaments at Wimbledon are known all over the world. The innumerable tennis courts of Britain are occupied by people between the ages of 16 and 60 who show every degree of skill — from practically helpless to the extremely able.

The British also like playing golf, baseball, and grass hockey. Various forms of athletics, such as running, jumping, swimming, and boxing are also popular. You can sometimes hear that there are no winter sports in England. Of course, the English weather is not always cold enough to ski, skate, or toboggan, but winter is a good season for hunting and fishing. Indeed, sports in one form or another are an essential part of daily life in Britain.


Британці, як відомо, великі любителі спорту. Так що коли вони не грають і не дивляться ігри, вони люблять про них поговорити. Багато з ігор, в які ми граємо зараз, прийшли з Англії.

Одна з найбільш британських ігор - крикет. У нього дуже часто грають в школах, коледжах, університетах та клубними командами по всій країні. Літо - не літо без гри в крикет. Для багатьох англійців крикет є і грою, і стандартом поведінки. Коли вони вважають несправедливим що-небудь, вони іноді говорять: "Це не за правилами" (Це не крикет).

Але, як і майже скрізь у світі, гра, яка привертає найбільшу увагу це футбол. Щосуботи з кінця серпня до початку травня, великих натовпу народу підтримують улюблені команди на футбольних полях. Справжні фанати подорожують з одного кінця країни в інший, щоб побачити ігри своєї команди. Є безліч професійних і аматорських футбольних клубів по всій Англії. Міжнародні футбольні матчі і фінали Кубків проводяться на "Уемблі".

Регбі також дуже популярний вид спорту, але грають в основному любителі.

На наступному місці після футболу, найбільш видовищний вид спорту для британців це скачки. Багато людей зацікавлені в бігах і ставлять гроші на коня, який на їхню думку, переможе. Дербі, мабуть, найвідоміше спортивна подія у всьому світі.

Великобританія також відома автогонками, перегонами собак, веслуванням, і навіть стрибками ослів. Знаменита гребна гонка між командами Оксфорда і Кембриджа приваблює натовпи людей.

Велике число людей грає і дивиться теніс. Тенісний турнір у Вімблдоні відомий у всьому світі. На незліченних тенісних кортах Великобританії займаються люди у віці від 16 до 60, що демонструють всі ступені майстерності - від практично безпорадного до чемпіонського.

Британці також люблять грати в гольф, бейсбол, хокей, хокей на траві. Різні види легкої атлетики, такі як біг, стрибки, плавання, бокс також популярні. Іноді можна почути, що в Англії немає зимових видів спорту. Звичайно, англійська погода не завжди достатньо холодна для катання на лижах, ковзанах або санчатах, але зима - хороший сезон для полювання і риболовлі. Дійсно, спорт в тій чи іншій формі, є невід'ємною частиною повсякденного життя Англії.


Task 1. Read and translate the text. Say if the following sentences are true or false.

The British as a nation do all kinds of things in their free time: they go shopping or jogging, they play darts or football, they collect records or stamps, they go to church or to a pub. Of course, some of these are free time activities, like visiting relatives or taking driving lessons, which may be boring. Leisure is the fastest-growing industry in Britain.

According to the latest figures, the most popular activity of all is walking: 35 million British people regularly walk two miles or more a day. More energetically, 10 million people attend “keep fit” classes or take part in aerobics or yoga, and half as many do weight training in a gym. About 9 mln people go cycling, 4 mln go jogging, and the same number play football and golf. Other popular sports are bowling, tennis and squash.

Watching other people playing is also a popular leisure activity: the favourite sports among TV viewers are football, horse­racing, cricket and tennis. But also millions watch the matches on TV, not so many go regularly to the stadium to watch football matches.

The fitness boom of the 80s led to a big rise in the number of people participating in sports.

Over 1.500 private health and fitness clubs and the same number of public leisure centres have been built during the past 20 years to cater for this boom. These modern centres with swimming­pools, tennis courts and gyms are places for people to spend their leisure time and money. Families can ever spend their holidays at huge indoor water­parks, where they can play or relax all day long without worrying about the weather outside. But this may not be helping them to get fitter: the British may become a nation of splashers but not a nation of swimmers.

  1. According to the latest figures, walking is the most popular activity.

  2. Watching other people playing is a boring leisure activity.

  3. The favourite sports among TV viewers are bowling, golf and squash.

  4. Over 3,000 private health and fitness clubs and the same number of public leisure centres have been built during the past 20 years.

  5. The British may become a nation of splashers but not a nation of swimmers.

***Test yourself/ перевір себе // відповісти на питання / answer :

  • What sports do you like?
  •  What sports do you do?
  •  Which days do you do these sports?
  •  What games do you like?
  •  Which sports do you watch on TV?
  •  What sports are you good at?

Do the questionnaire to check if sport plays an important part in your life. 


1 Which games do you like?

a) Dodgeball, hopscotch, tag, football.   b) Cards, monopoly and computer games.

2 Do you like PE at school?

a) Yes, I do.   b) No, I don’t.

3 Do you work out every day?

a) No, I don’t.   b) Yes, I do.

4 What do you prefer?

a) Playing football.   b) Watching a football match on TV.

5 What do you do when you come home from school?

a) I go out and ride my bike or roller skate.   b) I sit down at my computer.

6 There are two interesting programmes on TV at the same time. What do you watch?

a) The handball match.   b) The film.

7 What is your favourite holiday activity?

a) Eating ice cream.   b) Swimming and diving.

8 Your class is playing a dodgeball match against the other class. Do you give your best to win?

a) Yes, I do.   b) No, I don’t.

5 Do the questionnaire to check if sport plays an important part in your life.

***a questionnare  — анкета

***to dodge  — ухилятися

Check your points.

     1  2 3 4 5 6 7 8

A 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1

B 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0


0-4 points

You are not very interested in sports. You prefer other activities. But remember, doing sport is very good for your health. So why don’t you try some sport? Now is the right time to start.

5-8 points

Sport is very important for you. It is clear that you really enjoy doing and watching sports. Who knows, maybe one day you will win an Olympic medal!